
Welcome to American Government! Here's some info about the class, what I expect of you, and what you can expect from me.

General classroom procedures:

  • Be in the room before the bell rings. I don't mind if you're not in your seat, but please sit down at your seat after it rings.
  • I don't provide a seating chart unless you, either as a class or as individuals, make me based on your behavior. Pick your seat for the semester and I'll make a chart based on that (for attendance purposes -- it makes it easier for me when recording absences, but it's more for my subs).
  • Keep your cellphone away. You don't want me to take it. I don't want to take it. You'll survive 43 minutes without it. If there's a reason you need to check it, let me know and I'll work with you.
  • No backpacks. As with cellphones, take your complaints to the office.
  • Effort -- If you give it, you'll find me to be pretty helpful. If you don't, you won't.
  • Empathy -- You don't know what's going on in everyone's lives or what has happened in the past. Be thoughtful. I'll do my best to do so with all of you, as well. If I've said something that upsets you, please come and talk to me about it.


  • Your grade for the semester is based on total points. Your final grade will be based on the semester (86%) and the final (14%).
  • You'll find I don't give a lot of assignments. I plan my class to be like a college course in that there isn't really a lot of homework. I grade primarily on testing and projects, with a few assignments scattered throughout the units. While most of you probably think of this as a good thing, it also means there are fewer chances to raise your grade. Turn things in on time and with some thought. It will help.
  • If you feel you didn't do well on a test and want to try again, here's what you can expect.
      • You need to come talk to me about retaking the test.
      • You MUST have all assignments or projects for the unit completed and turned in before you can retake a test.
      • You MUST attend a review session conducted during an iLearn. This must be with me, not with Mrs. Roslien or another teacher.
      • You may see one of two tests for the retake. If I give you a different test from the original, you can earn full points back. If it is the same test, you can earn a half point back for each question you previously missed. Keep in mind, you may lose a full point for any question you got right the first time and missed the second time. Yes, you still have to take the full test unless otherwise specified.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come talk to me. I'm here to help you!