CasualConc - Beta features - Stop word/Skip character/Include words/Multiword

Stop words, skip characters, include words, and multiwords are managed using the same system.

To open Stop & Skip List panel, go to Menu -> Window -> Stop Word/Skip Character List Panel.

List Management

Language Groups List

All lists are grouped under language groups, though a label does not have to be a language.

To add a new language, type a name of a language (or any name) in the text box on the left and click Add.

The added group appears on the list.

Once a group is added, you can select it from the pop-up menu.

The selected group is displayed on the bottom left corner of the main window. You can change groups there.

You can remove a group by selecting one and click Remove. To rename any group, select one, rename it, and click Rename.

Specific list

First, select a group on the left table.

Then, select a list to manage by clicking a tab.

To add a new entry, type a word/character in the text box on the right and click Add.

The word/character will be added to the list. If you want to remove an entry, select one and click Remove.

You can export a list by clicking Export.

The list will be exported as a plain text file with your choice of encoding.

You can also import a word/character list from a file or from another list.

If you select File to import a list from, you will be prompted to select a file. The supported file type is plain text (.txt) and you can select an encoding. The format of the text file should be one word/character per line. Stop words lists are easily found on the web (i.e. from site like this [])

If you select List, you are prompted to select a group to import a list from. A list will be imported from the same list of a selected group.


Stop words

To enable stop word check Stop Words on the panel.

If Stop Words is enabled, it will be indicated on the bottom right corner of the main window as ST.

You can select which tools to apply Stop Words in Preferences -> Others -> Stop Word Application.

Stop Words will be applied to context words in Concord, Cluster, and Collocation as well as Word Count.

If you apply the following stop word list to Word Count...

Not Applied


The total tokens and types are not affected (all words are counted, but not shown on the list).

Skip Characters

This is designed to be used with 2-byte character languages.

To enable skip characters check Skip Chars on the panel.

If Skip Chars is enabled, it will be indicated on the bottom right corner of the main window as SK.

Include Words

This feature is to treat certain strings, such as abbreviations, as a word.

To enable this feature, go to Preferences -> General -> Include as (a part of) words, and check Include items on 'Include Words' List.

If you click Include Words List, the Stop & Skip List panel appears.

When the following list is applied...


Word Count


This feature is to treat certain multi-word expressions as a single word.

To enable this feature, go to Preferences -> General -> Include as (a part of) words, and check Treat specific multiword items as a single word.

If you click Multiword List, the Stop & Skip List panel appears.

Sample List

Sample in Word Count