Olympic National Park (2022)

The small group of us met at the church and then we left to drive for a few hours before we got there. We got there about 10:30. We ate lunch then started hiking to spike camp which was about 3 miles from the cars. We had chicken teriyaki for dinner.  We went to bed. The next day we hiked 1.5 miles more to Big Log. One of the first things we did was cut a log to make a bridge to the rock that was in the river. It was so much fun.  Then we did a day hike up to Camp Pleasant. On our way back we checked out a different trail that had campsites on it. There was one with a fire pit that had eroded away. Once we were back we made a cairn on the rock, made dinner and went to bed. In the morning we removed the log so no one could get to the rock. We hiked back. At the end we went a longer steeper way that was hard with heavy packs. We made it to the cars. We stopped at a restaurant to get a late lunch. Then went back to the church and dispersed.