Thinking Abstractly

4.1.17 - Identifying examples of abstraction (Textbook p.196)

4.1.18 - Explain why abstraction is required in the derivation of computational solutions for a specified situation (Textbook p.197)

4.1.19 - Construct an abstraction from a specified situation (Textbook p.199)

4.1.20 - Distinguish between a real-world entity and its abstraction (Textbook p.200)

What is abstraction?

We are familiar with some forms of abstraction – think about abstract art, for example, where all details that the artist is not concerned with are not painted or sculpted - other examples?

Computational thinking - Thinking abstractly

Classwork - Worksheet 1 - Download and complete: Thinking abstractly

Homework - Download and complete: Homework 1 - Thinking abstractly this should be completed and then be uploaded to the dropbox on ManageBac.

Computational thinking Worksheet 1 Thinking abstractly.pdf
Computational thinking Homework 1 Thinking abstractly.pdf

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