Legislative Project

"I'm Just a Bill" in the School House Rocks! series has to be one the greatest videos every recorded. If you disagree, you are wrong! ;) But it IS getting a little dated, so your task is to update it for the modern world.

You can use any format you'd like (though you need to stay away from making a presentation), but some suggestions would be to write a children's book, comic strip, create a game, or perhaps a whole new song. Be sure to consider any possible updates in how laws are passed and include at least 15 vocabulary terms that can be found under "Legislative Branch" and "Terms to Know." The more creative, the better.

Focus as much or more on the process of turning a bill into a law as opposed to just making something that is funny or looks visually appealing, but lacks in information.

You may work in table groups, in partners, or by yourself. There are three categories on the rubric for your grade, plus a fourth category combining student ratings and my own thoughts.

I'm Just a Bill Rubric