Mark Lesson 5
© 1996 "Yes Lord" Ministries
In this lesson, as we continue our study of Mark, we'll begin at the end of Chapter 4. The entire fourth chapter, except for the final few verses recounted several parables that Jesus used as He taught a large crowd. In fact, the crowd was so large that He actually had to teach these people as He sat in a boat on the Lake (the Sea of Galilee is sometimes also referred to as Lake Gennesaret). Picture the scene. Mark described it for us. He said in 4:1, Again Jesus began to teach by the Lake. The crowd gathered around Him was so large that He (Jesus) got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water s edge. He taught them many things by parables ... . And in Lesson 4, we studied those parables and a few others.
Now, we pick up the story at the conclusion of Jesus teaching this large crowd. Mark continues describing the occasion stating in 4:35, that day when evening came (and Jesus had finished teaching), He (Jesus) said to His disciples, Let us go over to the other side. Jesus and the disciples and the crowd were in Galilee and the other side, if you ll look at your map, reveals that He intends to go to the region of the Gerasenes. Let's pick up the events now at this point and begin our study for his week. The trip across the Lake (Sea of Galilee) and the events which occur on the other side are truly remarkable and will teach us much about the power, authority, majesty and compassion of Jesus Christ! So -- as we begin
Section 1
Your first assignment is to read Mark 4:35- 5:20. The events recorded in these verses comprise a continuation of the events which occurred after Jesus finished teaching the parables.
So put yourself on the boat as a silent observer of the events. You have already observed the crowds and heard the teaching of the parables by Jesus. Now Jesus has finished teaching and says: Let's go over to the other side (of the lake / sea). Mark 4:35-5:20 describes the events that transpired during and after the crossing of the lake as Jesus and His disciples and you, the silent observer, go from the shoreline of Galilee to the shoreline of the region of the Gerasenes. Find these locations on your map and then simply read Mark 4:36 - 5:20. Don't mark anything. Don't look for important words. Just read and soak up the events.
-----Pause while you do this assignment-----
Wow ! What events ! What were your impressions? Is there anything you want to say or about which you want to comment? Yes? Then, do so. Write your impressions and comments in the space below. (Ie. What did you, the silent observer, see, think, and / or conclude as these events unfolded? )
? What do these events tell you about Jesus and Who Jesus is?
Great ! Now, let's look at these 2 events separately beginning with the miracle of Jesus calming the storm. FYI, this is also recorded in Matthew 8:23-27 and Luke 8:22-25. Luke and Mark both used the Greek word LAILAPS (Strongs # 2978) meaning a hurricane, whirlwind, or cyclonic gust to describe this furious squall or tempest whereas Matthew used the word SEISMOS (4598), a violent upheaval like an earthquake. Either way, we're talking a big, scary, serious storm here ! They were truly in danger of the boat being swamped and were genuinely fearing for their lives. Yet, where was Jesus?
Yes, Jesus was peacefully sleeping on a cushion in the stern (rear) of the boat and when finally awakened, not by the storm but by the disciples, what did He do? Did He, like them, look around and become fearful? No ! We are told in 4:39 that He simply got _______, rebuked the _________ and said to the __________ ;______________________________________ .
? And, what happened? _____________________________________________________ .
Did you see that ! ? Jesus just SPOKE and the winds and the waves obeyed Him ! Jesus just spoke and it became suddenly and immediately calm! How can that be? Who can do such a thing? The disciples asked themselves that question and we should, too ! Who has authority over nature to be able to do this? This is not a rhetorical question ! This demands an answer ! Who can say to the wind and waves, Be Quiet ! Be Still ! , and have them obey? Can you? Can I ? Can any ordinary man or woman? Boy or girl ? Child or adult ? Who can have this kind of power over Nature?
? Who ?
? What does this miracle teach them and us about Who Jesus is?
? Why was Jesus able to sleep through such a storm?
? Why did they awaken Jesus? (Ie. Where they expecting a miracle from Him or did they expect Him to share in their anxiety and fears?)
Explain your answer.
? What did Jesus say to His disciples after He had calmed the storm?
? Why did He say this?
Can't you just see these disciples, their eyes wide like saucers, first in fear of their lives during the storm and then wide-eyed in amazement as it began to dawn on them the extent of Jesus power and authority and what this meant ! Yes, they had accepted the fact that He was the long awaited Messiah, but they hadn t really yet understood all the ramifications of what that meant ! Now a new depth of understanding had been added. They now were beginning to see that Jesus was Lord also over ________________________ .
