Algebra Seminar

Department of Mathematics UPV/EHU

Wednesdays, 12:00 -- 13:00, E.P1.22

"Groups, Topology and Applications" Research Group

This is the page of the Algebra Seminar of the "Groups, Topology and Applications" Research Group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), which is organised by Federico Berlai, Oihana Garaialde Ocaña and Jone Uria Albizuri.

Simon André (IMJ-PRG)


10th of July, 14:00

Summer Semester 2023/2024

24 Jan        Andrew Duncan (University of Newcastle) "Petri nets, acyclic orders and monoids" Abstract

31 Jan       Lucía Asencio (University of Newcastle) "Trace monoids and generalisations" Abstract

14 Feb       Christian d'Elbée (University of Leeds) "Omega-categorical groups and Lie algebras" Abstract

21 Feb       Mark Hagen (University of Bristol) "Effective Tits alternatives" Abstract

28 Feb       Elena Maini (Università di Padova) "On the exponent of congruence quotients of multi-EGS groups" Abstract 

07 Mar      Motiejus Valiunas (University of Wrocław) "Trace monoids and RAAGs in one-relator groups" Abstract

13 Mar      Pavel Zaleskii (Universidade de Brasília) "Prosoluble subgroups of free profinite products" Abstract

Apr              Groups, Topology and Applications V conference

24 Apr       Federico Berlai (EHU/UPV) "On one-relator groups" Abstract

15 May     Ettore Marmo (Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca) "Hyperplane arrengements and Bloch-Kato conjecture" Abstract (14:00, Library)

21 May     Annabelle Ducret (Université de Bordeaux) "Subdirect sums of Lie algebras" Abstract 

23 May     Lander Guerrero Sánchez (UPV/EHU) "Cohomological uniqueness of finite groups of prime power order" Abstract

29 May    Josué Tonelli Cueto (Johns Hopkins University) "How many real zeros does a random sparse polynomial system have?" Abstract

19 Jun     Giulia Sabatino (University of Naples) "Uncountable groups with some embedding properties on large subgroups" Abstract

26 Jun     Matteo Vannacci (EHU/UPV) "In search of new HJI groups" GtG Conference starting seminar

27-28 Jun  "Groups and Topological Groups" Conference - Plentzia

10 July   Simon André (IMJ-PRG) TBA


Winter Semester 2023/2024

20 Sep Erroxe Alberdi (University of Nottingham) "On K-stability of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2" Abstract
04 Oct Michal Ferov (University of Newcastle) "Automorphisms  of Cayley graphs of Coxeter grousp" Abstract
18 Oct Christian Urech (EPFL) "Asymptotically rigid mapping class groups and cube complexes" Abstract
02 Nov Dario Ascari (EHU/UPV) "Automorphisms of free groups and Whitehead’s algorithm" Abstract
08 Nov Sangrok Oh (EHU/UPV) "Large  scale geometry of (outher) automorphism groups of RAAGs" Abstract
14 Nov Andre Nies (University of Auckland) "Profinite groups and mathematical logic"  Abstract
24 Nov Diego  Garcia Lucas  (Universidad de Murcia) "The isomorphism problem for group algebras" Abstract
05 Dec Matteo Pintonello (EHU/UPV) "On conciseness and profinite RAAGS" Abstract
14 Dec Jonathan Frutcher (University of Bonn) "Finite shadows of residually finite groups" Abstract


Summer Semester 2022/2023

2-3 Feb      Groups, Topology and Applications: Gran Bilbao IV conference

15 Feb        Sam Corson (EHU/UPV) "Many trivially generated groups are the same" Abstract

01 Mar      Jorge Fariña (EHU/UPV) "Restricted Hausdorff spectra of q-adic automorphisms" Abstract 

15 Mar      Andoni Zozaya Ursuegui (EHU/UPV) "Profinite R-analytic groups" Abstract

22 Mar     Anita Thillaisundaram (Lund University) "Beauville structures for quotients of infinite Grigorchuk-Gupta-Sidki groups acting on the p^n-adic tree" Abstract

29 Mar     Alberto Cassella (University of Zaragoza and University of Milan - Bicocca) "Can we put arrows in RAAGs?" Abstract 

03 May    Lander Guerrero Sanchéz (EHU/UPV) "Computing differentials in spectral sequences" Abstract

25 May    Peio Ardaiz (Universidad Pública de Navarra) "The McCullough-Miller complex" Abstract

28 Jun     Emerson de Melo (Universidade de Brasília) "Virtually nilpotent groups with finitely many orbits under automorphisms" Abstract


