Hygiene and Sanitation




Ques 1 – What are the main parts the Human body?

Ans - These ara as under : -

(a) Skelton

(b) Muscles.

(c) Blood Circulatory Organs.

(d) Respiratory Organs.

(e) Digestive Organs.

(f) Excretory Organs.

(g) Nervous System Organs



Ques 1 – Define Hygiene?

Ans - Hygiene is the science which seeks to preserve and improve the health of the individual and of the community as a whole.

Ques - 2 – How to ensure proper personal hygiene?

Ans - It is as under : -

(a) 7-8 hours of Sleep

(b) Regular Bathing

(c) Eating and Drinking

(d) Care and Cleanliness of Skin, Hand, Hair and Teeth.

(e) Healthy food and proper rest.

(f) Exercise.

Ques 3 - What are the various methods of water purification?

Ans - These are as under : -

(a) Boiling and distilling.

(b) Filtration.

(c) Sterilization.

(d) Pinking.

(e) Precipitation.

Ques 4 – Describe a soakage pit?

Ans - Essential for the disposal of liquid refuse like greasy water from kitchen and waste water from bathrooms. Dig a pit 4 feet by 4 feet and 5 feet to 6 feet deep. Fill with small stones and broken bricks. Cover the top with oiled sacking and put earth or sand 6 inches above. In the centre keep a perforated empty tin of kerosene oil. Fill this tin with layers of gravel or sand and gravel. In this, fit in a bucket, filled with straw, grass or some other grease retaining material. Remove the strainer daily and replace with fresh one.



Ques 1 – Describe classification of communicable diseases?

Ans - (a) Excremental Diseases

(b) Droplet Infection

(c) Contact Diseases

(d) Inset Borne Diseases

(e) Water borne diseases

(f) Animal Borne Diseases

Ques 2 – What are the preventive measures to ward off communicable diseases?

Ans - Preventive measures are as under : -

(a) Segregate the patient

(b) Destroy agents (germs) causing infection.

(c) Dis-infection.

(d) Control of the food and drink.

(e) Inoculation and Vaccination



Ques 1 - What is the first aid treatment for internal injuries?

Ans -

(a) Keep the patient warm, lying down with feet raised up and head kept low.

(b) Apply cold application on the suspected injured region.

(c) Cheer up the patient.

(d) Arrange medical attention as soon as possible

Ques 2 - What is the first aid treatment for burns and scalds?

Ans (a) Protect burnt area by applying bandage or cover exposed part with clean towel or cloth.

(b) Give complete rest and plenty of fluids to the patient.

(c ) Re-assure the patient.

(d) Give him morphia if available.

(f) Evacuate patient to the nearest hospital or dispensary.

Ques 3 - What is the first aid treatment for snake bite?

Ans (a) Make the victim lie down comfortably.

(b) Give convincing reassurance against fear of death.

(c ) Apply a light constricting tourniquet with handkerchief, bandage or shoe lace above the knee for a bite on the leg and above the elbow for a bite on the arm. So that the poison does not flows to all part of the body.

(d) Wash with soap and water. Use water freely.

(e) Incise into the skin 2” x ½” across the fang mark with a blade.

(f) Suck the blood either with mouth or with a suction pump. Be careful that there is no cut or ulcer in the mouth.

(g) Evacuate the patient quickly to the nearest dispensary or hospital.

(h) If breathing fails, start artificial respiration.

Ques 4 - What is the first aid treatment for scorpion bite?

Ans (a) If blood has been drawn, the wound should be cleaned well with antiseptic lotion.

(b) Evacuate casualty to the nearest dispensary or hospital.

Ques 5 - What is the first aid treatment for rabid dog bite?

Ans (a) Immediately wash with water and soap.

(b) Wound should be cleaned with available antiseptic.

(c) Patient should be sent to hospital for an anti- rabies injection course.

(d) Dog and the patient should be kept under observation for at least 10 days.

Ques 6 - What is the first aid treatment for foreign body in eye?

Ans a) Ask the patient not to rub the eyes.

(b) Wash the eye with water repeatedly for a minute or two.

(c ) Search for the foreign body by lifting the upper eyelid and parting the lower eyelid down. The patient should face the light. If the foreign body is seen, it can be wiped off with the moistened corner of a handkerchief, cloth or cotton swab.

(d) If foreign body is fixed to the eye-ball, patient should be sent to the hospital with a light eye bandage.