? And, if Jesus is Lord over Nature, then what did this mean about His (Jesus ) role in the creation of the world and everything in it ? !
Can t you see their eyes getting even wider as they asked each other, Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him! , as the greater ramifications of what this miracle implied began to dawn on them. How about you? What does this miracle say to you about Jesus and about Who He REALLY IS ? State and explain your conclusions in the space below.
Whew ! Profound ! Awesome ! God? Could this be God !? The Son of God ! The Creator of the Universe ! This man, Jesus is -- God ! ? ! How wide were their eyes? How wide are yours?
Yes,and as A.T. Robertson explains, "They were growing in their apprehension and comprehension of Jesus Christ. They had much yet to learn. (And) there is much yet for us today to learn or seek to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. This incident opened the eyes and minds of the disciples to the majesty of Jesus."They do not fully understand yet all they need to know about Who Jesus is and complete understanding still hasn't really sunk in yet, but, their eyes have been opened and they are wondering, questioning, suspecting!
Stop now and thank God for whatever it is that He has taught or shown you as you read and thought about this miracle of Jesus calming the storm.
----- Pause while you talk with God -----
Now, get out your chart entitled Events Miracles Healings etc. in the Gospel of Mark and add this event / miracle to it and fill in the columns while these thoughts are fresh on your heart and in your mind.
----- Pause while you find and work on the chart ----
Whew ! Jesus SPOKE two simple commands, Be Quiet ! Be Still! and a hurricane /cyclone / whirlwind instantly and completely stopped ! What awesome authority and power ! Who IS this man? What else can He do ? Well, they (His disciples) and you, the silent observer are going to find out as Mark continues telling us the story which Simon Peter (who had been there in person and had seen everything) had given as his eyewitness account to Mark.
So, read now Mark 5:1-20. Again, just simply read. Don t mark anything. Don t hunt for important (key) words. Just read and watch the events unfold.
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Ok, silent observer. Once again, write your comments, impressions and conclusions in the space below. I am sure you have some.
Also, did you have any questions about these events? (Ie. Something you don t fully understand or about which you are just wondering?) If so, list them here:
This event is also recounted in Matthew 8:28-34 and Luke 8:26-40. If you wish, you can also read these other two accounts. When (or if) you do, you ll discover some apparent discrepancies. So, lest you get all upset and shout error, error in the Bible! and slam your books shut and refuse to believe in God because of these, let me help explain and clarify this for you as I quote from 2 of many who have done research on these apparent discrepancies and have explained them for us.
"An apparent discrepancy has been cited between Matthew's and Mark's accounts. The people are called Gadarenes in Mark and Luke but Gergesenes in Matthew. The discovery of the ruins of Khersa (Gerasa) on the lake shore disproved these claims (to a discrepancy) because this location was in close enough proximity to the larger city of Gadara that a single event could be identified with either place. Mark (also) mentions a man, but Matthew reports that there were 2. However, Mark does not specifically limit it to one. Probably one stood out as a leader."(Liberty Bible Commentary)
"...The ruins of the village Khersa (Gerasa) probably point to this site (of the Gerasenes) which is in the district of Gadara some 6 miles SE, not to the city of Gerasa some 30 miles away. ... Mark and Luke mention only lone man while Matthew notes 2 demoniacs, perhaps one more violent than the other Each of the gospels has a different phrase. Mark has a man with an unclean spirit (en pneumati), Matthew 8:28, two possessed with demons ( duo daimonizomenoi), Luke 8:27 one having demons (tis echon daimonia). Mark has many touches about this miracle not retained in Matthew and Luke."(Liberty Bible Commentary)
Ok, with those apparent discrepancies explained, let's continue.
Jesus and His disciples leave the boat and what happened? In your own words, briefly summarize what happened in Mark 5:2-20.
? How strong was this man? (Also explain your answer.)
? Does this sound like an ordinary strong man? Circle your answer... YES....... NO
? Where did his strength come from? (Explain your answer)
FYI, a Roman Legion was made up of over 6000 men. A.T. Robertson states that a full Roman legion had 6826 men.
? So, when this man was asked his name by Jesus and he answered saying, My name is Legion. What did this mean? Did this mean that he had 6000 or more demons? or was he using a hyperbole? Or was he speaking metaphorically? Or what? (Be sure to explain your answer.)
? What had Jesus done even BEFORE the man spoke to Jesus? (Hint: carefully read the sequence of events in 5:2-8 before you answer).
? Had the man asked Jesus to do this? Circle your answer from the 5 choices below
YES.... NO..... His coming to Jesus was technically an asking ....Jesus saw the problem and just did this... Not sure
Explain your answer.
