
  • Full name: Marceline Anabel Minch

  • Gender: nonbinary male (he/they pronouns)

  • Date and time of birth: February 20th, 2000, 03:55 a.m.

  • Primary zodiac signs: Pisces (sun), Virgo (moon), Sagittarius (rising), Dragon (Chinese)

  • Birthplace: Amsterdam, the Nether(lands)

  • Currently living in: The Nether(lands)

  • Wants to move to: anywhere in Ireland, even though my preferences do go to fictional locations for most of the time, too :P

  • Most important/key diagnosis: classical autism/autism type 2, SPD, hypersensitivity, hyperacusis, misophonia, allergies for tree and grass pollen, and hyperventilation

  • Sexuality: pan, polya-curious

Early life and future facts about me

After my birth, my parents have both been deceased: my mother died of a severe lack of oxygen during my birth, and my father died of prostate cancer. Since, I was taken care of by my maternal uncle and aunt. They had 2 children already: my favourite cousins Alexia (also known as WhismurLover on YouTube) and Crystal.

They cared about me and loved me very much, but unfortunately, our bond had to separate when I was nearly 4 and came to live with my first foster family. It consisted of a single mother with 3 other children, she did love me but could behave very weird sometimes. Even while she called me to look at her putting my last and most treasured soother in a plastic box. I wish she did this behind my back, otherwise I wouldn't keep asking for it afterwards!

While living at a few foster families (I moved to others in 2008 and 2011), I often stayed at a guest house, where they were very strict too. You did one thing wrong (even moving a spoon on your plate ;p) and you had to clean something up already, like the kitchen. (Nowadays, I don't mind, because I used to hand-wash the dishes in my former apartment, rather than owning a dishwashing machine. It's better for the environment, too!)

My opinions about the foster families I lived with:

    • 2004-2008: got along okay, except one person who consistently kept fighting with me.

    • 2008-2011: perfect, I wish I could stay there for a longer time! Most of the foster siblings were very nice :)

    • 2011-2018: awful! They treated me like a 3-year-old ("I'm autistic, not mentally disabled."), consistently fought with me (again!), and didn't seem to be able to stop telling me all kinds of nonsense I don't even need to know. >:(

A ridiculous note: I'm forced to refer every to foster parent as my 'mother', which surely is discriminatory against orphans like me... but despite that, I can still kinda live with that. Weird, huh?

Nowadays, I live on my own, somewhat assisted in a shared home with 3 housemates, which has less counselling than my former apartment (2018-2021). Unfortunately, the home seems to be made out of cardboard, since I can basically hear anything there (even outside, which is very annoying since I live next to a baby day care centre!), and that's no good with both hyperacusis and misophonia. Some of the counsellors are currently trying to look for a subsequent home for me, one in which I don't have to share stuff and be bothered by every single sound, but still have ambulatory counselling at least once a week.
A disadvantage about my current living situation is that I even have to cycle to daytime activities through the rain, which is often there at the least convenient times as well, since I don't attend anything in the way of driving lessons yet, and thus don't have a car and a licence either. Being able to drive is one of my future goals, though.


2004-2006: a public, catholic school, almost near my first foster home. I really enjoyed my time in pre-school and kindergarten there :)

2006-2011: different special elementary schools from the same organisation, all in Hilversum.

  • 1st grade: good.

  • 2nd grade: awful.

  • 3rd grade: good.

  • 4th grade: average.

  • 5th grade: good.

(I wish there were no bully boys starting from second grade, when one of them once saw me after about 4 years, I was deeply disappointed in myself thanks to him. ;-;)

2011-2012: the second special elementary school, now in Bilthoven, where I spent my time in 6th grade, which was average, except for the fact that I made a lot of new friends and that there was a musical at the end of the year.

2012-2016: the worst special middle/high school in the universe!

  • 7th grade: average.

  • 8th grade: awful (I was getting bullied again ;-;).

  • 9th grade: great (a whole new class!).

  • 10th grade: good, except the fact that it was my last year and I was getting bullied AGAIN. >:( (But not by the majority of my classmates!) Fortunately, I graduated for my exams despite all the hard times. :)

Ever since graduating in 10th grade, I no longer have compulsory education and go to daytime activities on weekdays instead, since I'm mentally unable to follow any sort of subsequent education and work any job. At daytime activities, I work with computers, do facilities management and creativity, and I genuinely enjoy that. Two disadvantages, however, are that I still have one enemy (oh well, better one than dozens, right?) there that I'm mandatory to evade at all times, and that I no longer have automatically planned vacation days (which is apparently only the case when you're in school, college or the university), except for when it's Easter, King's Day, Ascension Day, Pentecost/Whitsun, and Christmas. The weekends, which are also automatic days off for me, are spent with any sort of free time.


I've got the worst upbringing ever since moving to my first foster family, because they always boss me around and treat me like a little child, even as an adolescent, which is very annoying. Maybe that bad upbringing of those apathetic foster families was caused by my disorders? They still need to learn about them, I guess. :(

A normal upbringing contains things like no yelling/cursing/hitting people/etc., which, unfortunately, did happen to me. I still have those afwul thoughts these days, and the worst thing is that I can't ignore anything! So my brains are a total chaos, and thanks to those upbringings, I consider most of the people around me as sadomasochists. (Unless I trust them!)

If I ever marry someone, they'll have to accept me for whom I am and not let me down in whatever way. If we ever have a (one!) child, they'll get a better upbringing than mine, including no yelling/cursing/hitting/etc.


At likely age 3, I was diagnosed with classical autism, from which I don't remember anything. (Probably because I really liked my life at preschool back then :D) Me, I discovered that I was autistic at age 8, when receiving an 'autism-pass' for 'some reason', as nobody bothered to tell me anything about it beforehand. Nobody in my family, not even my brothers or late parents, is autistic, so there'll be a chance that my future child, in case I'll be the one to carry it/them, will be autistic too. (It's heritable!)

Secretly, I went to my only psychologist to receive more diagnoses, because I seem(ed) to show more things than autism in my behavior sometimes. I was diagnosed with presumptions of Tourettes in 2012, and those of asthma and the unknown anxiety disorder in 2014.

Nowadays, my genuine diagnoses are classical autism (or simply 'autism type 2' according to the DSM-5, but it's made worse by post-traumatic stress problems from my past), hyperventilation, which is presumably caused by some unknown source of my anxiety (not a disorder), and allergies for tree and grass pollen. Along with my autism, I have sensory processing disorder, hyperacusis, misophonia, hypersensitivity, an unspecified IQ, and several phobias of several levels, the most notable ones being haphephobia and lepidopterophobia.


I've had many nicknames in my life, such as 'Munchlax', 'Barbot', 'Bulborb', and 'Weepy', but you can also call me Hermie or Jojo(ra) if you'd like. Those nicknames are based on my lifestyle and personality (either chubby or slim, afraid to get too fat for eating too many things that contain sugar, and vulnerable to crying). How about you guys? Please let me know!

Other things? You can read them in the page about my interests and my free time! :)