About me

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About me:
I am a tenure track assistant professor at the University of Utah.

Before coming to Utah, I completed my PhD at Binghamton University in 2018. I then spent the 2018-2019 academic year as a research assistant (postdoc) simulataneously at ENS de Lyon and the University of Goettingen. From 2019-2022, I was a Zassenhaus Assistant Professor (postdoc) at the Ohio State University. I spent the 2022-2023 academic year as a visiting researcher/visiting professor at the ENS Paris.

CV (updated July 2023) 

Research interests:  I work in geometric and combinatorial group theory. My past work and much of my current work is focused on groups acting on trees and boundaries of trees, e.g. self-similar and automata groups, branch groups, groups in the extended Thompson family,  etc....

I am supported in part by NSF grant no. DMS-2005297.

For my personal bookkeeping: 

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