Winter Semester 2022/23

14 Sept       Mark Hagen (University of Bristol) "Separability (and mapping class groups)" Abstract

28 Sept      Tommaso Toti (Università di Pavia) "On some local-global conjectures for symmetric and alternating groups" Abstract 

05 Oct         Dario Ascari (University of Oxford) "A finitely presented group with a second cohomology class which is weakly bounded but not bounded"

02 Nov Mikel Eguzki Garciarena Perez (EHU/UPV) "Super-strong conciseness in profinite groups" Abstract

09 Nov        Richard Mandel (EHU/UPV) "The quadratic Diophantine problem in some Baumslag-Solitar groups" Abstract

23 Nov        Henrique Augusto Mendes da Silva e Souza (UAM) "The Atiyah conjecture and localization" Abstract

30 Nov Emerson de Melo (Universidade de Brasília) "Exponent of self-similar finite p-groups" Abstract

14 Dec        Matteo Pintonello (EHU/UPV) "Abelian splittings of pro-p Right-angled Artin groups" Abstract

18 Jan Ramón Flores (Universidad de Sevilla) "Traduciendo propiedades de grafos al lenguaje de grupos" Abstract


Summer Semester 2022

17 Feb        Pavel Zalesski (Universidade de Brasilia) "Splitting of pro-p groups (as an amalgam or HNN)" Abstract

23 Feb        Dominik Francoeur (ICMAT) "On some properties of groups generated by bireversible automata" Abstract

02 Mar      Andoni Zozaya Ursuegui (EHU/UPV) "On the strong conciseness of profinite R-analytic groups" Abstract

09 Mar      Lander Guerrero Sánchez (EHU/UPV) "Dimension and depth of the mod-p cohomology of finite groups" Abstract

16 Mar      Elena Di Domenico (Università di Trento)  "GGS-groups over primary trees: Branch structures" Abstract

23 Mar      Nicolas Vaskou (Heriot-Watt University) "The isomorphism problem for Artin groups" Abstract

30-31 Mar       GTA: Gran Bilbao III Conference
and 1 Apr    

06 Apr      Macarena Arenas (University of Cambridge) "A cubical Rips construction" Abstract

11 May     Anitha Thillaisundaram (Lund University) "The Amit-Ashurst conjecture for finite metacyclic p-groups" Abstract

17 May     Rachel Skipper (Ohio State University) "Braiding Groups of Homeomorphisms of the Cantor Set" Abstract

25 May     Karthika Rajeev (Universität Bielefeld) "On the Basilica operation" Abstract

31 May     Antonio Díaz Ramos (Universidad de Málaga) "A p-nilpotency criterion for finite groups" Abstract

02 Jun      Rémi Molinier (Université Grenoble-Alpes) "Hey G, what is your automorphism group?" Abstract

15 Jun      Stéphane Lamy (Université Paul Sabatier)  "Normal subgroups in the Cremona group, old and new " Abstract 

22 Jun      Luis Martinez (EHU/UPV) "From In-Silico to in-Vivo: A mathematical optimization problem applied to vaccine design" Abstract


Winter Semester 2021/22

15 Sept       Rudradip Biswas (University of Manchester) "New results on the behaviour of a wide range of cohomological (and homotopical) invariants for infinite groups " Abstract
29 Sept       Lorenzo Putignano (Università degli Studi di Firenze) "On Character Degrees in p-Blocks of Symmetric Groups" Abstract

06 Oct        Andoni Zozaya Ursuegui  (EHU/UPV) "Commuting probability of finitely generated and amenable groups " Abstract

13 Oct        Edoardo Salati (University of Dresden) "Completeness and cocompleteness for partial groups" Abstract

20 Oct        Ilaria Castellano (Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca) "The Euler-Poincaré characteristic of a totally disconnected locally compact group" Abstract

03 Nov       Xabier Legaspi Juanatey (ICMAT) "On growth rate of quasi-convex subgroups and constricting elements" Abstract

