Grade 11 Lesson Plans - Term 3 (2021-22)
Week 1: 25 - 29 April 2022
Tuesday 26 April 2022
4.3 Intro to programming: 4.3.10 - Describe the characteristics and applications of a collection
4.3.11 - Construct algorithms using the access methods of a collection
Assignment - Collections - May 2018 P1 Q12
Wednesday 27 April 2022
Assessment Test #7: 2.1.6 - 2.1.13 Operating systems and applications, Binary, denary, hexadecimal, truth tables & logic diagrams.
Week 2: 2 - 6 May 2022
Monday 2 May 2022
4.3.12 - Discuss the need for sub-programmes and collections within programmed solutions
4.3.13 - Construct algorithms using predefined sub-programmes, one dimensional arrays and/or collections
Assignment: Sub-procedures and collections
Tuesday 3 May 2022
Option C: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web (10 hours)
C.4.1 - Discuss how the web has supported new methods of online interaction such as social networking.
C.4.2 - Describe how cloud computing is different from a client-server architecture.
Wednesday 4 May 2022
Option C: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web
C.4.3 - Discuss the effects of the use of cloud computing for specified organisations.
Thursday 5 May 2022
Friday 6 May 2022 - HL only
Periods 3 and 4 - 5.1.10 - Arrays as static stacks and queues ppt
Abstract data structures 5.1.1 - 5.1.10 past questions Solutions
Week 3: 9 - 13 May 2022
Tuesday 10 May 2022
Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web
C.4.4 - Discuss the management of issues such as copyright and intellectual property on the web.
C.4.5 - Describe the interrelationship between privacy, identification and authentication.
Wednesday 11 May 2022
Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web
C.4.6 - Describe the role of network architecture, protocols and standards in the future development of the web.
Week 4: 16 - 20 May 2022
Monday 16 May 2022
Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web
C.4.7 - Explain why the web may be creating unregulated monopolies.
Tuesday 17 May 2022
Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web
C.4.8 - Discuss the effects of a decentralised and democratic web.
Wednesday 18 May 2022
Revision lesson #1
May 2014 Paper 1 HL and SL
Thursday 19 May 2022
Revision lesson #2
May 2014 Paper 2 & Nov 2014 Paper 2 Web Science option
Friday 20 May 2022 - HL only - No lesson - Mock exams
Weeks 5 & 6: 23 May - 3 June - EXAMS
Week 7: 6 - 10 June 2022
Gr11 Collapsed curriculum week
Thursday 9 June - Group 4 Sciences IA Day - Computer Science in room WP4 all day
Week 8: 13 - 17 June 2022
Monday 13 June 2022
1.1.11 - Identify a range of causes of data loss
1.1.12 - Outline the consequences of data loss in a specified situation
1.1.13 - Describe a range of methods that can be used to prevent data loss
Tuesday 14 June 2022
Go over EOY exams
Wednesday 15 June 2022
1.1.14 - Describe strategies for managing releases and updates
Quizlet - Topic 1 - System fundamentals
Thursday 16 June 2022
Corpus Christi - Holiday
Friday 17 June 2022 - HL only
Topic 5 Abstract data structures: Linked lists (diagrams and descriptions - no code)
5.1.11 - Describe the features and characteristics of a dynamic data structure.
Note: - students should understand the concept of nodes and pointer.
5.1.12 - Describe how linked lists operate logically.
5.1.13 - Sketch linked lists (single, double and circular).
Note: - Students should be able to sketch diagrams illustrating: adding a data item to a linked list, deleting a specified data item, modifying the data held in a linked list, searching for a given data item.
Week 9: 20 - 24 June 2022
Tuesday 21 June 2022
1.2.12 - Define the term usability
1.2.13 - Identify a range of usability problems with commonly used digital devices
1.2.14 - Identify methods that can be used to improve the accessibility of systems
Wednesday 22 June 2022
1.2.15 - Identify a range of usability problems that can occur in a system
1.2.16 - Discuss the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of the interaction between humans and machines
Week 10: 27 June - 1 July 2022
Monday 27 June 2022
Group 4 Project
Tuesday 28 June 2022
IA - Solution #9 of 30
Wednesday 29 June 2022
IA - Solution #10 of 30
Thursday 30 June 2022
IA - Solution #11 of 30
Friday 1 July 2022 - HL only
IA - Solution