? What happened when Jesus said, Come out of this man, you evil spirit. (Hint read 5:7 to observe the sequence of events)
? In response to that, what did Jesus say?
? Was the answer from the man? Or from the evil spirit? Explain.
? So what was the evil spirit requesting?
? Why? (Hint: read Luke 8:31 and Rev. 9:1-3 before answering).
FYI, another large study could be done concerning the ABYSS, but we don t have time for that. Briefly, however, by way of definition, the Greek word for Abyss is Abussos and refers to the bottomless deep or very deep depth. It is sometimes referred to as the bottomless pit. According to Vines, "it describes an immeasurable depth, the underworld, the lower regions, the abyss of Sheol. ... (in Luke 8:31) the reference is to the lower regions as the abode of demons, out of which they can be let loose. ... "
? So what happened? Did Jesus give the evil spirits permission to go into the pigs? ...YES ....NO
? How many pigs were there? ___________________________
? What did the pigs do? _____________________________________________________ .
? Oops ! Was this what the evil sprits thought would happen?....... YES ...........NO
Explain your answer. (Ie. What did the evil spirits think was going to be the result of this request).
? Oops again ! What did the pig keepers (tenders) and the pig owners and the people of the towns and the countryside think about this turn of events?
? Were these people more likely Jews or Gentiles? Circle your answer. ...... Jews.......Gentiles
Explain your answer. (Hint: read Leviticus 11:7)
? But, what about the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons. What had happened to him? Where was he when the people all came to check out this amazing event and what was he doing?
? How did this man respond to all that had happened? (Ie. What did he want to do?)
? But what did Jesus say to his request? Did Jesus allow the man to travel with Him?.. YES... NO
? So what did Jesus tell the man to do?
? Now that is strange. Hadn't Jesus been telling other people after other miracles to NOT say anything? So, why then is Jesus telling this man to go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord had done for you and how He has had mercy on you. (This is an important concept, so think carefully before you answer.)
? Did the man obey Jesus ? ........YES........ NO
? So, what did the man do and what was the response of his hearers?
Hmmmmmm. Verrrrrry interesting. You noticed that there were 2 markedly different responses or reactions to this amazing and awesome display of Jesus authority and power. Let s think about that because things are really no different today. What were these 2 responses.
Yes, you are correct. And, just to affirm you, let me tell you how Henrietta Mears evaluated these 2 responses:
The miracle recorded in Mark 5, like all others, tested the character of men. It took them off their guard and disclosed their true natures. Notice the contrast in the way men receive the work of Christ.
1. Some shun the Savior. They that fed the swine fled. Others were afraid (verses 14,15) and began to pray him to depart out of their coasts (verse 17). Doubtless there were other herds of swine, and they feared the loss of them. What a true picture of the attitude of many toward Christ! There is some gainful business they do not want to give up. There is some sin that lies close to the heart. It is for these reasons that men thrust away Christ.
2. Some seek the Savior. The healed man begged Him not to depart out of his coast but that he might be with Him. It is so with men today. Either men ask Jesus to depart because the want to keep their sin, or they ask that He might remain with them because they want to lose their sin. Do you want to keep or lose your sin?
Add this information about the Miracle of Jesus healing the man with the demons to your Miracles chart.
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Finally, as we wind up our study for this section, let's think about your conclusions and those closing words of Henrietta Mears. You ve seen some powerful works of Jesus -- let s call them what they are -- MIRACLES ! -- miracles which attest to and confirm that Jesus IS God !
When you are any person is confronted with evidences such as these, a decision must be made. You must either believe that Jesus is God and ask Him to be your God and let you go with Him OR you reject His Godship and Lordship and ask Him to go away ! There is NO third option! You either accept or reject Jesus as God and Lord of your life. The man who had been freed from demons accepted Jesus and obeyed Him. The people who came to see what had happened, rejected Jesus and his works and asked Him to leave.
? What did Jesus do when they asked Him to leave? _______________________________ .
? What about you? Do you want to keep or lose your sin? Do you want to obey Jesus or do you want to do your own thing and be your own God? Think about this as we end our study for today. Your decision has ETERNAL consequences !
