Grade 12 Lesson Plans - Term 1 (2019-20)
22-23 Aug
Week 1
26 Aug- 1 Sept
Week 2
02-06 Sept
Week 1
09-13 Sept
Week 2
16-20 Sept
Week 1
23-27 Sept
Week 2
30 Sept-04 Oct
Week 1
07-11 Oct
Week 2
14-18 Oct
Week 1
21-25 Oct
Week 2
26 Oct -
03 Nov
04-08 Nov
Week 1
11-15 Nov
Week 2
18-22 Nov
Week 1
25-29 Nov
Week 2
02-06 Dec
Week 1
9-13 Dec
Week 2
16-20 Dec
Week 1
Gr12 Lesson Plans - Term 1 - 2019/20
Thurs 22 Aug: Topic 1.1 - Systems in organisations
1.1.11 - Identify a range of causes of data loss
1.1.12 - Outline the consequences of data loss in a specified situation
1.1.13 - Describe a range of methods that can be used to prevent data loss
Fri 23 Aug: Software deployment
1.1.14 - Describe strategies for managing releases and updates
Quizlet - Topic 1 - System fundamentals
Mon 26 Aug: HL - Topic 7: Control (14 hours)
7.1.1 - Discuss a range of control systems
Wed 28 Aug: HL - 7.1.2 - Outline the uses of microprocessors and sensor input in control systems
Thurs 29: Internal assessment - solution (13 of 30)
Click the above link, update your: Checklist - gr12 - students
then go to: Gr12 Project 2020 - Timeline & Resources
Read through the whole page, in particular the timeline. You should then work on criterion A - if you have not already done so!
Reminder: You have all day on Friday 13th Sept to work on your IA - make sure you are prepared!
Mon 2 Sept: Topic 1.2 - System design basics - Human Interaction with the system
1.2.12 - Define the term usability
1.2.13 - Identify a range of usability problems with commonly used digital devices
1.2.14 - Identify methods that can be used to improve the accessibility of systems
Wed 4 Sept: Period 1: Human Interaction with the system
1.2.15 - Identify a range of usability problems that can occur in a system
1.2.16 - Discuss the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of the
interaction between humans and machines
Assignment: Paper 1: Section B type question
Period 2: Internal assessment - solution (14 of 30)
Thurs 5 Sept: 4.3.12 - Discuss the need for sub-programmes and collections within programmed solutions
Fri 6 Sept: Period 4: 4.3.13 - Construct algorithms using predefined sub-programmes, one dimensional arrays and/or collections
Assignment: Sub-procedures and collections
Mon 9 Sept: HL - Case Study - Research
Wed 11 Sept: HL - 7.1.3 - Evaluate different input devices for the collection of data in specified situations
Assignment: Embedded control systems
Copy the document, complete and share back with me.
Thurs 12 Sept: Internal assessment - solution (15 of 30)
Fri 13 Sept: Group 4 Science IA Day - Computer Science IA solution - work on criteria A, B and C
Mon 16 Sept: Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.8 - search engine optimisation
Practical: Test specific data in a range of search engines and examine (i) the time taken (ii) number of hits and quality of returns.
Wed 18 Sept: Period 1: Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.9 - C.2.10
Period 2: Internal assessment - solution (16 of 30)
Thurs 19 Sept: Starter - Revision question - Trace tables
Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.11 - C.2.12
Quizlet C.1 (Creating the Web) & C.2 (Searching the Web) - by Elliot Underhill
Fri 20 Sept: Test #1 Topic 1.1 systems in organisations, 1.2 system design basics, Pseudocode-collections 4.3.10 - 4.3.13
and trace tables
Mon 23 Sept: HL - Case Study - Research
Wed 25 Sept: HL - 7.1.4 - Explain the relationship between a sensor, the processor and an output transducer
HL - 7.1.5 - Describe the role of feedback in a control system
Thurs 26 Sept: Internal assessment - solution (17 of 30)
Mon 30 Sept: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.1 - C.4.2
Wed 2 Oct: Period 1: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.3
Period 2: Internal assessment - solution (18 of 30)
Thurs 3rd & Fri 4th: Local Holiday
Mon 7 Oct: HL - 7.1.6 - Discuss the social impacts and ethical considerations associated with the use of embedded systems
Wed 9 Oct: HL - 7.1.7 - Compare a centrally controlled system with a distributed system
7.1.8 - Outline the role of autonomous agents acting within a larger system
Topic 7 example questions with answers
Thurs 10 Oct: Internal assessment - solution (19 of 30)
Mon 14 Oct: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.4
Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.5
Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.6
Wed 16 Oct: Period 1: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.7
Period 2: Internal assessment - solution (20 of 30)
Thurs 17 Oct: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.8
Assignment: Net Neutrality
Fri 18 Oct: Revision - Web science questions - C.2 & C.4
Mon 21 Oct: HL - Case Study - Research
Wed 23 Oct: HL - Case Study - Research
Thurs 24 Oct: Test #2 Web Science: C.2 - Searching the web and C.4 - The evolving web
Mon 4/Wed 6/Thurs 7/Fri 8 Nov: Internal assessment - solution (20 - 24 of 30) - 5 lessons
Mon 11 Nov: HL - Topic 7: Control & Pseudocode HL - Past exam questions
Wed 13 Nov: HL - Topic 7: Control & Pseudocode HL - Past exam questions
Thurs 14 Nov: Internal assessment - solution (25 of 30)
Mon 18 Nov: Revision - Paper 1 - Logic diagrams, Trace tables, Hex, RAM/ROM, Machine Instruction cycle
Tues 19 & Wed 20: Parent-Teacher conferences
Thurs 21 & Fri 22 Nov: Internal assessment - solution (26 & 27 of 30)
Mon 25 Nov: HL - Web Science C.5 - Analysing the Web
Wed 27 Nov: HL - Web Science C.5 - The Intelligent Web
Thurs 28 Nov: Revision - Option C: Paper 2 - May 2015
Mon 2 Dec: Revision - Paper 1
Wed 4 Dec: Period 1: Revision - Paper 1 - November 2016
Period 2: Internal assessment - solution (28 of 30)
Thurs 5 Internal assessment - solution (29 of 30)
Fri 6 Dec: Revision - Paper 2 Nov 2016 Option C
Mon 9 Dec: HL - Web Science C.6 The Intelligent Web
Wed 11 Dec: HL -
Thurs 12 Dec : Internal assessment - solution (30 of 30)
Mon 16 Dec: Internal assessment - solution
Wed 18 Dec: Period 1: Edabit - Python coding challenges
Period 2: Internal assessment - solution
Thurs 19: Internal assessment - solution
Submit Draft of project: Criteria A, B & C
Fri 20 Dec:
Saturday 21 December 2019 *** Christmas Holidays *** Monday 6 January 2020