
Undergraduate Wildlife Conservation

Tropical Ecology and Conservation


Primate Behavior and Conservation

The aim of this module is twofold: first, to provide students with knowledge of the structure and evolution of primate societies and second, to introduce students to some key conservation concerns relating to primates. The course has four main themes: the first part of the course will introduce you to the Order. The subsequent themes will focus on conservation, ecology and social relationships. Papers of importance for the field, or other relevant literature, will be identified to aid your directed, further reading.

MSc taught Wildlife Conservation

This course aims to train the future generation of conservation leaders that will need to tackle complex issues surrounding our planet’s current Biodiversity crisis. The ultimate goal of this course is to train professionals that will work towards a sustainable future for humans and wildlife and in line with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity Vision: “Living in Harmony with Nature”. The Wildlife Conservation postgraduate degree course comprises eight carefully-designed modules, plus one research-based dissertation project. The course is delivered full-time in one year, or spread across three years with the part-time route.

Modules include:

  1. Post Graduate Scholarship Skills

  2. GIS and Remote Sensing Applied for Wildlife Conservation

  3. Conservation Genetics

  4. Global Conservation Challenges

  5. Research Design and Delivery

  6. Invasions and Infections

  7. Conservation Planning

  8. Biodiversity Monitoring

  9. MSc Dissertation

Jean P. Boubli (Programme Leader)

Robert Jehle

Zeljka Krpetic

Christoph Meyer