CasualConc - Beta features - Word Count

Basic Feature

Regular Expression Search Mode

You can create a list of strings that match a regular expression. To enable this function, go to Preferences -> Others -> Word Count and check Regular Expression search mode.

A text box appears next to the Count button.

If you use brackets (), only the parts that are in the brackets will be listed on the table.

If you want to match the entire regular expression, check Search entire string.

Experimental Feature

This feature is experimental and not available in the current beta. If you want to try this feature, please contact me.

Gap word search

If you select 3, 4, 5-gram, Gap check box appears. With this checked, you can create a list of gapped n-grams.

This process takes a lot of time and memory, so a warning message appears. If you want to proceed, click Go ahead.

An example of gapped 4-grams looks like this:

One of the 4 words will be replaced by an asterisk [*] and the words used in that gap will be displayed under Gap words.

If you want to see all the words in the gap, select a gapped n-gram.

Then, right-click and select Open Gapped Word List.

A panel with a list of words will appear. You can copy the list by clicking Copy List.