1 Corinthians Lesson 16
© 2005 "Yes Lord" Ministries (Bible Studies Net)
I Corinthians
Lesson 16
I Cor. Chapter 15 -- The "Resurrection" Chapter - Part 3
More evidence & Why the Resurrection is important!
Well, I see that you are back. And it is time to continue our study of this very important chapter in the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 15.
In our previous lesson, we studied the facts of the Gospel. We also found that there was a lot of eyewitness evidence that Christ literally rose from the dead, three days after His crucifixion. You will recall that we made a list of many of the eyewitnesses. Look back at that list, and, in the space below, record the individuals and / or groups of folks who had personally seen the risen Christ.
Wow! What an impressive list of people who attested to the veracity of Christ's resurrection.
And Guess what. This is not the only proof we have that Christ lived, died, and literally rose from the dead. In addition to the appearances which were recorded in the New Testament, there are also many extra Biblical reports about Christ which confirm various aspects of his life, death, and resurrection from the dead. There are? Yes! And, I guess you would like to know about these. Right? Ok.
First of all, there are, as you would expect, the writings of the "apostolic fathers", most of whom who lived in the very late first century and in the second century AD. These include Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, and others. These men were Christians and wrote books and letters which attested to the facts about Jesus. They did not live at the time of Jesus and, therefore, were not personal eyewitnesses of Jesus' resurrection. But, they lived very close to that time and, doubtless, were able to confirm the events of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus through stories from those who had experienced them (Polycarp, for example, was a disciple of John who was, of course, one of the original 12 disciples.).
But, amazingly, there are also many historical references about Jesus which were recorded by NON-Christians. Even though these men were not Christians, they were reliable and famous historians of their day. These non-Christian historians included Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, and others. There are also a few references in the Jewish Talmud which mention Jesus, albeit in a derogatory way. But, the fact that He was mentioned at all confirms that He did exist!
I assume you want to know more about these Non-Christian historians. So, let me give you a few brief facts about some of them.
Josephus was a very important Jewish historian. He was born in 37 AD (i.e., shortly after Jesus' life, death, and resurrection). He was, therefore, not an eyewitness to these events. But, he lived so soon after they occurred, that he was able to know about and report them in his famous book, The Antiquities.(1) In his writings he refers to Jesus and to James, the brother of Jesus.
Tacitus, was another non-Christian and was, perhaps, the most famous Roman historian of his day. In his book, the Annals, (2) written in about 115 AD, he makes reference to Jesus and his followers, the Christians.
Pliny the Younger was the nephew of Pliny the Elder, who was the very famous Roman historian who died in AD 79 in the eruption of Vesuvius. Pliny the Younger, therefore, being the nephew of Pliny the Elder, was obviously aware of the history of the first century, which included the events in Jesus' life. Pliny the Younger wrote many letters to his friend, the Emperor Trajan, and, included in these Letters (3), were references to Jesus and to Christians.
Another non-Christian historian, Thallus, wrote his history in AD 52. The original manuscript has been lost but it was quoted in about AD 221 by Julius Africanus. Thallus did not write specifically about Jesus, but, interestingly, he did write that there was a darkness over the known earth at the time of Jesus' death on the cross. Thallus explained this away as being due to an eclipse. (This darkness, as well as many details of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, is also described in Usher's Annals of the World.) (4). Africanus, reported, but didn't accept, Thallus' view that this "extreme darkness" was due to an eclipse, reasoning that it was not likely an eclipse since the timing of it was related to the crucifixion.
Alas, we don't have time to go into these and the many other historical reports. But, if you want to know more about these and other non-Christian historians and what they said, at the end of this lesson, I have included a list of some sources and books where you can find additional information. These include two very excellent books by Gary Habermas (5) (6) and an excellent book by Lee Strobel (7). If you are having any problems believing that Jesus really was a historical figure or that he really did literally rise from the dead, I strongly urge you to read these books (5,6,7)
Gary Habermas, for example, in his book, The Verdict of History (6), includes information from 39 ancient historical extra-Biblical documents and sources which provide over 100 facts about Jesus' life, teachings, death, and resurrection.
