04 雑誌 地質と文化

『地質と文化』(ISSN 2433-6750)

巻 第1号--- Geology_Culture_7-1.pdf 

Geology and Culture   volume 7, issue 1  (contents)

-目 次-   


文化地質学の新たなる地平 —書評『変動帯の文化地質学」—桑原希世子

(A new horizon for the culture geology: book review “Culture geology of the active plate margin / Kiyoko KUWAHARA)



(Petrographic characteristics of greyish millstones from the Nansei Islands: Comparison with andesite from Iotorishima Island and welded tuff from Kagoshima Prefecture / Norihito KAWAMURA)



(Abstracts of the 7th meeting of the Society of Culture Geology)


(Report of the 2024 meeting, Japan Geoscience Union / Hisashi SUZUKI)


(Proceeding of the society)

巻 第2号--- Geology_Culture_6-2.pdf 

Geology and Culture   volume 6, issue 2  (contents)

-目 次-   


書評:今岡照喜[著]『北長門海岸国定公園「青海島」のジオツーリズム  ジオサイト12の提案』鈴木寿志

(Book review: "Geotourism of the island Oumijima, northern Nagato quasi-national coastal park: proposal of 12 geosites"  / Hisashi SUZUKI)


巡検案内書:京都の白川石の石材文化張 平星

(Excursion guide: the stone culture of Shirakawa-ishi in Kyoto / Pingxing ZHANG)


(Cultural properties of natural stone in Shitara town (former Nagura village area), Kitashitara district, Aichi prefecture, Japan / Muneaki YOSHIKAWA)


(Distribution of stone remnants of andesites along the coastal area in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture / Norihito KAWAMURA)


(Proceeding of the society)

巻 第1号--- Geology_Culture_6-1.pdf 

Geology and Culture   volume 6, issue 1  (contents)

-目 次-   



(The influence of the artificial terrain changes of medieval mountain castle sites on mass movements: GIS analysis of the heavy rain disaster of July 2018 in Higashihiroshima City / Masami INOMATA)


(The relationship between the dry moat of medieval mountain castle and mass movements under its slope in Higashihiroshima City / Masami INOMATA)


ジオツアー「白川石をめぐる大地の恵みと災害」の成果と課題/川村教一・張 平星

(Geotour "Earth's Blessings and Disasters Concerning the Shirakawa Stone": Results and challenges / Norihito KAWAMURA & Pingxing ZHANG)



(Abstracts of the 6th meeting of the Society of Culture Geology)


(Report of the 2023 meeting, Japan Geoscience Union / Hisashi SUZUKI)


(Proceeding of the society)

第5巻 第--- Geology_Culture_5-2.pdf 

Geology and Culture   volume 5, issue 2  (contents)

-目 次-   



(Petrography and magnetic susceptibility of ‘Teshima ishi’ quarry stones from Kagawa Prefecture, Southwest Japan / Norihito KAWAMURA)



(Study on granite exploitation to Kyaik Htiyo Pagoda (Golden-rock) in Kyaik Hto Township, Mon State, Myanmar / MAUNG MAUNG)



(Report on the special talk of the Society by Dr. Maung Maung / Masami INOMATA)

日本地質学会第129 年学術大会(東京・早稲田大会)参加報告石橋弘明

(Report on the 129th annual meeting (Tokyo, Waseda) of the Geological Society of Japan / Hiroaki ISHIBASHI)


(Proceeding of the society)

巻 第--- Geology_Culture_5-1.pdf 

Geology and Culture   volume 5, issue 1  (contents)

-目 次-   



(How stones and rocks were described in Kojiki, Nihonshoki and Fudoki — to contribute to the study of belief and ritual sites  about stones and rocks before Nara period of Japan—/ Muneaki YOSHIKAWA)   appendix



(Abstracts of the 5th meeting of the Society of Culture Geology)

書評『熊野謎解きめぐり 大地が作り出した聖地』鈴木寿志

(Book review "Kumano geotour Q & A — Sacred places formed by geology" / Hisashi SUZUKI)


(Report of the 2022 meeting, Japan Geoscience Union / Masami INOMATA)


(Proceeding of the society)

第4巻 第---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_4-2.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 4, issue2  (contents)

-目 次-   



(When and how did Japanese jade rabbit begin to pound rice cake? / Daigo SHOJI)



(Geology and development of Uji-ishi, the stone material for luxury tea grinding hand mills / Michio KIJI)


(Did AKECHI Mitsuhide change the channel of the Yura River? / Atsuo KOTAKI)


(Changes in usage patterns of ‘Innai Ishi’ quarry rock in early and late modern folk religion in Yokote Basin, Akita Prefecture, Northeast Japan / Norihito KAWAMURA)


2021 年地質学会名古屋大会トピックセッション「文化地質学」代表世話人の仕事メモ大友幸子

(Management note of the topic session “Culture geology” in 2021 annual meeting of the Geological Society of Japan in Nagoya by chief convener / Yukiko OHTOMO)


(Proceeding of the society)

巻 第---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_4-1.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 4, issue 1  (contents)

-目 次-   


(Great expectations for the culture geology / Kenichi HARADA)