Section 2
In Section 1, we saw the power and authority that Jesus has over nature and over demons. Now we are going to look at His power and authority over diseases and , yes, over even death ! We ll begin today by reading Mark 5:21-43 since both events are intertwined. As you read, locate on your map where these events probably happened. Yes, I know that the precise location is not given but we are told that Jesus returned to the west side of the lake (aka Sea of Galilee.) Most scholars, however, think these events probably occurred in Capernaum. Also, as you read, mark every reference to the words healed , suffering , dead or death or dying and any other words or phrases used as synonyms in the place of those words. FYI, I marked healed and its synonyms by putting a green circle around the word, suffering by putting a red rectangle around the word, and dead /death /dying by putting a black box (like a coffin) around the word. Of course, you can use any color or symbols you prefer. Also mark any other words that are important in helping you to understand this passage. Then, when you have finished, we ll have some more questions for you to think about and answer. So read Mark 5:21-43 and mark the words.
----- Pause while you do this assignment -----
? What 2 miraculous events are described in these verses:
Now, add these 2 events to the Events, Miracles Healings, etc of Jesus.... chart and fill in the requested information for both of these miracles.
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Great! Now, time to think about what you just read..
? Based on what you've read and observed, think now about the healing of the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. Why did Jesus insist on finding out who had touched Him in the crowd? Since He is God, didn't He know? Why didn t He just point to her and say something like You touched my garment! I know your problem. You are now officially healed! Or why didn't He just silently note it and let her go her way? Why did He instead ask , Who touched my clothes? And why did Jesus keep looking around to see who had done it. ? This is an important question as an important principle is being taught here. So think carefully and then answer in the space below.
When the woman finally identified herself and answered, what did Jesus then say? Write His exact words as recorded in Mark 5:34.
By the way, when you were marking your words during your first assignment today, did you consider the word freed to be a synonym for healed ? Hmmmmm?
Now, as an OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENT, which will add some additional insight into this healing and the reason why Jesus persevered in getting the woman to admit that she was the one who had touched Him and had been immediately and silently healed, here are some words for you to look up. (Of course, if you don t have the time or the resources books, you don t have to do this optional assignment. But, if you do, you ll find that what you learn will be very informative and helpful.) The words are : faith, healed, peace, freed, suffering. Look those words up and write a brief definition of each in the space provided below:
English Word........Strongs #........Greekword........ Definition
......FAITH........................4102....................... PISTIS
I know you have probably looked this word up before. If so,
just go back and read your notes. Don't reinvent the wheel.
.... HEALED.................... 4852 .......................SOZO
..... PEACE ......................1515 ........................EIRENE
..... FREED .......................5199 ........................HUGIES
.... SUFFERING ...............3148 ........................MASTIX
? What did Jesus say had healed the woman?
Circle your answer.............. Her faith ..........The garment.............. The touching
Explain the difference between these as the source of the healing and why Jesus had emphasized that it was the Faith and not the other things. (This is also a critical point, so give careful thought before you answer.)
? Do you think there is any significance in the fact that the woman had made, at Jesus insistence an open confession of what she had done and what had happened before Jesus spoke these words to her?
..........Circle your answer.......... YES....... NO....... NOT SURE
Explain your answer.
? For those of you who looked up the Greek word SOZO, used here for healed , you discovered that it is the same word from which the word SALVATION (to save) is derived. For the rest of you, you now officially know this fact, too. Does this information add any additional insight into what Jesus said to her in 4:34 and why He had insisted that she identify herself?
Hint: read Romans 10:8-11 before answering this and the next question.
...................YES.............. NO................. NOT SURE
Explain your answer.
Hmmmm. Very interesting insights are revealed when you think about these things, aren t they?
But, alas, time flies, and we must continue on. So, let's look now a the second amazing miracles recorded in these verses. How would you title the second miracle?
Yes, and in this miracle, Jesus brought a dead girl, the 12 year old beloved daughter of Jairus back to life. In verse 5:39 Jesus is quoted as saying she is not dead but asleep. What does this mean? This is one of the things we will try to discover as we look at this passage.
? Did the people think she was dead?............... YES............. NO
? How do you know that the people were fully convinced that she was dead? Give the scripture verses (note I said verses - pleural) which support your answer.
Now let s review what happened. First, we saw Jairus coming to Jesus (5:22-23) and pleading with Jesus to heal his dying daughter. Jarius was certainly convinced she was dying. So Jesus went with him and it was while they were on the way to Jarius house that the miracle of Jesus healing the woman from her bleeding occurred.
