
1. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning

Understanding Machine Learning & Deep Learning

2. Howto Deep Learning in Tensorflow

Intro to Machine Learning (ML Zero to Hero, part 1)

Basic Computer Vision with ML

Introducing convolutional neural networks (ML Zero to Hero, part 3)

Build an image classifier (ML Zero to Hero, part 4)

Machine Learning Zero to Hero (Google I/O'19)

How Convolutional Neural Networks work

CHAPTER 6 Deep learning

Backpropagation In Convolutional Neural Networks

Updating the weights of the filters in a CNN

3. How to install TensorFlow on Linux

TensorFlow Download and Setup (0.7.1 version)

Tensorflow Installation (0.9.0)

Tensorflow Installation (1.1.0)

pip install mixes 1.16 and previous versions of numpy

How to Install Python Pip on Ubuntu 20.04

How to Use update-alternatives Command on Ubuntu

4. How to build TensorFlow on Linux


Build from source

소스에서 설치

How to build Bazel

Bazel 설치 사용법

Installing Bazel on Ubuntu

5. How to install TensorFlow on Windows

TensorFlow Installation | Step By Step Guide to Install TensorFlow on Windows | Edureka


6. Load Data in the Tensorflow

TensorFlow Datasets

Load CSV data

ML lab 04-2: TensorFlow로 파일에서 데이타 읽어오기

7. Python IDEs and Atom

12 Best Python IDEs And Code Editors In 2020

How to install Atom editor in Ubuntu

How to open the terminal in Atom?

How to configure Atom to run Python3 scripts?

8. Examples : Tensorflow 1.0

TensorFlow 시작하기

머신러닝 초보를 위한 MNIST

MNIST data 학습하기

MNIST 데이터 출력해보기

Deep MNIST for Experts

딥러닝으로 MNIST 98%이상 해보기 (lab 10) 소스 코드

ConvNet을 TensorFlow로 구현하자 (MNIST 99%) (lab 11)

Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) 학습하기

모두를 위한 머신러닝/딥러닝 강의 (Sung Kim)

수업에 사용하는 코드 (Sung Kim)

Rock-Paper-Scissors examples

Build an image classifier (ML Zero to Hero, part 4)


Using TensorFlow.js to Train a “Rock-Paper-Scissors” Model

Torch vs Keras for CNN Image Classification: Thoughts on the Rock Paper Scissor dataset

Forecasting examples

A simple deep learning model for stock price prediction using TensorFlow

stock price prediction code

Time Series Forecasting

9. Examples : Tensorflow 2.0

TensorFlow 2 quickstart for beginners

10. Parallel algorithm for calculation Artificial Neural Network

Parallel Computing For Neural Networks

Highly Parallel Computers for Artificial Neural Networks

Parallelism in Machine Learning: GPUs, CUDA, and Practical Applications

CNNs with MPI

Parallel CNNs

Parallel and Distributed Deep Learning

Demystifying Parallel and Distributed Deep Learning: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis

Korean English