16 Nov       Sam Corson (University of Bristol) "A thinly connected thick space" Abstract

17 Nov       Ismael Morales (University of Oxford) "On parafree amalgamated products" Abstract

25 Nov       Yuri Santos (Universität Magdeburg) "Fixed points of automorphisms, and Reidemeister numbers " Abstract

01 Dec       Anne Lonjou (Paris-Saclay) "Action of the Cremona group on a CAT(0) cube complex" Abstract

15 Dec       Ged Corob-Cook "Probabilistic conditions on profinite groups" Abstract

22 Dec       Paula Macêdo Lins de Araujo (KU Leuven) "Twisted conjugacy and matrix soluble groups"  Abstract


Summer Semester 2021

27 Jan       David Méndez (University of Southampton) "A directed persistent homology theory for dissimilarity functions" Abstract

03 Feb       Leo Margolis (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) "On the Modular Isomorphism Problem" Abstract

17 Feb       Sam Corson (University of Bristol) "Infinite groups which behave like finite groups" Abstract

24 Feb       María Cumplido (Universidad de Sevilla) "Systolicity in Artin groups of large type" Abstract

03 Mar       Eugenio Giannelli (Università degli Studi di Firenze) "On a conjecture of Malle and Navarro" Abstract

10 Mar       Ann Kiefer (Université du Luxembourg) "Property (FA) of the unit group of 2-by-2 matrices over an order in a quaternion algebra" Abstract

17 Mar       Benjamin Brück (ETH Zürich) "Between Tits buildings and free factor complexes" Abstract

24 Mar       Jonatan Sánchez Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) "On surjectivity of word maps on PSL_2(C)" Abstract  

31 Mar       Robert D Gray (University of East Anglia) "The prefix membership for one-relator groups" Abstract

14 Apr        Mahmood Sohrabi (Stevens Institute of Technology) "Complete first-order theories of some classical matrix groups over algebraic integers" Abstract

21 Apr        Claudio Quadrelli (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) "1-cyclotomic pro-p groups" Abstract

28 Apr        Markus Steenbock (Universität Wien) "Product set growth in Burnside groups" Abstract

19 May       Jordi Delgado (EHU/UPV) "Relative order and spectrum in free and related groups" Abstract

26 May       Simon André (Vanderbilt University) "First-order theory of acylindrically hyperbolic groups" Abstract


Winter Semester 2020/21

14 Oct       Iker de las Heras Kerejeta (EHU/UPV) "Some topics on finite p-groups and pro-p groups" Abstract

20 Oct       Elena di Domenico (University of Trento & EHU/UPV) "p-Basilica groups" Abstract

28 Oct       Harry Petyt (University of Bristol) "Bicombing the mapping class group" Abstract

04 Nov      Albert Garreta Fontelles (EHU/UPV) "An introduction to deep learning" Abstract

11 Nov      Albert Garreta Fontelles (EHU/UPV) "An introduction to deep learning" Abstract

18 Nov      Albert Garreta Fontelles (EHU/UPV) "An introduction to deep learning" Abstract

25 Nov      Albert Garreta Fontelles (EHU/UPV) "An introduction to deep learning" Abstract

03 Dec      Albert Garreta Fontelles (EHU/UPV) "An introduction to deep learning" Abstract

10 Dec      Jone Lopez de Gamiz (EHU/UPV & University of Warwick) "Subgroups of the direct product of graphs of groups with free abelian vertex groups" Abstract

16 Dec      Alex Levine (Heriot-Watt University) "Solutions to equations in virtually abelian groups" Abstract

13 Jan       Federico Berlai (EHU/UPV) "Tdlc groups from right-angled Coxeter groups" Abstract

20 Jan       Alex Evetts (ESI & University of Vienna) "Conjugacy growth in (virtually) nilpotent groups" Abstract


Summer Semester 2020

05 Feb       Andoni Zozaya Ursuegui (UPV/EHU) "Hausdorff dimension in compact R-analytic groups" Abstract

12 Feb       Hang Lu Su (ICMAT) "Formal language convexity in left-orderable groups" Abstract

13-14 Feb  GTA: Gran Bilbao II Conference

19 Feb       Jon González-Sánchez (UPV/EHU) "Kirillov's orbit method" Abstract

04 Mar       Iker de las Heras Kerejeta (UPV/EHU) "Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff spectra in profinite groups" Abstract

11 Mar       Bruno Robbio (UPV/EHU) "Action of groups on boundaries" Abstract

17 June     Urban Jezernik (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) "Diameters of Groups" Abstract

24 June     Alexander Zakharov (Saint Petersburg University) "Commensurability of Baumslag-Solitar groups" Abstract

01 July      Mima Stanojkovski (Max-Plank-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig) "(Strong) isomorphism and orbit counting" Abstract

