Golf Etiquette

Wondering what to wear?

Dresses, skirts, slacks, golf shorts, blouses and golf specific t-shirts are considered appropriate attire.  Skirts and shorts must be of conservative tailoring and no more than 5” to 6” inches above the knee.  Tank tops, t-shirts, cut-offs, halter-tops, sweat pants, athletic shorts, swimsuits, and blue denim jeans and denim shorts are not appropriate.

Golf etiquette should start the moment you arrive at the course and not end until you are headed for the ride home. Let's outline some of the things to remember so your next round will be more enjoyable.

1. Golf Etiquette for Women Golfers: Safety First

· Preparing for Your Round - While warming up make sure that there is no one within your immediate area. When practicing, don't swing in the direction of another player. There is the possibility of hitting some debris that could fly up and injure a playing partner.

· Taking Your Shot - Always wait until you are sure that the group ahead of you is no longer in your normal shot range.

· Quiet Please - Golf requires a great deal of concentration. Show your respect by remaining quiet while the other women golfers in your group are taking their golf shots.

· Fore - When out on the course, if you or one of your playing partners hits an errant shot that may hit another player, yell "Fore" to warn them.

· Golf Carts - Observe the safety suggestions posted in golf carts and drive carefully. 

   Golf etiquette recommends that you keep your cart off the grass as much as possible.

· Club Care - Never throw or slam your clubs into the ground. Even though we see the Pros do   this on TV, it is never a good thing to do. It is not only disrespectful to the golf course and your group; it will cause damage to the course and possibly your clubs. If you hit a poor shot, it is not the club or the course that caused it.


2. Golf Etiquette for Women Golfers: Maintain a Good Pace

· Ready Golf - A round of golf can take several hours. Keep the game moving by being prepared to take your shot when it is your turn.

· Keep Up - Do your best to stay on pace with the group in front of you. Make sure that you don't fall behind.

· Lost Ball - Don't spend a great deal of time searching for a lost ball. When you tee off, if you think that you may not find your ball, play a provisional tee shot. Spend no more than 5 minutes searching for your ball.

·  Cart Golf - When you and your riding partner's shot are on different sides of the fairway, drive to the first location, get the golf clubs you need and the other player should drive to his/her ball. Play your shots and then meet up further down the hole.

· Around the Green - Once you have gotten to the Green, be sure to finish out, replace the flag and then exit the area as soon as you are done. Move on to the next tee and then take care of recording your scores.

3. Golf Etiquette for Women Golfers: Maintaining the Golf Course

· On the Tee - When teeing off be sure to replace any divots or fill the divot holes with sand before heading off. Remove your tee from the ground and throw away if broken.

· In the Fairway - Be sure to retrieve the sod from your shot and replace in the divot hole. If playing in a sandy environment, fill the divot with the sand mixture that is carried on your cart.

· In the Bunker - When playing from the sand, be sure to rake the area disturbed, including your footsteps. Make sure to leave the sand trap as smooth as possible for the next player.

· On the Green - Repair any ball marks that have been created from your approach shot. If you see others that have not been repaired, take time to repair those as well.

90 Degree Rule - Maintain the integrity and beauty of the golf course by following this simple rule. Drive your cart on the cart path until you reach your ball, and then if you must drive across the fairway, drive straight across the fairway to your ball.