Leaders Guide Revelation Lesson 6
© 1998 "Yes Lord" Ministries
Leader's Notes
Revelation Lesson 6
Goal: The 3-fold purpose of this lesson is to
1. Determine what the DOOR in Rev. 4:1 represents
2. Determine what the Scroll might contain AND, more importantly, when it is, was, or will be opened.
3. Determine when the Church is seen in Heaven
Open with Prayer. As usual, this should be brief and you, as the leader do the praying.
Begin with Review and Introduction: As usual, begin with a brief review. For this lesson, you could review by saying something like:
"Well, we have come to lesson 6 and so far we have studied about John's vision (in Chapter 1 of Revelation), the letters to the 7 Churches (in Chapters 2 and 3), and in Rev. Chapter 4, we observed the Worship of God the Father in Heaven. Now, we are going to look at Chapters 4-7 since they seem to be a series of events that occurred as a group and in sequence.
And, there are several things we want to specifically look at in this discussion time. Specifically, we want to see what the Door in Rev. 4:1 might represent. Also, we want to look at the Scroll. We also want to think about WHEN it was that Jesus took or will take the scroll. And, we want to see what happens when each seal is broken and think about WHEN it was that the events of each seal occurred or will occur. Finally, we want to see WHEN it is that the Church appears in Heaven. When do we REALLY SEE the church.
Now, as you know, from doing your homework, there are several views about all of these things. What we want to do in our discussion tonight is to be BEREANS and examine several of the more common views and see which, if any, are supported by Scripture and which, if any, are consistent with what we SEE in Chapters 4-7 of Revelation.
So, let's begin.
First, let's look at the DOOR!"
Suggested Visual Aid: The visual aid I used this week was really "visual" and hopefully I can describe it so you can understand what we did. Since scanning in of images takes up so much space and increases the size of your download significantly, I will just try to describe what we did instead of scanning in the completed visual aid. So....
After I finished the review and introduction and told the group that we were going to begin with the DOOR, I then drew a BLUE DOOR near the bottom of the left hand side of the visual aid. Just outside and to the left of the door, I drew a stick figure (of John) so that he appeared to be looking through the door and upward (as if into heaven). Then I asked the class what John SAW in Chapter 4 as he looked through the door into heaven.
They should tell you that John saw a throne with God sitting on it. If they don't, keep rewording your questions until they do. Then, when they did, I drew a Chair like throne and put a Blue Triangle (representing God the Father) on the throne. (All of this is basic stick-figure' type drawing. I am NOT an artist.). Be sure they understand that this is God The FATHER who was seen and worshiped in Chapter 4.
Then, ask questions such as: "Who did we see worshiping God the Father in Chapter 4?" They should tell you that there were 24Elders and 4 Living Creatures. As they do (and rephrase your questions if necessary until you get these responses), then draw 24 letter C's (I did them in orange) around the throne to represent the 24E's and 4 Purple L's to represent the 4 Living Creatures. (Like I said, this is stick figure' stuff. Do NOT get carried away and make awesome drawings. We are just trying to give a simple visual of what is occurring instead of just writing words. Also, this area of your drawing of the events in Heaven should only take up about 1/5 of your total board space. The rest of the visual aid will ultimately contain a drawing of a scroll with the 7 seals and each of the 7 seals will serve as a column heading. So... leave lots of room for that as that is where the main thrust of the lesson will be. Don't draw the scroll now, though. I am just telling you so you will know to leave a lot of space.)
Then say. "So, in Chapter 4, John saw 24E's and 4 LC's worshiping God the Father. Are the 4 LC's the Church? They should say NO. And you say "correct! The LC's are NOT the Church. But, what are they?" To this your class should tell you that the LC's are a category or type of Angels. If they don't, reword your questions until they understand that they are angels.
Then say: "Now, the 24 E's. As you know, there are SEVERAL DIFFERENT opinions concerning WHO these represent. What are some of the views?"
As your class responds, discuss the pros and cons of each view briefly.
For example, if the class tells you that these 24E's are 24 OT and NT Saints.... discuss this possibility.
Point out (if the class doesn't) that these are thought by some to represent the 12 original Sons of Jacob (aka Israel) for whom the 12 Tribes were named. But, others think that these represent 12 very famous OT people (such as Moses, Daniel, etc.)