And Lee Strobel, in his "classic" book, The Case for Christ (7), gives much information (especially in chapter 4) on this subject of extra-Biblical historical accounts of Jesus. But, his entire book is a must read as it goes into many other evidences and proofs of the reliability, veracity, and validity of the Bible itself and of the facts it teaches. It also has many references and lists of other books and sources should you still need additional help and information. So, if you have any questions or doubts, this book is definitely a "must read".
Another book, which is more like a booklet (86 pages), and therefore can be read faster, is one by Dr. D. James Kennedy titled Risen Indeed, Evidence for the Resurrection (8). If you don't have time to read the longer books by Habermas and Strobel, then consider reading this one by Kennedy. It also includes some verrrry interesting and important information about the Shroud of Turin.
Well, enough of my pontificating. Let's continue. And obviously, it is time for some assignments.
And let's begin by first writing the "title" for this section that we are going to study in this lesson. So, look now at the verses below (12-19) and write the "title" of this section on the line provided. (Hint: use the title that you used in the "overview" lesson, Lesson 14, and write it on the line preceding these verses.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pause while you do this assignment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
12. But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13. If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.
Hmmmm. Well, that was easy. And I assume that you wrote "Why it is necessary to know and believe that Christ literally rose from the dead" (or something similar) on the line. So, with that done, it is time for another, yes, joy and happiness, another assignment.
So, your assignment now is to read verses 12-19 of 1 Corinthians 15 (as printed here for you or, as always, you may use your own Bible or version of your choice) and, as you read these verses, put a GREEN CIRCLE around every occurrence of the words raise, raised, resurrection and any other words used in place of these words but which mean the same thing. Also, put a BLACK BOX around every occurrence of the words dead, and fallen asleep .
Ok. That is your assignment. Let's pause while you do it. But pay attention as you read and mark these words because you will be asked to answer some questions when you are finished.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pause while you do this assignment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Finished? Great! Now, let's think about what Paul was saying.
As you read this passage, did you get the impression that at the time that Paul was writing, the Christians believed that "yes, Christ had been literally and physically raised from the dead" (Indeed, many likely believed this because they had either seen Him themselves or they knew of someone who had seen Him in a post resurrection appearance).
Circle your answer.................YES .........................NO
In verse 18 when Paul talks about "those also who have fallen asleep in Christ".... what does he mean by the term "fallen asleep"? (circle the correct answer)
....................... taking a nap............. sleeping soundly for the night................ DEAD ! they have died!
Wonderful. You were correct if you said that, Yes, they did believe that Christ had been literally and physically raised from the dead. In fact, this is the fundamental foundational teaching of Christianity. For, if Christ was not raised from the dead, then "Christianity crumbles like a house of cards." (8) Said another way, "If Christ were not bodily raised from the dead in human history, Christianity would cease to exist." (8)
Christ Himself said, before his death, that He would be killed and would be resurrected three days later. And He also indicated that His resurrection would be PROOF that He was the Son of GOD. So this is why the resurrection is soooooooo important and essential and foundational to Christianity.
And, concerning the question about what Paul meant when he speaks of having "fallen asleep in Christ", he means that a believer (a Christian) has died. So the correct answer to that question was, obviously, that the believer is DEAD! They have died!
Paul had also taught them that when a believer DIES something happens to them. What is it that Paul had told them about what happens to a believer after the believer dies? (Write your answer in the space below)
Yes, you are correct again, if you said that Paul had taught them that when a believer dies, he or she is not just "dead" but that he or she, like Christ, is also resurrected! This is why they are said to have "fallen asleep", because, they have, yes, physically, left this earthly life (died) but, they are not in a meaningless dark existence. Rather, they are resurrected to be with the risen Christ. And, just as the resurrection of Christ is the fundamental and foundational teaching of Christianity and the proof that Christ is God, even so, the assurance of the resurrection of the believer is the foundational fundamental "faith" and "hope" of the believer.
So, dying, for a believer, is NOT a thing to be feared, just as falling asleep at the end of a busy day is not to be feared but, rather, is an event to be anticipated with great joy and relief. So, "falling asleep" for a believer is actually a wonderful event because it is the time when they leave this life on earth and enter into an eternal life of joy, happiness, worship, fellowship, and service with, to, and for Jesus and God the Father.
