552 3rd Av S Downtown St Pete FL 33701. Non cigarette smoking apt 12n Tiny house apt.. with all utilities included on third floor with nice view of trees.. $995 mo opening march 15. Security Deposit starts at one months rent with excellent credit & rental history on units without utilities included. On some units with utilities included Deposit starts a little over one months rent. Worse credit can be up to 3 months rent as security.
Three Rules;
1. Pay the Rent on time- No Excuses.
2. Don’t bother the neighbors. For the most part this means don’t wake them up, since sleep is most important for good health and we focus on good health. Of course get to know your neighbors as well, friendship is healthy.
3. Take care of the place. For example -Pick up trash, Keep it clean and treat the property with respect etc...
Pet policy: Email with what you have as it varies with each property.
Text Bryan with when you would like to see it 727-386-8733
Here is link to app if you decide you want it-
552 3rd Av S Downtown St Pete FL 33701 Non cigarette smoking apt 9n with all utilities included on third floor with nice view of trees and downtown.. $1395 mo opening May 15. Security Deposit starts at one months rent with excellent credit & rental history on units without utilities included. On some units with utilities included Deposit starts a little over one months rent. Worse credit can be up to 3 months rent as security.
Three Rules;
1. Pay the Rent on time- No Excuses.
2. Don’t bother the neighbors. For the most part this means don’t wake them up, since sleep is most important for good health and we focus on good health. Of course get to know your neighbors as well, friendship is healthy.
3. Take care of the place. For example -Pick up trash, Keep it clean and treat the property with respect etc...
Pet policy: Email with what you have as it varies with each property.
Text Bryan with when you would like to see it 727-386-8733
Here is link to app if you decide you want it-