
Watch/skim the following YouTube video: Link

Answer the following questions on your own, then we will discuss in small groups.

The primary reason this rant is not an effective argument is because:

    1. He does not cite his sources
    2. He makes rash generalizations
    3. The point he’s trying to make is not clear
    4. All of his arguments are based on emotion

His claim that gold is now worth $2000 was an example of:

    1. A logical appeal
    2. An ethical appeal
    3. An emotional appeal
    4. Confusion as an underlying cause

The reason that we should not bail out the banks is ineffectual because

    1. He’s yelling
    2. We don’t know if his facts are true
    3. It’s too emotional
    4. Because it’s too confusing

Identify the most quality evidence that refutes the following statement:

Drug prices are not too high in the U.S.

    1. “‘DRUGS have been marketed at such extraordinarily high prices that many people will simply not be able to afford them,’ wrote a top cancer doctor in a scathing editorial in the Washington Post. That was in 2004. More than a decade later, the cost of drugs in America is still soaring—the most recent uproar was sparked by the price of Mylan’s EpiPen allergy medicine, which has jumped by about 600% since 2007.” The Economist (12 Sept. 2016)
    2. “The U.S government has to do something about the rising drug prices. My sister has a son with MS and has to pay $24,000 a year in prescription drug costs.” John Smith, blog post
    3. “The ‘most important factor’ that drives prescription drug prices higher in the United States than anywhere else in the world is the existence of government-protected ‘monopoly’ rights for drug manufacturers.”
    4. The United States Constitution was written to protect Americans, and it is the responsibility of the government to intervene when it’s citizens are in danger