But, alas, as you read verses 12-19, did you also get the impression that there were some people who did NOT believe that believers (Christians) who had died, or who would die in the future, are raised /resurrected from the dead?
Circle your answer.................YES .........................NO
Explain your answer in the space below: (Hint, if there is a specific verse, and there is, that confirms your answer, write it in the space below along with your "reasoning".)
Yes, you are correct, and verse 12 confirms that some were teaching that believers/Christians are not raised from the dead! How could this be?, you ask. And, why is this important? Well, let's think about that.
As you no doubt recall, in Lesson 1 of this study, we learned that Paul wrote this letter to the Church in Corinth in __________ AD. (If you don't recall when, look back at Lesson 1 and then fill in the blank.)
And, most people place the date of Christ's death and Resurrection at about _________ AD. (Fill in the blank).
Now, let's do some math. Since Paul wrote this Letter to the Church in Corinth in about 55 AD and since Christ's death and resurrection occurred in 33 AD. (4), then, how many years had passed from the time of Christ's resurrection until the time Paul wrote this letter? _______ .
Correct, approximately 22 years had elapsed. And during this time, many eyewitnesses of these events had "fallen asleep in Christ", which means, of course, that they had ________ .
So, now, 22 years after the event, there were fewer and fewer eyewitnesses to refute the critics because many of the eyewitnesses had "fallen asleep", i.e. died. Thus, there were now more and more believers who had not seen Jesus in person or as the Risen Resurrected Christ but only knew of someone who had (parent, friend, etc.) and even many of these who had confirmed these events for them were now dead ("asleep in Christ"). And, doubtless, there were many others who didn't even have these personal reports from others who had seen the Christ upon which to rely. . Therefore, many new Christians (believers) in Corinth and elsewhere were falling prey to the false and heretical teaching that was arising that Christ had not risen in a literal sense, but that, if He had risen at all, it was a spiritual resurrection. And, alas and alack, these false teachers did not stop there; they took this further and taught that other people (believers/Christians) who die do not rise from the dead but just remained dead! Arg! That is certainly a faith killer and a hope basher!
So, Paul, in verses 12 - 19 addresses them about this false and heretical teaching and explains why it is so important to know, understand, and believe that Christ literally rose from the dead and what this means for all believers who die.
So, you guessed it, that is what we want to evaluate now. We, like them, also need to understand WHY it is important to know and believe that Christ was literally (not spiritually but literally) raised from the dead (resurrected). This is such a key and important question, that we need to look at this specific question in some depth.
So, Read again what Paul wrote in these verses (12-19) as he responds to this false teaching about the resurrection. Then answer the following questions:
Did Paul preach that Christ has been raised from the dead? ________ (vs. 12, 14,15)
Were some (false teachers) teaching that there is no resurrection from the dead? _______ (v 12)
By saying that there is no resurrection of the dead, would this include Christ? Would this mean, according to the false teachers, that Christ was not raised from the dead? _________ (v. 16)
So, if Christ was not raised from the dead, then who can be raised? ________
What did Christ's resurrection prove? That He is __________ .
If Christ is not raised, can those who are "asleep in Christ" be raised from the dead? ________ (v 15)
What is the fate of those who have "fallen asleep in Christ" if Christ has not been raised? They are ____________(v. 18) and they are still in their _________ (v. 17) and their (your, our) faith is ____________ (v. 17)
What is the basic and fundamental truth that Christianity teaches? That Christ
If Christ was not raised from the dead, then what does this mean concerning the "faith" of a Christian? Is it valid? ________ . In other words, can a person be saved if their Savior (Christ) was not raised /resurrected as proof that His atoning (death) sacrifice for sin was accepted by God the Father? ___________ (v. 17)
So, if Christ is not raised, then the "faith" of believers in Christ is ___________ (17) and a person is still in _________ (v. 17). (Yes, I know you have answered this before, but this is verrrrrrry important and key to understanding the importance of Christ's resurrection and what it MEANS for those who believe it and accept its consequences, which are that it enables a person to be __________ from their sins and to be able to also be ______________ after they die.)
