CasualConc - Beta features - Lemma/Keyword Group

To use Lemma/Keyword Group, you need to enable the function at Preferences -> Lemma -> Lemma Handling or Keyword Grouping.

Language Groups List

All lists are grouped under language groups, though a label does not have to be a language.

To add a new language, type a name of a language (or any name) in the text box on the left and click Add.

The added group appears on the list.

Once a group is added, you can select it from the pop-up menu.

You can remove a group by selecting one and click Remove. To rename any group, select one, rename it, and click Rename.

Lemma/Keyword Group list

Handling entries

To add a new entry, enter Lemma on the left text box and words that are included in the same lemma in the left text box, and then click Add.

To change an entry, select one and change the text, then click Update.

To remove an entry, select one and click Remove.

To clear the table, click Clear.

To remove duplicate, click Delete Duplicates.

Importing/Exporting entries

You can import/export a lemma/keyword group list. In both ways, you can select a text encoding and the format.