And, re the 12 NT representatives', some think they represent the 12 Apostles. But, if this is so, then why didn't John recognize himself? And why didn't he recognize the others? Aren't we supposed to recognize people in heaven? Yes.
And some think the 12 represent 12 very important people of the Church. But who might that be? Billy Graham? Wycliffe? Martin Luther? Etc? Hmmm. Or would it be some unknowns' such as you or your SS teacher? Or who?
And some think this group represents 24 Representatives of the Church and does not include ANY OT people. And, if this is true, then who are the 24? Billy Graham? Paul? You? Who?
Point out that many people think that the DOOR in Rev. 4:1 is the Rapture! Therefore they say that these 24E's represent representatives of the Church, either as 12 of the Church and 12 OT people who were already there or all 24 represent the church or other variations of the theme.' Then ask: "Does this seem logical? If you had just been raptured into heaven, would you be willing to let some one represent you in worshiping God? Or would you want to thank and worship God yourself? Discuss this briefly.
And, some think this group represents 24 Angels. In fact, the Amplified Bible and some other versions of the Bible describe them as the Heavenly Sanhedrin. Hmmm. And they base this on the fact that the Tabernacle on Earth and everything in it (including the Priests, etc) are patterned after what is in the Heavenly Tabernacle. ...
Discuss all of these various views for about 5 minutes or so.... with the emphasis on WHERE IS THE CHURCH? Do you see the Church for sure?
Then say... ok that is what John saw in Chapter 4. Who did John see in Chapter 5? First of all, Who is being worshiped in chapter 5?
Your class should tell you that Jesus is being worshiped...as the Lamb slain. If they don't see this, keep rewording your questions until they do. Then, when they tell you that The Lamb, Jesus, is being worshiped, draw a lamb with 7 horns with blood at his feet ...in front of the throne of God the Father. (Again, use stick figure for the Lamb instead of a fancy drawing).
Then ask, who do we see worshiping the Lamb? They should tell you (and keep asking appropriate questions until they do): The 24E's, the 4 LC's and Myriads and Myriads of Angels (at this point draw a large number ...say 50 or so circles... around the throne and outside the inner circle of E's and LC's ... to represent the many many angels. I drew them in yellow... but point out that really everyone in heaven seems to be dressed in white from what we have been reading and that you are just using these colors to show the different groups but NOT to make a statement about what they are wearing.
Then say: "Are these Angels the Church?" = NO
Then say, "Who else is worshiping Jesus in Chapter 5?" = the Creatures. Then discuss the Greek word for creatures, KITSMA, and the verses we studied in our lesson about Creatures. Ask various questions so your class comes to understand that these are NOT the Church... but rather are probably all the birds, animals, etc. that God created and which also experienced the effects of the fall as described in Romans 8:22.
Ask: "When in time would these creatures most likely be singing these praises to Jesus?" If no one has an answer, suggest some possibilities and let your class discuss the pros and cons of each. The two most likely times when the Creatures would have wanted to rejoice would include: after Jesus's atoning death and resurrection, OR at the time of the Great White Throne Judgement at the end of the 1000 years and before eternity begins. Probably your group will decide that the most likely time would be at the time of Jesus's death and resurrection because they knew that this had purchased redemption for them also!
Then say: "So, we have seen that the Creatures are NOT the Church. And the Angels are NOT the Church. And the 4 LC's are NOT the church. And the 24 E's are probably NOT the Church. Hmmm. So where is the Church? As you know, many people believe that the DOOR in 4:1 represents the Church being raptured to heaven. But.. Since we have looked at the groups in Chapters 4 and 5 and didn't see the church for sure. Then, let's look again at the DOOR and see if it really represents the Rapture or if it might represent something or someone else."
Now spend about 2 or 3 minutes discussing the various views as what the Door could represent as based on the scriptures you studied in your homework. Your group will probably suggest such possibilities as: The DOOR could represent the Rapture, Salvation, the Way into heaven, Jesus, etc . As each possibility is mentioned, briefly discuss the pros and cons of each view. Whenever there is scripture which supports a view, be sure to emphasize the scripture (such as the verses in John 10:1-18 and Luke 12:22-29 supporting the concept that the Door could represent the fact that Jesus is the ONLY way to enter Heaven -- one must enter through Jesus, that the only way to see God is by going through Jesus, etc.)
