List of Bible Studies

NOTE: This page is a 'mirror site' page for http://www.BibleStudies.Net

So, not to worry, you have come to the right place.

The studies on this site are designed so that you can interact with them by following the directions in the lessons. So, get a pen and some colored pencils and don't just read these studies but actually do the assignments. You will find they are easy and fun. Answers will be discovered as you work through the lessons so you will get 'instant' feedback. OK, with that said, select a lesson by clicking on it. When the lesson opens, either print it out - or save it to your computer - or copy and paste it into your word processor.

And now, here is the list of what is currently available:

Topical Bible Studies

10 Commandments 46 K Scripture included

What really Happened on Christmas 21 K Scripture included

The Lord Jesus Christ -- Is He Really God? Scripture included

What happens when you die ? Scripture included

John Tells us about Jesus Scripture NOT included as it covers the entire book of John.

Book Studies


Haggai Lesson 1 Introduction and Overview of Book

Haggai Lesson 2 The First Message

Haggai Lesson 3 The Second Message (Part 1)

Haggai Lesson 4 The Second Message (Part 2)

Haggai Lesson 5 The Third Message

Haggai Lesson 6 The Fourth Message


Jude Lesson 1 Introduction & Overview Scripture included

Jude Lesson 2 Godless Men and their Teachings Scripture included

Jude Lesson 3 Faith and why we must contend for it. Scripture included



Leviticus Lesson 1 ...... 22 K .......Overview and Introduction

Leviticus Lesson 2 ...... 38 K .......The Purpose of Sacrifices & Offerings

Leviticus Lesson 3 ...... 33 K .......The Garments of the High Priest

Leviticus Lesson 4 ...... 21 K .......What does "Holy" mean ?

Leviticus Lesson 5 ...... 36 K .......How to approach an Holy God

Leviticus Lesson 6 ....... 43 K ......Uncleanness, What to do about it & Why

Leviticus Lesson 7 ....... 32 K ......Day of Atonement (Pt. 1)

Leviticus Lesson 8 ....... 50 K ......Day of Atonement (Pt. 2)

Leviticus Lesson 9 ....... 31 K ......Don't eat blood ! Why?

Leviticus Lesson 10 ..... 27 K ......Interpersonal Relationships & Morality

Leviticus Lesson 11...... 30 K ......The Bible is its own Commentary

Leviticus Lesson 12 ..... 31 K ..... Specific Punishments for specific sins

Leviticus Lesson 13 ......49 K ......God's Priests -- then and now!

Leviticus Lesson 14 ......57 K ......The Sabbath of Rest -- then and now!

Leviticus Lesson 15 ......30 K.......Overview of the 7 Feasts

Leviticus Lesson 16.......58 K.......The Spring Feasts of Passover

Leviticus Lesson 17.......76 K.......Feast of Pentecost (Weeks /Harvest)

Leviticus Lesson 18 ......76 K.......The 3 Fall Feasts (Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles)

Leviticus Lesson 19 ......37K ......Cursing & Blasphemy (& what God thinks about it)

Leviticus Lesson 20 ......47K........The Sabbath Year & The Year of Jubilee

Leviticus Lesson 21 ...... 42K........Results of Obedience & Disobedience

Leviticus Lesson 22 .......67K .........Vows & Tithes ..& "In Conclusion.."

The Gospel of Mark

Mark Lesson 1 Overview / Big Picture

Mark Lesson 2 Chapter 1

Mark Lesson 3 Chapters 2 & 3

Mark Lesson 4 Parables in Chapter 4 and rest of Mark

Mark Lesson 5 Chapters 5 & 6

Mark Lesson 6 Chapters 7 & 8

Mark Lesson 7 Chapter 9

Mark Lesson 8 Chapter 10

Mark Lesson 9 Overview of Chapters 11-16 (Passion Week)

Mark Lesson 10 Chapter 13 (Olivet Discourse & End Times)

Mark Lesson 11 Passion Week Continues.

