Ecology-Nature Awareness



Ques 1. Define environment?

Ans - The conditions in which an organism exists make up its environment.

Ques 2. What are the affects of environment degradation?

Ans – (a) Global warming.

(b) Acid Rain

(c) Depletion of ozone layer.

Ques 3. What is the role of NCC cadets towards environmental degradation?

Ans – NCC Cadets can take following actions to curb environmental degradation: -

(a) Tree plantation.

(b) Guide and motivate family and friends to control environmental degradation.

(c) Water conservation

(d) Disposal of waste

(e) Educate the people


Ques 1. Define ecology?

Ans - The science which deals with the study of the eco-system is called ecology.

Ques 2 – What is green house affect?

Ans - It is the effect arising due to increased carbon dioxide content and increase in global temperature and depletion of ozone layer due to chlorofluorocarbons used, poses the greatest threat to the very existence and survival of human beings and flora and fauna around the globe.


Ques 1. What measure the youth should adopt to check environmental degradation?

Ans - Following measures must be taken by youth : -

(a) Keeping air, land, rivers, and water bodies clean and natural.

(b) Tree plantation and stoppage of indiscriminate felling of trees.

(c) Prevention of wastage and over-use of all natural resources.

(d) Re-using industrial wastes.

(e) Consumption of non-renewable resources by using renewable resources as far as possible.

(f) Modern sewage disposal techniques.

(g) Restrictions on using chemical substances and toxins harmful to soil, water and air.

(h) Fumes, smoke and exhaust gases to be rendered harmless by innovative design of machinery and technology.

(j) Treatment of effluents.

(k) Observing strict emission levels.

(l) Elimination of nuclear waste.

(m) All waste to be biodegradable.

(n) Non-biodegradable waste to be recycled

(o) Water bodies to be kept chaste.

(p) Protection of nature in all forms.

(q) Protection of all life-forms.

(r) Strict policies, regulations and incentives for protection and conservation of nature and life-forms.

(s) Impetus to Research and Development for environment-friendly technology.

(t) All development involving the bio-sphere to be environment-friendly with ecological harmony or “Economic Development on Ecological Principles”

(u) Management of environmental pollution, at all levels including homes, such as smoke, use of sprays, garbage disposal, non-bio-degradable waste, water pollution.

(v) Protection of wild life.

(w) Checking human population explosion.

(x) Cleanliness drives for rivers, water-bodies and soil (to remove non-bio-degradable).

(y) Ensuring environmentally rational behaviour in oneself and others.

(z) Developing environmental consciousness amongst common people through classroom instructions, posters and hoardings, public and media campaigns.


Ques 1. Define pollution?

Ans - Pollution is defined as imbalance in the atmosphere caused by pollutants.

Ques 2 – What are the various kinds of pollution?

Ans - It is of following kinds : -

(a) Land Pollution

(b) Air Pollution

(c) Water Pollution

(d) Sound Pollution

Ques 3 – How is water pollution caused?

Ans - It is caused by following means: -

(a) Discharge of domestic waste.

(b) Discharge of industrial waste

(c) Discharge of agricultural waste

Ques 4 - What measures the NCC cadets adopt to control pollution?

Ans - (a) To develop consciousness among common people to control all pollution. Plant more and more trees.

(b) The use of loud horns or mindless blowing of horns by motor vehicles should be banned

(c) The water bodies should not be used as waste reservoirs.

(d) Various sources of drinking water, and water resources should be well protected so that dirty water does not enter these water bodies.

(e) Environmental education should be made compulsory in all educational institutions.

(f) Excessive use of pesticides and insecticides should be avoided.

(g) In all towns and cities there should be proper arrangement of dustbins to collect garbage being produced in the houses.

(h) In the factories strict precaution should be instituted to avoid pollution of various types.

(j) Running of old and pollution emitting vehicle should be banned.

(k) The pollution control Administrative Authorities must have independent powers to implement their decisions


(Only for SD/SW cadets)

Ques 1 - What is the importance of forests?

Ans - Forests are our natural resources. They have a vital role in maintaining a balanced & healthy eco-system. Forests help in global recycling of water, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and nitrogen in a balanced way.

Ques 2 – What is the influence of forests on ecology and pollution?

Ans - (a) Forests control the pollution of all types and maintains healthy eco-system.

(b) Maintains balance between the oxygen and carbon dioxide for quality environment.

(c) Carbohydrates synthesised by the forest plants are a major source of energy consumed by herbivores feeding on plants and carnivores feeding on herbivores

(d) Checks floods, draught and soil erosion.

(e) Forests control humidity of the environment and regulate the weather conditions.

(f) Forests bring down the temperature and maintain favourable weather conditions.

(g) The forests protect balance between flora and fauna, thus keep the balance in nature.


(Only for SD/SW cadets)

Ques 1 - What is the main reasons for extinction of certain plant and animal species?

Ans - (a) Destruction of their natural habitats

(b) Over-grazing by domestic animals

(c) Poaching for meat, skin, fur, ivory, rhino horn etc.

(d) Export of some species.

Ques 2 – How to manage and protect the wild life in India?

Ans - (a) Protection of natural habitats through control of exploitation.

(b) Maintenance of protected areas like parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests.

(c ) Protection through legislation .

(d) Impose restrictions on export of rare plants and animals.

(e) Encourage Non-Government Organisations to participate in protection of wild life.

(f) Spread general awareness among the masses.