If one does not believe that Christ was resurrected, then, obviously this would also mean that __________ would not be resurrected either! (see v. 15)
And, if Christ was not resurrected and a believer in Christ can not be resurrected, then how "happy" and "hopeful" can a Christian be? ____________ (v.19). Correct, that person is not hopeful at all, rather they are to be _______________ (v.19). Why? (explain "why" in the space below. i.e.. what are the implications if Jesus was not raised from the dead.)
Dr. Kennedy on page 9 in his booklet Risen Indeed. ... (8) reminds us of the importance of Christ's resurrection and its implications by comparing Christ with the "founders" (gods with a little "g") of some other religions. Let me quote from that booklet:
"The historical bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead is unique among world religions. Confucius died and was buried. Lao-tse wandered off and died with his water buffalo. Buddha rotted with food poisoning. Mohammed died in 632, and his body was cut up and spread all over the near East. But Jesus rose from the dead. By that Resurrection from the dead. He demonstrated that He was indeed the Son of God with power. By His life, by His death, by His resurrection, He declares that He is God. "
So, bottom line -- was Christ raised from the dead? _____________ (v20)
Verse 20 ???? Hmmm. I can just hear you saying now, "There is no verse 20 in the section of scripture included in this lesson." Well, true, but it was in lesson 14, our overview lesson for this series. So, let me print it here for you. Then you will know if your answer was correct.
20. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
Yes, Christ was raised! He is risen. He is risen indeed!
So what does this mean for the Believers at Corinth (and for you and me and everyone in the world who accepts Jesus as God and Lord and Savior)? The following questions can help you understand what Jesus' Resurrection means for a believer/Christian.
Because Christ was raised, does this confirm that He is God and the Son of God? _______ .
Because Christ was raised, does this prove His atoning substitute death sacrifice was acceptable to God the Father as a satisfactory payment for our sins ? _______ .
Because Christ was raised, are believers forgiven of all their sins? _______ .
Because Christ was raised, do believers have to die for their sins? _______ .
Because Christ was raised, will believers be raised after they die? _______ .
Because Christ was raised, will believers live with God forever in His eternal kingdom after they die? _______ .
Because Christ was raised, is He the the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.? _______ .
And, in case you are wondering, though I am sure your got the correct answers. They are: yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes.
Firstfruits? What are firstfruits and what will the resurrection bodies of believers be like? I am glad you, along with the church at Corinth, asked those questions because we will study those things and more in our next two lessons.
But now, let's end this lesson here as we reflect on what we have learned about Why is it important to know and believe that Christ literally rose from the dead ?. Briefly, summarize in the space below your answer to this question.
Correct, If Christ had not died as a substitute sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sin -- And if Christ had not been raised from the dead to prove that His death sacrifice was acceptable to God the Father as payment for our sins -- then, as Paul told the church in Corinth (and us) 14. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. 20. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
Praise the Lord! Christ was raised from the dead! Christ did not die and stay dead as the founders of ALL the other religions did and are. Christ is ALIVE! CHRIST was Raised and He IS STILL ALIVE !!!.
Yes, Christ IS Risen! He IS Risen indeed!
And because He is Risen, He is my Savior, God, and Lord. Is he yours?
Let's close this lesson as we reflect on a Chorus that says it all. Sing along with me....
He is Lord!
He is Lord!
He is risen from the dead and He is Lord!
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess,
that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Footnotes and Additional Recommended Reading:
1. Josephus, The Antiquities 20.200, 18.63-64, etc.
2. Tacitus, Annals 15, 44
3. Pliny the Younger, Letters 10.96
4. James Ussher, The Annals of the World (Revised and updated by Larry and Marion Pierce, 2003) Master books, Inc. POBox 726, Green Forest AR 72638.
5. Habermas, Gary. The Historical Jesus. College Press, Joplin, Mo. 1996.
6. Habermas, Gary. The Verdict of History. Nelson, Nashville. 1988.
7. Lee Strobel,. The Case for Christ. Zondervan Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49540. 1998.
8. Kennedy, James. Risen Indeed. Evidence for the Resurrection. Coral Ridge Ministries. POBox 40. Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33302. 2005
Scriptures unless otherwise indicated are taken from
the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright C 1973,1978,1984
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishers.
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