? In fact, while Jesus was still speaking to her, what happened? (5:35)
Yes, some men came and said to Jairus. Your daughter is dead ... They were certainly convinced of her being dead and not just sleeping. But, on hearing this, what did Jesus say? Did He say Oh, well, that's it. You reached my limit. I can only heal sick people. Death. No, that's beyond me. Of course not! Jesus didn't say that! Instead, He simply said:
(Mark 5:36) _______________________________________________________
Hmmm. What an amazing thing to say. ... Just believe. That's interesting. Jesus had just told the woman that she had been healed because her faith had healed her. Now, Jesus is telling this man to Don't be afraid. Just Believe. Let's see if there is any connection or correlation between these 2 events and these 2 statements. What if I told you that the Greek word for Faith is Pistis and for Believe is Pistueo. Obviously these, are the same Greek word. Pistis is the noun and Pistueo is the verb. They obviously are the same word, just different grammatical forms. Well, I just told you. So, factor that into your thinking process and now answer these questions:
? Did Jesus believe the girl was really dead? ............YES.......... NO
? Did Jairus believe she was dead ?......................... YES.......... NO
? Who can raise someone from the dead?
........... Circle your answer:........ God by His power................ Anyone by their own power.
? So what did Jesus mean when Jesus told the woman that her faith had healed her?
? Faith in whom?
? To do what?
? And what then did Jesus mean when He told Jairus to just believe ?
? Believe in whom?
? To do what?
? Knowing then, that the daughter of Jairus was dead, Jesus and Jairus continued on to the house where the now deceased daughter lay. Why did Jesus say, then, upon seeing her, that she was sleeping?
FYI, to all you wordsmith's out there, the Greek word used here for sleeping is KATHEUDEI (Strongs 2518) which means to go to sleep and usually refers to natural sleep, but as is used here and in the situation as we now understand it, the little girl was dead, but she was not dead to stay dead because Jesus had told her father to Just believe (in Him and the miracle He was about to perform). In other words, yes, she was dead, but soon she would soon be returned to life so it would be as if she had only been sleeping.
? What did Jairus do when Jesus told him Don't be afraid. Just believe.
? Did Jairus have total confidence that Jesus would restore his daughter to life? ...YES.... NO
Explain your answer:
? What happened? And Describe HOW Jesus did this. (Mark 5:41-42)
Yes! Jesus took her by the Hand and SPOKE and she was returned to life. And she stood up and walked around. In other words, she was 100% alive.
? Were there any instructions concerning this miracle? Yes. List them.
? Why did Jesus order them to not let anyone know about this?
? Why did He tell them to give her something to eat?
In closing, reflect on these 2 miracles and the others that we have previously studied. Ask yourself, Who IS this man, Jesus? Is He just a man or is He God, the very God of the Universe, indeed the Creator of the universe? Can anyone do deeds and miracles such as these other than God? Do these miracles testify that Jesus is God and the Son of God? Think on these things as you fill in the details of this miracle on your Events, Miracles....etc chart.
----- Pause while you do this assignment -----
Section 3
Wow ! Have we seen some awesome miracles in the past few days and weeks. List a few of them in the space below, as many as readily come to mind:
Amazing, isn t it? ! And that makes the next passage that we are going to look at now a sad but true commentary on how life is. We ve observed Jesus do miracle after miracle! Surely He IS God ! And then - And then He goes back to His hometown for a visit. Well, you know what is coming, but let's read it anyway. So turn now to Mark 6:1-6 and read these verses.
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Now summarize what happened when Jesus went back home.
? Did they deny that He had wisdom or did miracles? (Hint: read 6:2)..... YES ........NO
? So what was the problem? (6:3)
The strange statement they took offense at him is explained well by A.T. Robertson. Let me share it with you because it clearly summarizes the problem and Jesus' response.
"...because they could not explain Him, having been so recently one of them. The Nazarenes found their stumbling block in the person or circumstances of Jesus. He became --petra skandalou (I Pet. 2:7, 8; Rom. 9:33) to those who disbelieved (Swete). Both Mark and Matt. 13:57, ... preserve the retort of Jesus with the quotation of the current proverb about a prophet's lack of honor in his own country. John 4:44 quoted it from Jesus on his return to Galilee long before this. It is to be noted that Jesus here makes a definite claim to being a prophet (prophetes, forespeaker for God), a seer. He was much more than this as he had already claimed to be Messiah (John 4:26 = Luke 4:21), the Son of man with power of God (Mark 1:10 = Matt. 9:6 = Luke 5:24), the Son of God (John 5:22). They stumble at Jesus today as the townspeople of Nazareth did. In his own house (en tei oikiai autou). Also in Matt. 13:57. This was the saddest part of it all, that his own brothers in his own home disbelieved his Messianic claims (John 7:5). This puzzle was the greatest of all. ... ... He marvels at the lack of faith where he had a right to expect it, not merely among the Jews, but in his own home town, among his kinspeople, even in his own home. One may excuse Mary, the mother of Jesus from this unbelief, puzzled, as she probably was, by his recent conduct (Mark 3:21,31(. There is no proof that she ever lost faith in her wonderful Son. ..."
