CasualPConc Preferences


You can set CasualPConc to remember the last open database file.

Word Count

Allow multiple word search

By default kwic search of multiple words in one corpus is enabled. This is for searching words in two corpora. If this is enabled, you can select words from both corpora on Word Count tables, and clicked words to run Concord will be the main corpus search word.

Minimum Frequency

You can specify minimum frequencies to be displayed on corresponding tables.

Application to open files

You can specify applications to open a file when you click Open with Application button in File view. At this moment, you cannot specify an application for OpenOffice documents.

Corpus Transcription

You need to specify whether words are separated by single-byte spaces for each corpus. Check this for English and most European languages and uncheck this for East Asian languages unless you preprocessed your text files. Set this for each corpus.

Collocation with individual keyword

If you search multiple words in collocation, you can choose if you want to search context words for individual search word (keyword) or for all the search word. Set this for each corpus.

Stop Word List/Skip Character List

Select whether you want to use a stop word/skip character list for corpora and specify which list to be applied to each corpus. You can't select any language until you create stop word/skip character list. For more information about stop word/skip character list, see this page.

Mecab (for Leopard only)

If you have installed Mecab and Mecab-Ruby on your Mac and if you use Leopard, you can enable Mecab support in CasualPConc.