08 July      Peter Arndt (University of Düsseldorf) "Describing ranges of functors" Abstract

15 July      Wolfgang Moens (University of Vienna) "Finite groups with a fix-point-free automorphism satisfying an identity" Abstract


Winter Semester 2019/20

06 Sept      Ramón Esteban Romero (University of Valencia) "Brazas y la ecuación cuántica de Yang-Baxter" Abstract

09 Oct        Doryan Temmerman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) "Property (FA) for low rank linear groups and applications to U(ZG)" Abstract

16 Oct        Jone Uria Albizuri (BCAM) "Grigorchuk-Gupta-Sidki groups as source for Beauville groups" Abstract

23 Oct        Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Monte Carlo search and word equations" Abstract

28-31 Oct   Antonio Díaz Ramos (University of Málaga) "Introduction to spectral sequences" Programme

06 Nov       Matteo Vannacci (UPV/EHU) "On the probability of generating an open subgroup in profinite groups" Abstract

13 Nov       Matteo Vannacci (UPV/EHU) "Golod-Shafarevich groups: a survey. I" Abstract

22 Nov       Matteo Vannacci (UPV/EHU) "Golod-Shafarevich groups: a survey. II" Abstract

27 Nov       7th Math Colloquium. Weblink

04 Dec       Javier de la Nuez González (UPV/EHU) "Minimality results for automorphism groups of homogeneous structures" Abstract

11 Dec       Federico Berlai (UPV/EHU) "Rigidity of graph product decompositions" Abstract

18 Dec       Igor Arrieta Torres (UPV/EHU & University of Coimbra) "Open relations and uniformities" Abstract

15 Jan       Jone Lopez de Gamiz Zearra (UPV/EHU & University of Warwick) "Why are right-angled Artin groups interesting?" Abstract

22 Jan       Lander Guerrero Sánchez (UPV/EHU) "The Sofic Lück approximation conjecture for amenable groups" Abstract


Summer Semester 2019

08 Feb           Matteo Vannacci (University of Düsseldorf) "Pro-p groups with quadratic F_p-cohomology and generalised p-RAAGs" Abstract

19 Feb           Matteo Pintonello (UPV/EHU) "Ivanov's construction of a non-concise group word" Abstract

28 Feb            GTA: Gran Bilbao Conference

01 Mar           GTA: Gran Bilbao Conference

05 Mar           Alexander Zakharov (UPV/EHU) "Fragile words in free groups, or how (not) to hang pictures on walls" Abstract

12 Mar           Geoffrey Janssens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) "A survey on word growth of groups with a view on dichotomies" Abstract

20 Mar           Sam Corson (UPV/EHU) "How close can you be to free?" Abstract

22 Mar           Zaniar Ghadernezhad (Imperial College London) "Non-amenable automorphism groups" Abstract

25 Mar           Mima Stanojkovski (University of Bielefeld) "On the PORC conjecture and the geometry of some famous examples" Abstract

27 Mar           Agnieszka Bier (Silesian University of Technology) "On weak Sierpiński subsets in groups" Abstract

03 Apr            Primož Moravec (University of Ljubljana) "Finite p-groups in varieties of groups" Abstract

10 Apr            Gareth Tracey (University of Bath) "On the expected number of random primes required to generate a Galois group" Abstract

02 May          Josué Tonelli (Politechnic University of Berlin) "Computing the homology of semialgebraic sets in weak exponential time" Abstract    

22 May          Sebastiano Tronto (University of Luxembourg) "Divisibility of points in algebraic groups" Abstract

29 May          Elena di Domenico (University of Trento & UPV/EHU) "GGS-groups over primary regular rooted trees" Abstract

27 June         Andei Jaikin-Zapirain (UAM) "On homomorphisms of crossed products of locally indicable groups to division rings" Abstract

01-05 July   young Geometric Group Theory VIII

09 July          Cristobal Rivas (University of Santiago, Chile) "Positive cones in finitely generated groups" Abstract

16 July          Marialaura Noce (UPV/EHU & University of Salerno) "Engel conditions in groups of automorphisms of rooted trees" Abstract