近世東海道の経路と地質分布  −両者の関係性についての考察−/山田健太郎

(The geological distribution and the route of the early modern Tokaido road – Observation for the relationship between them – / Kentaro YAMADA)

文化地質研究会第4回 研究発表会・シンポジウム講演要旨

(Abstracts of the 4th meeting of the Society of Culture Geology)


(Proceeding of the society)

第3巻 第2号---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_3_2.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 3, issue 2  (contents)

-目 次-   

地質と文学の接点を求めて ー『メッツラー文学シンボル事典』を手がかりに/廣川智貴

(Ein Vorschlag zur Zusammenarbeit von Geologen und Literaturwissenschaftlern – Buchempfehlung: Metzler Lexikon literarischer Symbole / Tomoki HIROKAWA)

布薩堂に設置される結界石  -タイにおける仏教と文化地質学の接点として-/清水洋平 

(Sīmā stone placed at Uposatha hall – A contact point between Buddhism and culture geology in Thailand – / Yohei SHIMIZU)

秋田県湯沢市上院内から産した「院内石」と 歴史的建築物石材の帯磁率による対比/川村教一

(Correlation study utilizing magnetic susceptibility of stone material in historic monuments of ‘Innai Ishi’ from Kamiinnai, Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, northeast Japan / Norihito KAWAMURA)


 (An oral tradition about ‘Ishi-no-hana’ around sacred area in Shin-ichi, Shin-onsen Town, Hyogo Prefecture, southwest Japan (preliminary report) / Takumi ITO & Norihito KAWAMURA)

文化地質研究会第3回 学術大会招待講演会要旨

(Abstracts of plenary lectures of the 3nd meeting)

山形県高畠町で 小学校教員研修会「高畠石と大地の歴史」を開催/大友幸子

(“Takahata Ishi and geohistory of Takahata town” – a workshop for elementary school teacher of Takahata town, Yamagata prefecture – / Yukiko OHTOMO)

第73回地学団体研究会総会(東京)巡検Bコース「都内の建築石材を巡る」(案内者:乾 睦子)参加報告/大友幸子

(Report on the excursion “Some Japanese building stones in Tokyo” (leader: Mutsuko Inui) in the 73rd annual meeting (Tokyo) of the Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan / Yukiko OHTOMO)


(Proceeding of the society)


(Regulation of manuscript and guideline for authors)


(Regulation of commendation)

第3巻 第1号---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_3_1.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 3, issue 1  (contents)

-目 次-   

第2次および第3次メルケル政権期(2009〜2017年)におけるドイツの原子力エネルギー統治制度の変容(英文) /中川洋一

(Changes in the governance of German nuclear energy policy in the Merkel II and III (2009-2017) governments / Yôichi NAKAGAWA)


(The geomorphological and geological features of pilgrimage sites of the Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita Prefeecture, Southwest Japan  / Norihito KAWAMURA)

『地質と文化』編集委員長就任にあたって/先山 徹

 (A message from the new editor in chief)


(Proceeding of the society)

第2巻 第2号---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_2_2.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 2, issue 2  (contents)

-目 次-  

書評 『産業発展と石切場 全国の採石遺構を文化資産へ』  /石橋弘明

(Book Review "Quarry in the industry development — to cultural heritages of Japanese quarry remains" / Hiroaki ISHIBASHI)

放散虫化石と含有鉱物から推測する京都市東南部桃山丘陵の地質構造/善本夏実・難波恒太・中村 緑・古居晴菜・石原大亮・鈴木寿志

(Geologic structure of Momoyama hill, southeast Kyoto, based on radiolarian fossils and metamorphic minerals / N. YOSHIMOTO, K. NAMBA, M. NAKAMURA, H. FURUI, D. ISHIHARA & H. SUZUKI)


(Reports of academic meetings)

第2巻 第1号---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_2_1.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 2, issue 1 (contents)

-目 次-   

書評 『災害と防災』  /鈴木寿志


(Abstract of the 2nd Meeting)


文化地質研究会 会則

第1巻 第2号 ---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_1_2.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 1, issue 2 (contents)

-目 次-

芭蕉の『おくのほそ道』の地質学と哲学 その1 旅立ちから平泉まで/蟹澤聡史

(Geology and philosophy of "Okuno Hosomichi"  Part 1 From start to Hiraizumi / Satoshi KANISAWA)           


(Discussion of odd-shaped rocks from the standpoint of culture geology / Hirokazu KATO)


(The geomorphological and geological features of pilgrimage sites in the mountainous region of Shodoshima Island, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan / Norihito KAWAMURA) 


(Not "Chibanian", but "Chiba-ki" in Japanese / Hisashi SUZUKI)


第1巻 第1号(創刊号)---下記ファイル Geology_Culture_1_1.pdf をご覧下さい。

Geology and Culture   volume 1, issue 1 (contents)

-目 次-


Vorwort zur ersten Ausgabe „Geologie und Kultur“


(Yoshitsune Iwa Rock in the Kamuikotan gorge / Akihiko SUZUKI)


(Remains of the Hogetto stone pans factory in the Nishisonogi Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan / Seiji OSAJIMA)

書評 『奇岩の世界』  /鈴木明彦


(Abstract of the 1st Meeting)


文化地質研究会 設立趣意書

文化地質研究会 会則