Grade 12 - Lesson Plans - Term 1 (2018-19)
21-24 Aug
27-31 Aug
03-07 Sept
10-14 Sept
17-21 Sept
24-28 Sept
01-05 Oct
08-12 Oct
15-19 Oct
22-26 Oct
27 Oct -
04 Nov
05-09 Nov
12-16 Nov
19-23 Nov
26-30 Nov
03-07 Dec
10-14 Dec
17-21 Dec
Gr12 Lesson Plans - Term 1 - 2018/19
Wednesday: Internal assessment - solution (6 of 30)
Monday: Web Science - C.1 - Creating the Web - C1.8 - C1.10
Homework #1 - Creating the Web
Thursday: Internal assessment - solution (7 of 30) - work on criteria A-Planning
Friday: Internal assessment - solution (7 of 30) - work on criteria A-Planning
Monday: Period 3 : Web Science C.1 - C1.11 - C1.13
Period 4: Internal assessment - solution (8 of 30) - criteria A-Planning - due 10th September
Wednesday: Web Science C.1 - Creating the Web - C1.14 - C1.16
Monday: Internal assessment - solution (9 of 30)
Criteria A-Planning due
Thursday: Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.1 - C.2.3
Friday: Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.4 - C.2.5
Monday: Period 3: Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.6 - C.2.8
Period 4: Internal assessment - solution (9 of 30)
Wednesday: MAMP setup - Extended user agreement - Mr Jonitz
Monday: Web Science - C.2 - Searching the Web - C.2.9 - C.2.10
Quizlet C.1 (Creating the Web) & C.2 (Searching the Web) - by Elliot Underhill
Thursday: Internal assessment - solution (10 of 30)
Pseudocode Revision
Assignment - Python Leap year program and Rocks, Paper, Scissors
4.3.9 - Developing algorithms using loops and branching-further examples
4.3.7 - Quotient and remainder programs
Monday: Periods 3 & 4 - Local Holiday
Wednesday: Local Holiday
Monday: Test - Paper 2 Web Science - C.1 (Creating the Web) & C.2 (Searching the Web)
Thursday: Web Science - C.3 - Distributed approaches to the Web - C.3.1 - C.3.3
Internal assessment - solution (11 of 30)
Friday: Web Science - C.3 - Distributed approaches to the Web - C.3.4 - C.3.5
Internal assessment - solution (12 of 30)
Monday: Period 3 - Web Science - C.3 - Distributed approaches to the Web - C.3.6 - C.3.7
Period 4 - Internal assessment - solution (13 of 30)
Wednesday: Internal assessment - solution (14 of 30)
Monday: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.1 - C.4.2
Thursday: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.3
Friday: Internal assessment - solution (15 of 30)
Monday: Period 3: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.4
Period 4: Internal assessment - solution (16 of 30)
Wednesday: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.5
Monday: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.6
Thursday: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.7
Algorithms, Flowcharts, Pseudocode & Trace tables problems
Friday: Web Science - C.4 - The Evolving Web - C.4.8
Monday: Periods 3 & 4 - Parent-Teacher conference
Wednesday: Staff PD Day
Monday: Internal assessment - solution (17 of 30)
Thursday: Internal assessment - solution (18 of 30)
Friday: Review - Past exam questions
Monday: Period 3: Review - Revision questions
Period 4: Internal assessment - solution (19 of 30)
Wednesday: Internal assessment - solution (20 of 30)
Monday: Internal assessment - solution (21 of 30)
Thursday: Internal assessment - solution (22 of 30)
Friday: Review - Past exam questions - Paper 1 - May 2014 (all except Q10 & Q13 (c)(d)
Monday: Period 3: Review - Past exam questions - Paper 2 - Option C - May 2014
Period 4: Internal assessment - solution (24 of 30)
Wednesday: Internal assessment - solution (24 of 30)
Saturday 22 December 2018 *** Christmas Holidays *** Sunday 6 January 2019
1.2 Human Interaction with the system - 1.2.12 - 1.2.16 - 3 hours