Equipment Care
Please help take care of our equipment, much of which is fragile and expensive to replace.
Do not drag the boards on the ground, especially on the gravel.
For the beginner boards, it's much easier to have two people carry the board, so help each other out.Â
Do not leave boards unattended in the water. The waves will either bang it against the rocks and cause damage, or carry it away faster than you can swim.
Exception: you can secure your rig to one of the bouys with a suitable knot (e.g., bowline or two half-hitches) or a twist tie. If you don't know knots, learn them (if you have to learn one knot, learn the bowline).
Sails should always have their mast side facing the wind, both when carrying them and when leaving them on the ground.
Always use washers when attaching a fin*, both a metal and rubber washer, with the rubber the only part that touches the board. Otherwise, the metal will eat into the board:
and make the hole too big:
*The exception to the washer rule is the Bic Techno, which already has built-in metal washers:
Make sure the screw is long enough to tighten the fin, but not so long that the fin jiggles.
Keep track of all screws, nuts, and other small parts. They're expensive to replace (being stainless steel and metric, thus not available in local stores). If you leave any small part in the grass, they tend to disappear.
Inside the shed is this rack of assorted screws and parts:
Note the lower-right "unsorted" compartment. If you have a piece and are unsure where it goes, or in a hurry to leave, just put it in the "unsorted" compartment, and some OCD member will sort them out later. (And if you're such an OCD member, feel free to sort them. :-)