Wk 4: Tree rings & Fern Journal

Read First - Assignments for this week

There are lots of points available this week. Read the detailed instructions in the folders carefully to maximize the points you earn!

Overview with point values for the 2 assignments due this week:

1.) Dendrochronology- Tree Rings (8 points). For part of this laboratory, you will learn how tree rings are used to help scientists understand past climates. You will learn how the growth of tree rings is influenced by both rainfall and temperature and how these two factors interact. Give yourself time to use and understand the online game that goes with part of this exercise.

2.) Fern journal- This will be your first entry using your fern dishes and it is worth 2 points. Later in the semester, you will provide an update entry for 2 more points. The entire Fern Journal is worth 4 points. Keep this in mind when you see your grades displayed.