? Who were the brothers of Jesus? List them.
? Did He have any sisters? How Many? Explain your answer.
? Why was Joseph not mentioned?
? Why does Mark say in 6:5 that He (Jesus) could not do any miracles there, except lay His hands on a few sick people and heal them? If Jesus is God and God is Omnipotent, how is it that Jesus could not do any miracles? Was this a self-imposed restriction? And, if so, why?
? But He did do some miracles. What were they (6:5) Explain this.
Well, I guess your brain is getting tired and your heart is sad at the response of Jesus' hometown to Him. But there is one happy thought that I can leave with you before we move on. Remember Jesus's half-brothers? Well, even though they did not acknowledge His Godship and Lordship during that visit -- later they did! "...among the four half-brothers of Christ, two are well known. James presided over the Jerusalem church and wrote the book bearing His name, and Judas or Jude wrote the last New Testament epistle." (Liberty Bible Commentary)
But, that was later. This is now and Jesus was truly a prophet without honor in his hometown of Nazareth. So -- he left.
? What does Mark 6:6 say?
? And then what did Jesus do? (6:7)
? And what were the specific instructions concerning what the 12 Apostles were to take and not take on their preaching mission. List the instructions and explain what you think Jesus purpose was for each instruction.
? What was their instruction concerning what they were to do if any place didn t welcome them? Explain what this instruction meant or symbolized (if you know, otherwise hold that till later when we will be checking our sources. So, don t peek yet, if you don t know)
? Did they preach?.......... YES....... NO ..........And, if so, WHAT did they preach?
? Did they do miracles?..... YES...... NO .........And, if so, What was the PURPOSE or the main reason for the miracles.
? Does this give you any understanding as to why Jesus did Miracles?...........YES........ NO
? What did the miracles that Jesus did prove about him?
Explain your answer.
? Where did the 12 Apostles get the ability and the authority to do the miracles that they did?
? So, what then did the doing of the miracles by the 12 prove in relation to the message they preached?
Hmmm. Very interesting ! Do you see any correlation and insights that are valid today? Yes? What?
Great, and I wish we had time to go into that in more detail , but we must continue on, for while the 12 Apostles are out preaching, doing miracles (healing sick people and casting out demons) and probably even shaking dust off their shoes from time to time, a very important and sad event occurred. Read Mark 6:14-29 and then tell what that event was and summarize what happened.
Yes, you are correct! John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod. For years, J the B had been preaching fearlessly against the ungodly sordid soap opera lifestyle of Herod and Philip, Herodias and Salome. This stand for God's principles cost him his life and Mark tells us of the final events as they occurred. To learn more about the historical background and to put all of this into perspective and to see what it was that so enraged and disturbed J the B, you can check your reference materials. It s a convoluted and ungodly lifestyle which was so typical of the lives of the people then and sadly even today. So, go now to your commentaries and other resources books and read about this tragic beheading of John the Baptist and the events which precipitated it.
Then when you have finished reading about J the B and his death and while your books are still open, you can read back over any of the other things we ve studied in Mark up to this point. But, as always, don't go beyond these events. Take notes, and, when you are through, take a break. We ll continue in section 4.
Section 4
Yesterday, while the apostles were away on their 2 by 2 preaching tours, a sad event occurred, John the Baptist was beheaded! So the report to Jesus of their exciting ministry on their return was surely tempered with sadness over the loss of their beloved J the B. But there was not much time to grieve or sorrow because, as we see in 6:30-34, even though they tried to get away and rest, a large crowd saw Jesus and followed them to where they landed. And -- well -- let s see what happened. So read now Mark 6:30-44.
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This amazing miracle is also told in Matt 14:13-21, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-15. Yes, this miracle is recorded in all four gospels !!! In fact, this miracle and the miracle of Jesus resurrection are the only 2 miracles that are reported in ALL 4 Gospels! Hmmm. This must be a really important miracle! So, let s look at it again. You ve already read Mark's record of it. Now read it in the other 3 gospels. If you notice any additional information in the other accounts, make a note of it. Otherwise just keep reading.
So, read now the account of the feeding of the 5000 in Matt 14:13-21, Luke 9:10-17 and John 6: 1-15.
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Ok, now while the big picture of this event is in your mind, enter your initial observations on your Events Miracles ... etc.. chart. I say initial because when we have finished discussing this miracle, you may want to add some more insights and conclusions. So keep the chart handy and feel free to add to it as you go.