Winter Semester 2018/19

18 Sept   Urban Jezernik (UPV/EHU) "Fibres of word maps" Abstract

25 Sept   Marithania Silvero Casanova (UPV/EHU) "Khovanov homology: a combinatorial approach" Abstract

02 Oct     Sam Corson (UPV/EHU) "Homomorphisms are necessarily nice" Abstract

08 Oct     Davide Spriano (ETH) "Quasiconvexity in hierarchically hyperbolic spaces" Abstract

09 Oct     Simon André (University of Rennes 1) "Hyperbolicity and first-order logic" Abstract

11 Oct     Oihana Garayalde Ocaña (University of Düsseldorf) "Hausdorff dimension of finitely generated pro-p groups" Abstract

16 Oct     Ged Corob Cook (UPV/EHU) "Finiteness condition for totally disconnected, locally compact groups" Abstract

30 Oct     Matteo Pintonello (UPV/EHU) "Introduction to P. Hall's questions on verbal subgroups" Abstract

06 Nov    Andoni Zozaya Ursuegui (UPV/EHU) "Commutator width in finitely generated nilpotent groups and Serre’s Theorem" Abstract

13 Nov    Jan Boschheidgen (UPV/EHU) "Congruence subgroup property of SLn(Z)" Abstract

20 Nov    Andrew Duncan (University of Newcastle - UK) "One relator quotients of partially commutative groups" Abstract

22 Nov    Liza Frenkel (Moscow State University) "The art of measuring in free groups and free group constructions" Abstract

04 Dec    Gunnar Traustason (University of Bath) "Powerfully nilpotent groups" Abstract

18 Dec    Javier Aramayona (UAM) "On the abelianization of big mapping class groups" Abstract

20 Dec    Michal Ferov (University of Newcastle - Australia) "Separating cyclic subgroups in graph products of groups" Abstract

09 Jan     Rubén Blasco García (University of Zaragoza) "Even Artin groups" Abstract

11 Jan     Mark Hagen (University of Bristol) "Why should you care about pseudo-Anosov" Abstract

22 Jan     Javier de la Nuez González (UPV/EHU) "A graph product of linear groups is linear" Abstract

29 Jan     Anne Lonjou (University of Basel) "Cremona group and Voronoi tessellation" Abstract


Summer Semester 2018

02 Feb     Ana Ros Camacho (Utrecht University) "Matrix factorizations and the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence" Abstract

06 Feb     Peter Kropholler (University of Southampton) "Problems on random walks on soluble groups and linearity of soluble groups" Abstract

08 Feb     Ilaria Castellano (University of Southampton) "Cohomological finiteness conditions for totally disconnected locally compact groups" Abstract

13 Feb     Primož Moravec (University of Ljubljana) "Stable rationality of invariants of function fields" Abstract

20 Feb     Oihana Garayalde Ocaña (University of Düsseldorf) "Hausdorff dimension of pro-p groups" Abstract

23 Feb     Yago Antolín Pichel (UAM & ICMAT) "Counting in fftp graphs with symmetry" Abstract

27 Feb     Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Hilbert's 10th problem in rings, algebras, and solvable groups" Abstract

06 Mar     Matteo Vannacci (University of Düsseldorf) "A survey on probabilistic group theory and probabilistic identities" Abstract and slides

08 Mar     Andrea Seppi (University of Luxembourg) "Isometric embeddings of the hyperbolic plane into Minkowski space" Abstract

10 Apr      Ashot Minasyan (University of Southampton) "Exotic acylindrically hyperbolic groups" Abstract

17 Apr      Geoffrey Janssens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) "The integral Isomorphism problem, a helping hand from (geometric) group theory" Abstract

24 Apr      Sam Corson (UPV/EHU) "What can fail without choice" Abstract

07 May     Martin Bridson (Oxford University) "Chasing finite shadows of infinite groups through geometry" Mathematics Colloquium

08 May     Costantino Delizia (University of Salerno) "On semiconcise words" Abstract

09 May     Alexander Zakharov (University of Porto) "On finitely generated submonoids of free groups" Abstract

21 May     Luís Mendonça (University of Campinas) "The weak commutativity construction for groups and Lie algebras" Abstract

12 June    Rémi Coulon (University of Rennes 1) "A non-residually finite group acting uniformly properly on a hyperbolic space" Abstract

