A Sound of Thunder Group Project

A Sound of Thunder Group Project


Part I:  Analysis:

1. What is Eckel's major flaw?

2. What does Travis represent in the story?

3. How does our society act like Eckel's at times?

4. To what extent are mistakes the responsibility of those who make them?

5. When is it OK to not take responsibility for your actions?

Part II:  Figures of Speech

(Identify the figure of speech being used in the following quotes)

6. "Time was a film run backwards"

7. "Each lower leg was a piston"

8. "The rifles cracked again"

9. "Like a stone idol, like a mountain avalanche, Tyrannosaurus fell"

10. "It was like standing by a wrecked locomotive, or a steam shovel at quitting time"

Part III:  Foreshadowing

11. Travis tells the hunters not to leave the Path for any reason. What does his warning foreshadow?

12. What event is foreshadowed by Travis’s statement that a “littler error here would multiply in sixty million years, all out of proportion”?

13. Early on, Travis tells Eckels, “We don’t belong here in the Past.” Explain why his words prove to be true.

14. How does the sequence of the story differ from chronological sequence?

15. When the safari arrives in the past, Travis says, “That is the jungle of sixty million two thousand and fifty five years before President Keith.” Why does Bradbury make another reference to President Keith here?

16. In lines 154-161, Lesperance explains how carefully the company prepares for its safaris. In what way is this information an example of foreshadowing?




Reading Objective: III-3 Understanding Figurative Language : Foreshadowing