Online Botany Lecture & Laboratory

This course was developed by Ben Montgomery and has since been added to and improved by Kate Farrah. We are both at University of South Carolina Upstate. You may use elements from this course for your instruction, but you may not incorporate these materials into published materials outside of your institution (e.g. lab manuals used outside of your own university) without prior written permission. Please let us know if you use these materials for purposes of our internal documentation: / .

See links for the syllabus, schedule, supplies list, and laboratory activities on the left menu or the drop-down menu at the top. Activities are organized by the week in which we teach them, and some activities span multiple weeks.

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Links to sub-menus

List of Laboratory Activities and Lab Week(s) in which they are described:

Orientation activities: practice importing images into Padlet and Blackboard

Grow terrariums in sun and shadier locations

Graft Coleus & Make a Coleus cutting

Fern life cycle - germinate spores, grow gametophye and sporophyte

Dichotomous keys & identification of winter twigs with a key

Tree rings / dendochronology

  • Week 4: Dendochronology (exercise based on Flash, current fuctionality needs to be checked)

Photo documentation of leaf traits & other vegatative traits

Gymnosperm Identification

Flower dissections

Human nutrition

Iodine test for starch / hypothesis testing

Phenology / Effects of climate on Phenology

DNA extraction / polyploidy / hypothesis testing

Community engagement / volunteer opportunity / digital herbaria

Radish genetics

Cooling power of shade trees