CRNWR Project

Picture of the Cahaba River Water Lilly, a white flower with pointed petals around a round base, with yellow pistils, amongst green foliage floating on river water


1. What is the name of the bill?

2. What does this bill propose? (5 sentences or less)

3. Which counties would be affected by this bill?

4. List one possible negative consequence of this bill and one possible positive consequence.

5. Does the bill address the issue of eminent domain? What exactly does it say, and what does that mean? (Direct quote + summary)


6. What is the definition of eminent domain? When was the last time it was exercised by the US government on US citizens? For what reason would the government choose to exercise eminent domain? Does eminent domain apply in this case?

7. What is so special about the Cahaba River?

8. What are the main concerns that people have about this bill? Are these concerns valid?

9. How would the bill affect individuals and businesses who currently own land in the refuge area? If that land is sold in the future, how would the bill affect that sale and future use of the land by the new owners?

10. Do you support the passage of the bill? Argue why or why not, and back up your argument with persuasive evidence and direct quotes from the material we have reviewed over the last several days  (2 paragraphs - 6 sentences minimum...and make it convincing).

A picture of the cahaba river lillies as seen from the bank of the river, clumps of white flowers amidst green grassy clumps floating on the top of the water


CRNWR Proposal Research Project Links

CRNWR official website

Outdoor Alabama's page on the Cahaba River

August 2010 article on plans for refuge expansion

Tuscaloosa News article #1 - Sept 02, 2010

Tuscaloosa News article #2

CBS 42 video of meeting

Tuscaloosa News article #3

Tuscaloosa News article #4

Birmingham News editorial

Cliff Robinson letter

Friends of CRNWR email FYI August 3rd, 2010

Attached Documents:

"Draft Environmental Assessment and Land Protection Plan For The Proposed Expansion of Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge and the Proposed Establishment of Cahaba River Conservation Area"

-download the pdf file below by clicking on the down arrow