Do you know your bill of rights?

Which Amendment would correspond to the following examples?

1. A bail of $500 is set for writing bad checks.

2. The speed limit on state highways is 55 mph.

3. A gun enthusiast can keep their collection in their home.

4. You can file a lawsuit against the person who ran into your fence with his car.

5. You can attend the Methodist Church.

6. During a state of emergency, the National Guard needs shelter for its troops, but not in my house.

7. You are arrested for grand theft auto and your lawyer advises you not to testify at your trial.

8. You can state your point of view at a town meeting.

9. You can wear a t-shirt that says "Save the Great White Shark!"

10. States have the right to grant licenses to businesses.

11. You are arrested and taken directly to court to see a judge.

12. You have the right to attend college if you want to.

13. A policeman, unannounced, walks into your house and begins a search without a search warrant.

14. You write a letter to the newspaper complaining about the conditions of the city streets.

15. You petition the school board for longer lunch periods.

16. The government uses your land for a new highway but doesn't pay you for it.

17. You are arrested and told you have the right to an attorney.

18. The state can't charge you with the same first degree murder charge.