-----Pause while you work on your chart -----
Now for a few more questions.
? What were the events leading up to this miracle? (Ie. Where had the disciples been and where were they going and why? Read verses 6:30-35 before you answer.)
Yes, the mini-vacation where Jesus and His apostles could have some special time together had been abruptly canceled before it even began because another crowd had found them. So, of course, Jesus had compassion on them and began teaching them as usual. And He taught until it was late in the day.
? Then what happened? What did the disciples decide should be the thing to do and what did they tell Jesus to do and why? Read 6:35-36 before you answer.
? Did Jesus go along with their plan?.................. YES................ NO
? What did Jesus tell them to do? (6:37)
? What was the response of the disciples to Jesus plan? Did they readily agree and say Oh goodie, terrific idea, Lord! and proceed to feed the crowd? ............YES............. NO
? So what did they do? (6:37)
Yes, they argued with Jesus and told Him how impossible that would be and , in so many words, refused to do or even think about doing what Jesus had told them to do.
Now, in fear of stepping on any toes, still I must ask you, does this (gasp) sound like any of your responses to commands that Jesus has given you? Stop now and think about that and, if the Holy Spirit brings anything to mind that you need to deal with -- talk to God about it! Take as long as it takes. Even if you don't finish this section untill later, deal with this now. You might even want to write out a prayer to God on an FMEO (for my eyes only) page. Whatever. Think about this. Do you / have you not done something God asked you to do because it seemed impossible? Do you / have you decided what God should do and told Him what to do?
----- Pause while you think about this -----
Well, I see you are back . So, let's continue. Seems like we were talking about what should be done to feed this huge crowd of people. After all, there were no fast food places and the North Galileee Catering Service was on holiday so, what to do?
? Speaking of crowd. Just how BIG WAS it? Mark 5:44 gives us a clue. How many? ________ .
? Do you think this was a men's only meeting?............. YES ................NO
? Then, how many would you 'guestimate' actually were to be fed? (Explain your answer.)
? Can you see now why the disciples were, shall we say, concerned about the expense and the quantitiy of food that would be required? ..................YES.............. NO
? Well, to make a 'long story short,' what happened? (Briefly summarize how Christ dealt with the situation.) (Mark 6:38-44)
? Would you consider this a miracle? .........YES.......... NO ...........Explain your answer.
You are aware, of course, (or if not, get ready to be aware because I m going to tell you now), that some people explain this miracle by saying that Christ really did NOT multiply the ______ loaves and the ________ fishe so that everyone was able to ________ and be ______________ and still have ___________ basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish left over. No, they say, that could never happen! What did happen, they say, is that when the little boy volunteered his lunch (you learned about that little boy when you read the other accounts of this event, that was one of those details you were to note and write down as you read). Well, when he volunteered, then whamo everyone else pulled out their lunches and all shared in one big festival of love and happiness. Hmmmmm.
? Now I ask you:
1. Do these scholars with their 'share and be friendly' explanation kinda remind you of the approach of the disciples in trying to figure out how to feed such a big crowd?....YES..... NO
2. Does this sound like something that you or I might conclude if we did not believe that Jesus could do miracles?......... YES........ NO
3. Do you think that turning 5 loaves and 2 fish into enough to feed more than 5000 people is too hard for Jesus to do if he can calm storms, heal sickness, cast out demons, and raise the dead? ............................................YES ...................NO
? Well, I could go on and on - but I won't. Instead how about you going on. On a piece of paper, write your thoughts and reasonings concerning this miracle. Tell how YOU believe it happened and explain your reason(s) for your belief. Do you think it really was a miracle and Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes or do you think everyone whipped out their lunches and shared because the little boy inspired them to kindness? This is NOT an I think / I feel assignment. This is serious. Give it careful thought. Your answer will tell you and God what you really believe about Who Jesus REALLY is and what He can and cannot do.
----- Pause while you think about this -----
Ok. Now, while we are on that subject. Let's see what the crowds thought about this miracle. Actually there is a BIG CLUE as to whether Jesus had really fed that huge crowd by multiplying the 5 loaves and 2 fish or whether they all shared their lunches (which apparently were hidden in their flowing garments since the disciples didn't think there was anything to eat for miles and miles! Read John 6:14-17 for the clue.
----- Pause while you do this -----
Now Write John 6: 14-15 in the space below.
Now let s (gasp) think again.
