Winter 2019/2020

The winter of 2019/2020 has been a weather roller coaster!

The freeze/thaw, snow/no snow cycle has made good fat biking conditions very intermittent. I have managed to get in some really good rides.

Some friends from the WNY Mountain Bike Association hosted their annual fat bike ride at Genesee County Park on February 1. I think there may have been one hundred fat bikes in the park at some point. The trails got better and better as the day wore on and I rode until my legs cramped up.

Some of the Cattaraugus County fat bikers packed down a trail in Little Rock City State Forest so I went down there for a ride earlier this week. The track was about six inches wide and more or less solid ice since there was a little thaw/freeze after they rode it in. I only ride studded tires in the winter these days and I'm glad I had them on that day!