Coleus & grafts final updates
Coleus Cutting
Use this Padlet to provide a final photo of your Coleus graft and a final photo of your Coleus cutting. For the cutting, you can remove it from water if necessary - focus on the submersed stem section where new roots may have formed. For the graft, remove the bag so it is as clear as possible. Each photo worth 1 point. Label the new photos with the date they were taken.
[Note to instructors: Students turn in photos over Padlet. Each student is assigned a single column (it helps for you to label the columns with their names in order to match your gradebook). Using Padlet allows for quick image and video uploads and makes it easy for students to see each other's work, which helps create a sense of community. An example is linked here. ]
Coleus graft
Copy and paste the following questions into a word processing document and type answers 2 lines below each question. Then attach the file by using "Browse My Computer" to find, then attach your document, then Submit.
1. Did your coleus cutting that you started in a cup of water show evidence of new root growth? If so, where along the stem were the new roots formed (above or below the surface of the water)? Compare your cutting now to the photo you submitted last week - is there any evidence of new growth in the stem or leaves yet?
2. Describe the status of your coleus graft. Is the rootstock still alive? Is the scion still alive? Do the leaves look wilted or healthy? Is the scion stem standing upright or drooping? Does the tape appear to still be tightly affixed to the stems? If the scion appears to have died, explain why you think it did so - is there evidence of fungus; did it lose too much water; were there other problems?
3. Do you have any ideas to expand upon this grafting lab in this course, considering the constraints of the difficulty in mailing plants?
Also submit photos of your coleus graft and cutting to the padlet linked on Blackboard. Label the new photos with the date they were taken.