D-STAR Reflectors

What are D-Star Reflectors?

D-Star Reflectors are a means to set up a conference bridge for D-Star Users. They allow multiple D-Star repeaters, DVAP users, and DV Dongle users, from all around the world, to be joined together in one big conference call and whatever information is transmitted from one of the users is repeated across all of the connected repeaters that are linked to the Reflector; a true worldwide conference call. Everyone connected can be part of the conversation and at least will be able to listen in and talk when necessary.

Table of D-STAR Reflector Dashboards - Clicking on a reflector below opens its dashboard in a new tab.

Note: Dashboards for reflectors 011, 021, 022, 034, 040, 042, 043, 044, 049, 056, 057, and 059 have been off for a while.