Then, if possible, see if your class can come to a conclusion as to what the Door in Rev. 4:1 might really mean. But, don't force them to come to any conclusion. If they are not sure yet, just remind them of the possibilities and the currently held views and then continue on to the next topic in your discussion.
So, continue by saying something like: "Ok, we haven't seen the church yet in heaven and we think the DOOR might mean that this is the WAY to get into heaven instead of representing the Rapture. But, let's continue on and see what happens next.
At this point, draw a little scroll with 7 seals by the right hand side of the Triangle (God) on the throne. Then say. What happens next?
Your group should say: Jesus takes the Scroll from the Right hand of God the Father and begins to open it. When they give you this answer, say YES. Then briefly (for about a minute) discuss that Jesus was the ONLY one Who was qualified to take the scroll and open it and WHY.
Then, draw a large scroll across the top of the Visual aid.... with 7 seals and with each seal numbered (1-7). These seals and numbers will serve as the headings for the 7 columns of your chart.
Then, begin to discuss what happens as EACH seal is broken. List in a column below each seal what happens when each seal is broken.
For example, when you have Jesus Breaking the First seal and list what happens, you could list:
White Horse
Goes out conquering
Then discuss: Who is the rider? What are the various views? As they give them to you, write them on the board in the list under seal One: Antichrist, Christ, Spirit of Antichrist, Roman Emperor.
Then say: "Who this Rider IS really depends on when the seals were or will be broken. Let's look at some of the possibilities. IF the seals are not yet broken and will be broken in the future, say at the beginning of the last 7 years (Jacob's week), then the most likely person is.....the Antichrist or Christ. But, if the seals were broken shortly after Jesus' death and resurrection, say, for example, at the time of Pentecost, then the Rider would most likely be the Spirit of the Antichrist or a Roman Emperor.
Discuss these possibilities... their pros and cons... and scriptures which might support any of these views. For example, John 4:3 would support the view of the rider being the Spirit of the Antichrist and the seals being broken starting at the time of Pentecost. And the fact that there are no more Roman Emperors today would mitigate against that possibility for the rider. Also, discuss why it is unlike that Christ is the rider and how the confusion might be because people might be confusing the riding of Christ on a Horse at the time of the END of the 7 years with being this event. Etc.
Also, discuss what it is that the rider of the White Horse does, IE. Is bent on Conquest and is conquering. Ask if there has been conquest and conquering since the time of Christ's death and resurrection? =YES.
Now, do the same with Seal 2. Write the events that happen: Red horse with Rider (write all of the information in this column in, you guessed it, RED as they give you the information). Then discuss if these events have been going on since the time of Christ. IE, have there been wars and etc. or are all of these still in the future in the final 7 years? Obviously this could also have happened and still be happening if this seal had been broken at the time shortly after Christ's death and resurrection...
Discuss Seal 3, writing the events on the Board in BLACK under the column under the 3rd seal. Discuss that this is referring to Famine. And point out that a quart of wheat and 3 quarts of barley were being sold for a day's wages. Then ask, "have we had famines here and there for the past 2000 years? Or is this something that hasn't happened but will occur only in the final 7 years? Discuss the pros and cons of these possibilities briefly.
Discuss Seal 4, writing the events on the Board in a Pale Green Color (I actually blended green, blue, and yellow together by writing the same thing on top of each other in the 3 colors when I wrote PALE HORSE....to make a sickly color). Discuss briefly whether there has been death and dying by sword, famine, plague during the past 2000 years. Of course, there has.
Seal 5.... write the information about this in RED on the Board = the seal of the MARTYRS. Discuss the scriptures they studied in their homework about martyrs. Help them to see that there have been a LOT of martyrs beginning with Abel in Genesis and with many during the OT and the NT and even today. Point out that many people believe that these martyrs are ONLY those who will be killed in the 7 years and ask if it is logical that ONLY those martyrs have their blood avenged? Has the blood been avenged yet for Able and all the others? = NO. Spend several minutes discussing the martyrs, how many there were, how their blood has not been avenged and that some of it will be avenged during the events of the 7 years and some will not be avenged until the Great White Throne Judgment. Also discuss the fact that when they were told to rest that this did not mean to zzzzzz sleep. Point out what the definition of the Greek work for rest meant (it was in the lesson).