1 Corinthians


1 Corinthians Lesson 1....16 K...Introduction & verses 1:1-9 of the letter

1 Corinthians Lesson 2....13 K...Why written & the "Big Picture"

1 Corinthians Lesson 3....22 K...Baby Christians

1 Corinthians Lesson 4....23K....God's way vs. man's way (message of the Cross)

1 Corinthians Lesson 5 ...40 K...Sexual Immorality in the Life of a Believer !

NOTE: Lesson 5 was lost but has been found !!!!!! Thanks to a wonderful person who sent us an email telling us where to find it. So, here it is !!! .

Click here for details re why it was missing in case you were wondering.

1 Corinthians Lesson 6 ...28 K...Lawsuits between Christians. Is this OK?

1 Corinthians Lesson 7 ...57 K..."...Now concerning Marriage..."

1 Corinthians Lesson 8 ...50 K...Food sacrificed to idols... & stumbling blocks

1 Corinthians Lesson 9 ...44 K...God's Chain of Command

1 Corinthians Lesson 10..44 K ..The Agape Love Feast & the Lord's Supper

1 Corinthians Lesson 11..35 K.. Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians Lesson 12..47 K..The LOVE Chapter (Chapter 13)

1 Corinthians Lesson 13 .38 K...The Gifts of Prophecy & Tongues

1 Corinthians Lesson 14 18 K The Resurrection Chapter--Overview

1 Corinthians Lesson 15 46 K The Gospel & Eyewitness proof of the Resurrection

1 Corinthains Lesson 16 29K More Evidence & Why the Resurrection is important !

1 Corinthians Lesson 17 71 K .The "Genesis Connection"

1 Corinthians Lesson 18 42 K..The Resurrection Body

1 Corinthians Lesson 19 12 K Closing Thoughts

The Book of Revelation

Revelation General Guidelines to Leading a Class Discussion

Revelation Orientation Lesson... Read this first before doing the Lessons

Revelation Lesson 1 Introduction

Revelation Lesson 2 Big Picture of the whole Book of Revelation

Revelation Lesson 3 Message to 4 of the 7 Churches

Revelation Lesson 4 Message to 3 of the 7 Churches

Revelation Lesson 5 Worship of "Our Father Who art in Heaven ... "

Revelation Lesson 6 The Door and the Scroll - Begin Breaking of the Seals

Revelation Lesson 7 Breaking of the Seals Continued

Revelation Lesson 8 The 7th Seal

Revelation Lesson 9 Trumpets and Bowls

Revelation Lesson 10 The Millennium

Revelation Lesson 11 The Great White Throne Judgment

Revelation Lesson 12 Heaven -- Your Eternal Home ?

Leader's Guides for The Revelation Lessons

Note: you do not have to be a leader to use these. Studying individually you will also find these helpful


These guides have interesting supplemental information as well as suggestions for leading a group.

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 1

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 2

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 3

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 4

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 5

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 6

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 7

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 8

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 9

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 10

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 11

Leader's Guide Revelation Lesson 12



How to lead a Class / Guidelines for leading a Class using these studies

What is an interactive Bible Study?

How to do an Interactive Study using the studies on this website

Are these studies really Free?

How do I use a concordance?

Who is Jesus?

The Lord Jesus Christ. Is He REALLY God?

What does it mean to fear the Lord?

Is 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 teaching that you can "lose your salvation"?

What is Baptism for?”

How can I be Saved / Born Again?

What Happens when you Die?

Immanuel and Jesus? Do these names mean the same thing?

Is Jesus God? ... and the Son of God? ... and a Mediator between God and man?

What do you at Bible Studies Net believe? i.e. What is your Doctrinal Statement?

Who wrote the Book of James?

Cremation - Is it Christian or Pagan? NEW


GENESIS A Wonderful New study based on the book of Genesis has been written by one of our friends. It is not a "Yes Lord" Ministries course and it is not free.....but it is EXCELLENT !!!..

It is now available in both hard copy and on CD Rom on the Answers In Genesis website. We are providing a link to that site so you can learn more about it and order it. The Title of the course is:


Learning to think Biblically about the World

It is designed for Middle School age students but anyone, young or old, would benefit from this course. To find out more, click on this link to the Answers In Genesis website and then click on the link to their STORE, you will find it listed among their many wonderful materials..

Note: This is just a partial listing of our studies.

As we add new studies, we are putting them on this page.

Also, we invite you to visit our

DAILY INTERESTING THINGS site where we post something interesting and different every day.

It is located at