

Article I - Name

The name of organization shall be

the Bridgton Highlands Ladies’ Golf Association

Article II - Object

-Object shall be to promote, regulate,

develop, and conduct amateur golf activities

of members.

-To promote and hold such social

and recreational activities as desired by group

-To cooperate and comply with the general

rules and regulations of the management

-To establish and maintain standard

handicaps for all members.

-To promote membership in MSGA

Article III - Members

Any woman who wishes to belong to

BHLGA shall be eligible for membership

by payment of the Associations membership


Members may bring guests for Wed.

Member Play Tournaments. Green fees and entry

fees must be paid. An established handicap must be presented in order to participate in any prize money. (NO higher than 46)

**Guests may not compete in major club tournaments.

Article IV - Dues

The annual dues shall be set by the

Executive Board prior to the opening of the

golfing season.

Article V - Officers

Shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

No officer shall serve more than two consecutive years in same office; except as

agreed upon by vote of the membership.

Article VI - Duties of Officers

President shall

-Preside at meetings

-Have general supervision of group

-Appoint committee chairperson of group

-Appoint the chairperson necessary to carry out

functions of group

-Appoint chairman of nominating committee

Vice President shall

-Perform all duties of President in her absence

-Perform such other duties as President may assign

Treasurer shall

-Receive all monies, write all checks, and keep a record of membership

-Leave a balance of $20 to carry over yearly

Secretary shall

-Record all meetings and reports of committees

-Handle all correspondence

Article VII- Duties of Committees Chairs

Tournament Chair

-Responsible for the weekly tournaments

-Appoint a committee to assist her in scheduling

-Arrange for hostesses to collect fees for tournies

-Organize days activities through hostess

-Record winners and entry money given for CHITS

Handicap Chair shall

-Assist members in posting scores

-Assist new members in establishing one

Invitational Chair

-Coordinate any home course invitational tourneys

-Make knowledge of out of town tourneys

Hospitality Chair

-Arrange for closing luncheon

-Set agenda for closing meeting w/ president

-Coordinate awards & chairs will select the prizes

Ringer Board Chair

-Keep records of hole by hole improvements of each member and post results in booklet

Select prizes to be awarded for winner at end of year

Birdie Tree Chair

-Keep record of all birdies made on any day

-Select prizes to given at end of year

Par Board Chair

-Keep a record of pars made on Ladies Days

-Select prizes for end of the year

Publicity Chair

Shall handle all publicity of group

**Other chairs shall be appointed as necessary

Executive Board

Consists of officers and committee chairs

Meets at call of President

Presents to members info,

rules, or changes voted upon by Ex. Board.

Fills vacancies in elective offices

Nominations & Elections

Consist of three members

Established at least 3 weeks before fall mtg.

Chair appointed by president

Nominating committee shall present proposed

slate of officers (may be accepted from floor)

election shall be at fall meeting and

may be one vote by Secretary.


Golfing season shall start third week in May

Opening meeting shall be close to 06/15

Closing meeting held in late Aug/early Sept.

Special meetings called by President


2/3 vote of members present

Proposed amendment given (7) days in advance.