D-STAR -- W9IPA Settings

The Oakwood, Ohio D-STAR gateway of W9IPA

The CU Digital Radio Club

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Call Sign Visibility:

Every ham radio operator can choose whether his/her call sign will appear in the "Live Log" and the "LastHeard" ircDDB lists below or not. For your callsign to appear put "VISsssON" in the YOURCALL (or URcall) field of your radio, along with all the other normal settings, and press PTT once on this repeater, where "s" is a space/blank. The "VISsssON" setting will be stored permanently on the network. You only have to do this procedure once. To turn the visibility feature off, put "VISssOFF" in the YOURCALL (or URcall) field of your radio and press PTT once on this repeater. You can switch from "VISsssON" to "VISssOFF" and vice versa at any time.

Oakwood, Ohio (Near Dayton) W9IPA D-Star Repeater:

ircDDB Live

W9IPA Live

Last Heard Status of W9IPA__B

Typical D-STAR system (text version):

Antenna <---> Duplexer <---> D-Star Repeater Module (A or B or C or DD transceiver) <---> 172.16.x.x network <---> Repeater Module Controller <---> Linux Gateway Computer <---> 10.x.x.x network <---> Gateway Router ( <---> Internet

To set callsigns in radio for a gateway call such as communicating on reflectors :

70 Centimeter Band Settings Example:

Set Call Sign Fields as follows:


RPT1: W9IPA B (There are 2 spaces between the A and the B; B in this example selects the 70 cm module)

RPT2: W9IPA G (There are 2 spaces between the A and the G; The G in this example selects a gateway call for communicating to hams in a reflector)

MY: = the call you received from the FCC

Set frequency and offset to match module letter selected in callsign fields in above example

Set Duplex: DUP+ or DUP- depending on the offset

Set Radio Mode: DV


  • Your FCC callsign must be entered with a local gateway registration page and be approved to use gateway calling.

  • All callsigns with a letter after the call sign must include blank spaces between the callsign and the letter. A total of 8 characters must fill the callsign field in the radio.

  • A four character callsign needs three spaces before the letter -- CCCCsssL where C is the callsign, s are spaces, and L is the module letter.

  • A five character callsign needs two spaces before the letter -- CCCCCssL where C is the callsign, s are spaces, and L is the module letter.

  • A six character callsign needs one space before the letter -- CCCCCCsL where C is the callsign, s are spaces, and L is the module letter.

  • Each Icom radio may use unique label symbols for the fields for a particular model. For example, the ID-51A, ID-31A, IC-91AD, IC-92AD, IC-2820, IC-7100, IC-9100 radios use [ UR: R1: R2: MY: ]. The ID-1, IC-80AD, ID-880H radios use [ UR: RPT1: RPT2: and MY: ]. The ID-800H uses [ UrCALL RTP1 RPT2 MyCALL ]. The IC-v82/UT-115, IC-U82/UT-115, and IC-2200/UT-115 radios use [ YuC R1C R2C MyC ].

To set an ID-31A or ID-51A radio for Digital Voice (DV) and use Reflectors through a local repeater gateway:

The Icom ID-31A and Icom ID-51A handheld radios have an auto mode which sets callsign data based on internal GPS as well as internal memory repeater data, however callsign data can also be set manually. The easy way to communicate through the gateway in the Indianapolis area, with the Icom ID-31A and Icom ID-51A, is to use the D-Star Repeater (DR) button. Holding the "DR" key held for one second results in setting the radio to a convenient digital voice (DR) mode.

The "DR" button is held down. "DV" is visible on the display in place of "FM". The radio is in DV mode along with the corresponding display. Next, highlight the "TO" field by alternately choosing RX->CS (the up function) and DR (the down function). Once the "TO" field is highlighted, press the blue button, and rotate dial knob to select "Your Call Sign" on page 1/2. Press blue button, rotate dial knob to select " Use Repeater", and press blue button. The "TO" field displays "Use Repeater CQCQCQ". If only CQCQCQ appears, repeat process until the "TO" field contains "Use Repeater CQCQCQ".

Highlight the "FROM" field by alternately choosing RX->CS (the up function) and DR (the down function). Once the "FROM" field is highlighted, rotate dial knob to select the desired repeater.

Once "Use Repeater CQCQCQ" is in the "TO" field and the desired repeater is in the "FROM" field, the radio is ready to communicate through the local repeater gateway.

To find the gateway where a call sign was first registered go to:

http://query.ke5bms.com/index.php or

http://dstar.prgm.org/cgi-bin/dstar-regcheck or