03 July     Katrin Tent (University of Münster) "Sharply 2- and 3-transitive groups" Abstract


Winter Semester 2017/18

28 Sept    Ged Corob Cook (UPV/EHU) "Eidelberg-MacLane spaces for topological groups" Abstract

03 Oct      Urban Jezernik (UPV/EHU) "Commuting probability" Abstract

17 Oct      Cristina Acciarri (University of Brasilia & University of Padua) "Graphs encoding the generating properties of a finite group" Abstract

24 Oct      Iker de las Heras Kerejeta (UPV/EHU) "Commutators in groups" Abstract

02 Nov     Ged Corob Cook (UPV/EHU) "Homological finiteness conditions for totally disconnected, locally compact groups" Abstract

07 Nov     Jone Uria Albizuri (UPV/EHU) "Regular branch groups with doubly exponential portrait growth" Abstract

14 Nov     Urban Jezernik (UPV/EHU) "The fundamental group in commuting probability" Abstract

24 Nov     Federico Berlai (UPV/EHU) "A refined combination theorem for hierarchically hyperbolic spaces" Abstract

28 Nov     Iker de las Heras Kerejeta (UPV/EHU) "Words in groups" Abstract

05 Dec     Javier de la Nuez González (UPV/EHU) "Burnside groups" Abstract

11 Dec     Jone Uria Albizuri (UPV/EHU) "Groups acting on regular rooted trees: congruence subgroup problem and portrait growth" PhD defense

12 Dec     Javier de la Nuez González (UPV/EHU) "Canonical words in Burnside groups of odd exponent" Abstract

19 Dec     Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Engel elements in some weakly regular branch groups" Abstract

09 Jan     Jonathan Sánchez Hernández (UPV/EHU) "On the SO(3)-bundles on Wolf Spaces" Abstract

23 Jan     Jordi Delgado Rodríguez (UPV/EHU) "Enriched Stallings automata" Abstract and slides

30 Jan     Imanol Mozo Carollo (UPV/EHU) "Discontinuous functions on frames" Abstract and slides


Summer Semester 2017

11 Jan    Federico Berlai (UPV/EHU) "A brief introduction to amenable groups" Abstract

18 Jan    Federico Berlai (UPV/EHU) "Sofic groups" Abstract

24 Jan    Marialaura Noce (UPV/EHU & University of Salerno) "Amenability and growth of the first Grigorchuk group" Abstract

03 Feb    Vincent Guirardel (University of Rennes 1) "Endomorphisms of lacunary hyperbolic groups" Abstract

08 Feb    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Word equations: Jez's simple (but powerful) recompression method" Abstract

17 Feb    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups" Abstract

22 Feb    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups II" Abstract

01 Mar    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups III" Abstract

08 Mar    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups IV" Abstract

15 Mar    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups V" Abstract

17 Mar    Oihana Garayalde Ocaña (University of Düsseldorf) "The Bieri-Strebel invariants and their applications" Abstract

29 Mar    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups VI" Abstract

05 Apr    Albert Garreta Fontelles (UPV/EHU) "Equations over free groups VII" Abstract

10 Apr    Federico Berlai (UPV/EHU) "Higman's group and related stories" Abstract

28 Apr    Montse Casals Ruiz (UPV/EHU) "On limit groups over free groups" Abstract

03 May   Montse Casals Ruiz (UPV/EHU) "On limit groups over free groups II" Abstract

04 May   Jone Uria Albizuri (UPV/EHU) "Groups of intermediate growth and groups acting on regular rooted trees" Abstract

10 May   Pei Wang (UPV/EHU) "Rips machine" Abstract

11 May   Pei Wang (UPV/EHU) "Rips machine II" Abstract

17 May   Pei Wang (UPV/EHU) "Rips machine III" Abstract

23 May   Carolina Vallejo Rodríguez (ICMAT) "Detecting local properties in the character table" Abstract

24 May   Pei Wang (UPV/EHU) "Rips machine IV" Abstract

31 May   Bruno Robbio (UPV/EHU) "Introduction to hierarchically hyperbolic spaces" Abstract

06 Jun    Şükran Gül (UPV/EHU) "Cayley digraphs of prime power order are Hamiltonian" Abstract

07 Jun    Bruno Robbio (UPV/EHU) "Introduction to hierarchically hyperbolic spaces II" Abstract

14 Jun    Alexander Zakharov (UPV/EHU) "Ends of groups, Stallings theorem and virtually free groups" Abstract

15 Jun    Alexander Zakharov (UPV/EHU) "Ends of groups, Stallings theorem and virtually free groups II" Abstract