Now discuss Seal 6. Write ALL of the events on the board under the Seal 6 Column. Begin by writing the word EARTHQUAKE in Brown and putting a brown jagged box around it. Then point out that the NEXT time the word earthquake is used is 8:5 just before the 7 trumpets are sounded. Hmmmmm. Could earthquakes be another marker??? Hmmmm.
Then list the next events (don't discuss them yet, just list them): sun turns black..., moon turns blood red..., stars fall..., sky reseeds like scroll..., every mountain and island moved... (Point out that this means shaken and not totally destroyed and wiped out)... kings of earth , princes, etc.cry out..."THE GREAT DAY OF HIS (GOD'S) WRATH HAS COME"
Stop now and say: "How long would it take for all these events we just listed in seal 6 to take place? Weeks? Days? Hours? A few minutes... maybe 2 or 3 minutes?"
Then point out that ALL of these events could occur in just a minute or 2 or 3 or in a very short time.
Then say: "And, the WRATH of God is announced. Hmmm. Have we seen any real wrath before now? Were the wars and taking peace and famines and etc in the first 4 seals wrath'?" = NO. But, now we see WRATH.
What has the Church been promised? = To Escape the Wrath. Hmmm. Hold that thought. IF it is just now announced to be starting or about to start and we haven't really seen the Church yet.... hmmmmm.
Well, let's push on. What happens NEXT in Seal 6?
= the 4 Angels hold back the winds (write this down) and 144,000 Jews are sealed! (Write this down in Purple under column 6).
Briefly discuss the pros and cons of the various views concerning who the 144,000 are. IE that some say these are the 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses who are going to be saved, others say this is the church, others say they are 144,000 Jews who are sealed and who are not saved yet but will be during the 7 years, etc. Try to arrive at the conclusion that these are literally 144,000 Jews, just as the Bible Says. Tell your class we will learn more about them in next week's lesson.
Ask: How long would it take to seal the 144,000? = Not long. Probably a second or so.
Hmmm. Very interesting. We have had a lot of events happen in Seal 6 but all of them could have occurred in just a short span of time, perhaps in a total of 5 minutes or less. Hmmmm
Then continue on and say, What happens NEXT? = A great multitude is seen in heaven....Write this on the board in GREEN under column 6. Then ask a few questions concerning what this group says, etc. But, don't write those answers on the board.
Point out that some people believe that this group represents all the people will be saved during the 7 years while others believe that this is the Rapture of the CHURCH which is at this point escaping the coming wrath and are now seen in Heaven praising God. Hmmm. Briefly discuss the pros and cons of both views. Point out that what this group is saying and doing sounds like what we would expect the Church to say and do if they had just been Raptured... and that this is what we were looking for at 4:1 but did not see. Hmmmm. Then, tell your class that we will study about this group more next week. So you don't have to come to any conclusions yet. Just THINK about what you are observing as the seals are opened.
Then point out that many people believe that Jesus opened the first 5 seals shortly after His death and Resurrection 2000 years ago and that we are still living today in the effects of the first 5 seals which are ongoing. BUT, at any second now, Seal 6 could be broken and the events in it.. Including the rapture of the Church (if this is what that Great Multitude represents) could and will occur as the very next event on God's timetable. Hmmmmmm.
Then ask what happens in Seal 7 and write their response (= Silence in Heaven for about 30 minutes) on the board. Tell your group that we will discuss this seal more in lesson 8, but just wanted to mention it now for completeness. Point out that this seal only takes about 30 minutes and THEN the Censer is thrown down and the 7 angels are given the 7 trumpets and in Chapter 8 will begin to blow the Trumpets.
Ask: Is it possible that the events of the Seals (especially seals 1-5) are the Birth Pangs? And that Seal 6 is where the Rapture occurs? And that Seal 7 is the Bema Judgment of the Church? And that the Final 7 years, the time of WRATH, begins with the Throwing down of the Censer and the Blowing of the First Trumpet?
Then say: "Hmmmm. Very interesting thoughts. And we will continue thinking about these and other things in our next lesson. So, let's close now with prayer. And we will continue this next week."
Close with Prayer. And, as usual, you do the praying.
Then dismiss your group and, as always, be available if anyone wants to talk with you, but try not to get into too big a discussion about these things now. Save these topics for next week when all can share in the discussion together.
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