? What did the people think had happened? (Hint John 6:14)
? If the feeding had just resulted from everyone sharing their lunches with each other, would this have seemed to be a SIGN / a miracle? ....................YES........... NO
? And would they, on the basis of everyone sharing lunches with each other, conclude that surely this is the prophet who is to come into the world? ..........YES ...........NO
? But, if indeed a miracle HAD occurred and Jesus had turned __________ loaves and _______fishes into enough food to feed and satisfy _____________ men and who knows how many women and children, would this be considered by the crowd to be a sign ... and prove to them that this man, Jesus, really WAS the long awaited Messiah, the one whom they knew was one day to come and be their King?.................. YES ...............NO
Explain your answer (remember who these people are, where they live, and what they know about the Old Testament.) (Hint, read Isaiah 25:6-9)
? Hmmmm. So did these people think a miracle had occurred?........... YES.......... NO
?Yes! In fact, they were so convinced that this man, Jesus, was able to make food out of almost nothing, what did they decide to do?
? Why did they want to make Him their King? Was it because He was so kind, patient, loving, etc.
that they wanted to serve Him?.......... YES.......... NO ..............
Or, was it that (you fill in the reason) _____________________________________________
? In other words, they thought that if Jesus was their King, what would He do for them? List some things you think they probably thought Jesus would do for them if He was their King.
? Jesus saw these thought processes. He knew their real intentions. John 6:15 tells us what was about to happen if Jesus didn't intervene and nip this in the bud. Write that verse in the space below.
Now ... and this next assignment for you is a toughee.....but a very very very important concept is present in John 6:15. So read, study, pray over, and think about this verse as you answer this next question (which by the way, is probably the 2nd most important question in this entire course). Are you ready? Then here is THE Question:
? Why did Jesus nip in the bud their plans to make Him King right then and there?. Why did He immediately send His disciples away on the boat, telling them He'd join them later. And why did He immediately dismiss the crowd and send them away? Indeed, why had he been refusing to let people be vocal about His powers and miracles time after time in the past. Is there something very significant in His refusal to allow them to make Him King now? Is this perhaps why all 4 gospels include this miracle? Is this a 'watershed' issue? Well, think about this. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper and thoroughly explain the reasons for your conclusion. When you have finished you will be through for this section. (And Remember, NO peeking in your reference books!)
Section 5
Well, I know you re waiting with baited breath for me to tell you the answer to the watershed question with which we ended Section 4. But, I m not going to tell you yet. You might have some more thinking to do on the subject so I am allowing more time for you to continue to meditate and think upon that question. Also, I really want you to discover the answer for yourself. So, if you already have ! Rejoice and aren t you thrilled! And if you haven't, just keep on meditating on it. You will discover the answer before this course is ended. So, with that said, let's look at the next event / miracle in Chapter 6 and then you will be either finished for this Lesson or you can use the rest of your time to think on the watershed question.
So, your assignment now, should you choose to accept it, is to read Mark 6:45-56. As you read, mark the word terrified and its synonyms and any other words that are important (key).
----- Pause while you do this assignment -----
Now enter the details of this miracle on your Miracles.... Chart.
------ Pause while you work on your chart ------
Now let s briefly answer a few questions:
? What did you name this miracle?
? Is this a miracle?......... YES........ NO.............. Explain your answer.
? Are their any similarities to a previous miracle? .............YES............. NO
And, if so, What Miracle?
Give the similarities in the space below.
? What did it mean in Mark 6:52," for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened." (Oh mee, we are back at that watershed question again. Hint: do you think perhaps the disciples might have agreed with the crowd and also thought that Jesus should be King now! ? Hmmm.
Well, since you are back at the watershed question again and are still thinking about that, let's end today's lesson here. So, you can either continue to ponder this question -- or take a break until the next Lesson. Your choice. You know what you need to do. But, do NOT look into any of your commentaries or other resource books yet!
Yes, yes, I know you want to look so you can find out what time Jesus came walking toward them on the water because you re not up on your Roman Clock and don t know when the FOURTH WATCH is ! : )
Well, I ll tell you (so keep your books closed!) -- the 4th watch is between 3 and 6 am. We night owls know these things! : )
So.....Until the next Lesson !
References used in this Lesson
Page 273 Word Pictures in the New Testament, Vol 1, Mark by A. T. Robertson. Op Cit.
Page 110, Liberty Bible Commentary. Op. Cit.
Ibid. Page 296
An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words by W. E. Vine. Op Cit.
Page 385. What the Bible is all About by Henrietta C. Mears. 1953. Regal Books Glendale Calif.
Pages 306-307 Word Pictures in the N. T. Op. Cit.
Page 113 Liberty Bible Commentary. Op Cit.
© 1996 "Yes Lord" Ministries
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