Self Defence




(JD/JW Cadets Only)

Ques 1 – What precautions should be taken by boys and girl cadets so that their conduct is never questionable?

Ans - These are as under : -

(a) Realize their responsibilities and become role model for the youth.

(b) Keep away from drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

(c) Must keep good company.

(d) Develop healthy hobbies like reading, music, painting, gardening etc.

(e) Do not waste your time.

Ques 2 – What should be the general behaviour of NCC cadets?

Ans - It should be as under : -

(a) They should be strictly disciplined, peaceful, friendly and co-operative.

(b) Have a sense of healthy competitiveness and remain free of jealousy

(c) Maintain positive attitude and have mutual respect.

(d) Boys should never indulge in eve teasing.

(e) All must behave elegantly.

Ques 3 – What are the good habits which NCC cadets must imbibe?

Ans - These are as under : -

(a) Rising early.

(b) Prayers.

(c) Morning exercise/PT.

(d) Cleaning-up and Breakfast.

(e) School/College/ studies(as applicable).

(f) Mid-day meal.

(g) Afternoon short rest /studies.

(h) Evening sports.

(j) Relaxation (watching TV, reading informative books and magazines, newspapers).

(k) Studies.

(l) Dinner.

(m) Cleaning and change.

(n) Adequate sleep at night.



Ques 1 – What are various untoward incidents plaguing the society which must be prevented by cadets?

Ans - These are as under : -

(a) Road Safety

(b) Pick-pocketing, Hooliganism, Theft and Robbery

(c) Eve-Teasing, Molestation and Sexual – Harassment

(d) Smoking and Alcoholism.

Ques 2 - How to avert road accidents?

Ans - (a) walk carefully on the roads.

(b) Follow all safety rules.

(c) Take into account all signals.

(d) Start early to reach in time.

(e) Do not over-speed.

(f) Do not mix drinking and driving.

(g) Cross roads at zebra-crossing.

(h) Where there is no zebra crossing, one should look towards both sides and then cross.

(j) Hold children’s hands, when they are going to cross roads.

(k) Children must be taught all the road safety rules.

Ques 3 - How to prevent Pick-pocketing, Hooliganism, Theft and Robbery?

Ans - Following measures must be taken: -

(a) To prevent pick-pocketing, one should avoid travelling in crowded places, and should try to carry little cash and valuables.

(b) Cadets should not indulge in hooliganism.

(c) If cadets see hooligans indulging in such activities, and if it is a small and manageable group and cadets are in a large number, they can try for a peaceful dispersion.

(d) If the incident cannot be controlled, cadets should report the same to nearest police-station or to any law & order authority.

(e) Cadets must ensure prevention of robbery & theft and report any such incidents to law and order authority.

(f) Cadets must make good contribution in prevention of such incidents in their neighbourhood.

Ques 4 – How to discourage Eve -Teasing, Molestation and Sexual - Harassment ?

Ans -

(a) Cadets must abide by moral values right from young age.

(b) They must learn to respect dignity of opposite sex.

(c) Girls should dress up elegantly so that they don’t attract indecent remarks.

(d) Girls should avoid travelling alone in darkness.

(e) Work together with the opposite sex in a healthy environment.

(f) Boy cadets must understand that eve-teasing, molestation and sexual harassment are criminal offences.

Ques 5 - How to discourage Drugs, Smoking and Alcoholism?

Ans - It must be ensured that: -

(a) Cadets should spend time with their families and should introduce their friends to them

(b) Cadets must understand that drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism are health hazards, and social evils and these are to be avoided.

(c) Cadets must spread awareness and positive thinking in the society.

(d) Cadets must remember that laws are implemented severely to penalize those found guilty of selling drugs or encouraging people to take drugs.



Ques 1- What are the vulnerable parts of the body?

Ans - Eyes, ears, temples, nose, mouth, chin, front and sides of throat, solar plexus, abdomen, fork (testicles), knees and insteps. Base of skull, spine (specially cervical and Lumber regions), kidneys, coccyx or testicles.



Ques 1 – What are the essential principles of unarmed combat?

Ans - (a) Ruthlessness

(b) Determined effort

(c) Attack vulnerable parts of opponent.

(d) Efficiency of initial attack.

(e) Surprise and speed of attack.

(f) Retaining initiative.