Markov-switching model

1. Markov-Switching Model 

    (1989, Econometrica, Prof. James D. Hamilton) 

  1) paper : A New Approach to the Economic Analysis of Nonstationary Time Series and the Business Cycle, Econometrica , March 1989

  2) code :

  3) book :


2. Introduction to Markov-Switching Model

  1. Normal distribution 

       - OLS :

       - 2SLS :

       - 3SLS :

       - MLE :

 1)  An instrumental variable approach to full-information estimators for linear and non-linear econometric models,  Hausman, Jerry A, Econometrica,1975,  

 2) Identification in linear simultaneous equations models with covariance restrictions : an instrumental variables interpretation,   Hausman, Jerry A.; Taylor, William E. ,Econometrica,1983.   

 3) Efficient estimation and identification of simultaneous equation models with covariance restrictions,   Hausman, Jerry A.; Newey, Whitney K.; Taylor, William E., Econometrica,1987.


 2. Mixture distribution

 3.  The History of Markov-switching model 

       Prof. James D. Hamilton (MS model)

       Prof. Kim, Chang Jin (State Space-MS model, LIML MS model)

       Prof. Hans-Martin Krolzig (MS-VAR model)

       Visiting Prof. Yoon, Jae Ho (FIML MS model)

 4. FIML Markov-Switching Model (Jae-Ho Yoon)

     - paper : Simultaneous equations in the markov-switching model, 2004

     - FIML Markov-Switching Model examples

       1) Phillips Curve 

           The Co-movement of Inflation and the Real Growth of Output , 2006


       2) Housing business cycles (2014~)

         - real estate CAPM : The linked movement of house price and stock price with shocks, 2017

         - US Monetary Policy :  US Monetary Policy and the G7 House Business Cycle, 2017

         - The Wealth Effect : The Wealth Effect in the G7 House Business Cycle, 2018          

         - The Theory of Housing Business Cycles (H V=P Y) : Housing Business Cycles in the Asset Economy, 2020 

         - Brexit :   Impact of BREXIT on G7 properties, 2022


5. Housing Business Cycles in the Asset Economy

 1.  Housing Business Cycles in the Asset Economy 

    -  ppt ; Housing Business Cycles in the Asset Economy , 2020

  2. 전세계 경기변동 이야기, 2020


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