Reports - Daily Reports

Reports - Daily Down Load Reports


Reports should be worked for the prior day, not the same day. (Ex: Work the Monday report on Tuesday)

Matched vs. Unmatched

Before printing the report, be sure to click on the unmatched tab to the left of the matched tab. This is where a stray policy might appear if it was written direct by Progressive and does not yet have an EZ file, or if it was issued with a spelling mistake that does not match the existing EZ file. More often than not, it is a policy written direct by Progressive. If there is no entry for it on the new business tracking, this is likely the case. Click on the new business transaction, then the green applicant search button. At the top right, click Create new account and policy from transaction, then next, then add policy. This should shift the policy and any corresponding policy change transactions to the matched tab. Sometimes, a policy may not match due to a spelling error. To match it, click applicant search, then Find existing account or policy. Select the appropriate EZ file and then let the assigned agent know about the spelling error so they can correct it accordingly.

To print the report: 

Click on folder to the left in EZ -> Select Policy Transactions

Make sure the source on left side is set to download and not all or manual.

Make sure only the following policy transaction columns are checked: (Carrier, Insured, Policy #, Net Chg, Dwnld Date, Eff Date, Exp Date, Trans)

Select today's date in the date range

Click trans type to put in order w/cancel conf at top

Select and copy all info below the carrier line

Paste into spreed sheet Down Load Reports Template (found in bpi -> templates)

Do the following after pasting:

    Right click -> Format Cells -> Click border -> Select outline and inside

    Undo underline

    Change font to Garamond

In top left of spreed sheet, input the date, day of the week, total number of transactions and your name

Click on the magnifying glass

Click on show margins and adjust the margins if needed to make on as few pages as can make

Print the report

    To work the report:

Left click on insured name

Click on applicant overview to bring up that client in a separate window (do this for policy changes and cancels)

Work the ones that are yours. For the others that are assigned to other agents, put the agents initials beside the insured name for them to work.

For Data Base Synchronization, if the task is still open, then put that agents initials to clear. If no task open, just mark off.

For renewals and renewal quotes, these are skipped.

For re-instatement, clear any outstanding task and put either reinstated direct or reinstated in the task note. Make sure the policy shows active in EZ. If not, let Brian know.

For new business, pull the apps and put in the agent's box that wrote the policy

Put the report in the next agent's box that has items to work

After all transactions are worked, file in day file that corresponds with the report date.


Changes made direct with the company - For this make title Change Direct & input what change was inside the note. If address change or email or phone, update in EZ.

EFT removed direct - Most of the time this is for NSF. For these send drip and text as long as client did not request change by phone.

    Text: Your ins policy was set up on auto pay & was removed due to return payment or invalid info. Please contact billing at 877-468-3466 to get this issued resolved

    Drip: Email - EFT Removed NG

Lititz Policy Change - To look up go to Inquiry -> Policy Decs then click on the last pdf that was sent out. On the last page, you can see what the change was. Lititz will send a policy change a few days after new business. This is usually because they have to add the fired district code and this does create a down load. For these you just look on the dec page to see that was the change and mark off on the sheet.

Manual Reinstates- See Brian to go over how to do this.

Progressive Cancel Request - For these you are just looking to see if this is for pending cancel for non-payment. If yes, then mark off sheet. If no, then work as a cancel.

Progressive Policy Changes - These can be viewed easily by going to FAO: (Manage policies -> Policy activity -> Date activity was processed by Progressive -> Select date range ->

submit -> select policy changes tab -> select details to see change -> copy and paste this change)

Progressive Reinstates - a lot of these will just be due to the cancel request which are basically a pending cancel notice for non pay and then the client pays before the cancel date. If no task in EZ for the cancel, then just mark off on the sheet.

Progressive Renewal Cancel - Progressive gives the client 14 days in NC to renew without a lapse. For these, start the cancel and check policy in 10 days to see if renewal paid. If not, do the follow up at that point. Click here for those todo steps.

Reinstates - make sure the policy shows active in EZ. If not, a manual reinstate will have to be done.

National General Agent Codes (use these to tell if an agent made the change and did not make the task or note)

Ashlee         176017

Brian        175794

Casey         236131

Jill                    558089

Matt                 524914  

Yvonne             421183