CasualConc and CasualTagger 0.4

投稿日: Sep 16, 2009 5:15:30 PM

I uploaded newer versions of CasualConc and CasualTagger.


New features:

- Fisher's Exact Test in Collocation Stats Calculators (experimental, optional in Preferences)

- Calculator for 2x2 contingency table


Enhanced features:

- word count now works with untagged text ('None' is added to options)

- kwic search for specified word(s)/phrase(s) is available (it was only possible from a word list)

- simple sort in kwic

- word count and kwic with multiple files (optional)

- editor now accepts text files encoded other than UTF-8 (set in Preferences)

- ignore specified tags or file information (by specifying an end marker/tag) in word count and kwic

The documentation will be updated soon.