Ques 7 - What is the first aid treatment for foreign body in nose?


(a) Blowing the nose and sneezing may expel the foreign body.

(b) Make the casualty breath through the mouth.

(c ) Do not try to remove the foreign body.

(d) Send the patient to the nearest hospital

Ques 8 - What is the first aid treatment for drowning?

Ans (a) Wet clothes should be loosened.

(b) Mouth, throat and nostrils should be cleaned of mucus and of any foreign body.

(c ) Patient should be made to lie down over his belly , face down , head turned to one side , arms stretched beyond the head, tongue pulled out.

(d) Artificial respiration should be given till he starts breathing.

(e) Cover the patient with a blanket.

Ques 9 - What is the first aid treatment in case of electric shock?


(a) Switch off or break the current if possible.

(b) Remove the casualty from contact with the current, if possible. Stand on some insulating material such as rubber soled shoes or boots or piles of newspapers.

(c ) Give artificial respiration.

(d) Treat for shock and burns.



Ques 1 - What is the classification of wounds?

Ans - (a) Inside Wound

(b) Lacerated Wound.

(c) Punctured Wound.

(d) Gun Shot Wound.

(e) Shell Wound.

(f) Contusion.

Ques 2 – What is the first aid of wounds?

Ans - a) Place the patient in comfortable position.

(b) Stop the bleeding, if any.

(c) Remove any foreign body if it is easily visible and can be easily removed.

(d) Prevent the entry of germs by applying sterilized dressing like first field or shell dressing.

(e) Give rest to the part by sling.

(f) Immobilize the part, if wound is large or complicated by fracture.

(g) Treat the patient for shock.

(h) Send the patient to nearest hospital.



Ques 1 – What are the benefits of yoga?

Ans - (a) It removes stress, strain, tension and anger.

(b) Yoga harmonizes all disturbances in the body and eradicates ill effects completely

(c) It brings efficiency and mental clarity.

(d) A person who develops his power of thoughts through Yoga has charming and dynamic personality.

(e) Yoga helps in purifying the disrupted natural rhythm and harmony of the body, bestows grace, heals and makes one free from all ill effects.



(Only for SD/SW cadets)

Ques 1 – Define physical health?

Ans - Physical health is absence of disease and infirmity and it is assessed by taking health state measurements of the body.

Ques 2 – Define mental health?

Ans - Mental health refers to the successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationship with other people, ability to adopt to change and cope up with adversities.

Ques 3 - What are the elements of Good Health?

Ans - (a) Absence of disease.

(b) Ability to work hard with efficiency and enthusiasm.

(c) Ability to endure stress and strain.

(d) Cheerfulness.

(e) Courage.

(f) Freedom from anxiety.

(g) Self control and self confidence.

(h) Sense of well being.

(j) Wholesome mental attitude.

Ques 4 - What are the characteristics of healthy mind?

Ans Characteristics of healthy mind are:-

(a) Normal appetite.

(b) Calmness.

(c) Cheerful outlook.

(d) Good temper.

(e) Socially acceptable habits.

(f) Well regulated instincts.

(g) Normal physical vitality.

(h) Receptivity to new ideas.

(j) Sex consciousness

Ques 5 - What measures will ensure mental health?

Ans .(a) Favourable home and school environment.

(b) Regular medical examination.

(c) Provision of educational and vocational guidance.

(d) Provision of co-curricular activities



(Only for SD/SW cadets)

Ques 1 - Define fracture?

Ans - Fracture is a discontinuity or break in a bone, resulting in the dissolution of the supporting frame work of the body.

Ques 2 - What are the first aid measures for fractures?

Ans - The first aid measures are as under:-

(a) Reassure the patient and make him comfortable.

(b) Apply splints to immobilize the fracture with any common article like stick, rifle etc.

(c) Relieve him of discomfort and pain. Keep the patient warm.

(d) Do not meddle with the fracture.

Ques 3 - What is the first aid for dislocation?

Ans (a) Do not try to reduce the dislocation.

(b) Tie sling or bandage to immobilize the joint, apply cold compress to reduce the swelling.

(c) Send the patient to the nearest hospital for early treatment.



(Only for SD/SW cadets)

Ques 1 - How to prioritize causalities for treatment?

Ans (a) Priority I – cases requiring resuscitation and urgent surgery.

(b) Priority II – cases requiring early surgery and possibly resuscitation.

(c) Priority III – All other casualties who require minor treatment.