Adventure Activities



Q 1 : What do you understand by adventure training?

Ans: The training given to the cadets/ youth by the NCC to develop the quality of leadership, self-confidence, determination and feelings of team spirit.

Q 2: Why NCC conducts the adventure activities?

Ans: To inculcate the quality of leadership & determination in the cadets.

Ques 3 – What are the various land base adventure activities?

Ans - (a) Mountaineering.

(b) Mountaineering Expeditions.

(c) All India Treks.

(d) Cycle and Motor Cycle Expedition.

Ques 4 – What are the various Naval activities?

Ans - (a) Sailing expedition.

(b) Scuba Diving.

(c) Boat pulling.

(d) Wind surfing.

(e) Kayaking.

Ques 5 – What are the various air based activities?

Ans - (a) Para Sailing

(b) Slithering

(c) Para jumps

Ques 6. What are the aims of adventure activities?

Ans - (a) To develop and enhances the spirit of adventure which is inherent in all human beings.

(b) Inculcate self reliance, confidence, discipline and leadership qualities.

(c) Promote Co-operation and team spirit.

(d) Spread the achievements of NCC and it's importance to remote areas.



Ques 1 – What are the aims of trekking?

Ans - (a) Inculcate a spirit of adventure, exploration, inquisitiveness and practical investigation.

(b) Develop stamina, endurance, self confidence, team spirit and esprit-de-corps.

(c) Develop love for nature and concern for environmental cleanliness.

(d) Promote National Integration.



(JD/JW Cadets Only)

Ques 1 – What are the types of cycle expeditions?

Ans (a) To places outside the state.

(b) Places of historical and religious importance.

(c) Places of natural beauty.

(d) Distant countryside I remote places

(d) To visit certain historical places.

Ques 2 - What all points should be borne in mind while planning a cycle expedition?

Ans (a) Realistic -and not over ambitious.

(d) Number of cadets.

(b) Physical standards of cadets.

(c) Financial constraints.

(e) Selection of route and halts.

(f) Logistic plan.

(g) Selection of cadets.

(h) Collection of information.

(j) Liaison with civilian I military authorities.



(Only for SD/SW cadets)

Ques 1 – What is the basic equipment required for papa sailing?

Ans (a) Para sail canopy.

(b) Harness.

(c) Two ropes.

(d) Two Yoke.

(e) Release Mechanism.

(1) The prime Mover (jeep or motor launch).

Ques 2 – What all crew are required for para sailing?

Ans - (a) Controller

(a) Tow Crew

(b) Launch crew

(c) End Helper

Ques 3 – What all precautions must be taken during para sailing?

Ans - (a) All the equipment brought for use is in serviceable condition.

(b) The course/track is smooth for the vehicle run and no obstacle exist on it Le. Trees, poles, electric lines, telephone lines etc.

(c) A dummy practice launch should always be carried out.

(d) No launch is to be made when winds are turbulent or dusty.

(e) All the members responsible for conducting para sailing are conversant of their duties.

(f) Take off should always be made directly into the wind.

(g) The canopy will be thoroughly checked for any damage.

(h) At take off, if the para sailor trips or falls, the vehicle will be stopped immediately

(j) In case para sailor rotates or swings more than 45 degrees, the vehicle will be slowed and landing procedure will be carried out.

(k) The damaged para sail I canopy should not be used.

(I) Helmet must be used by the para sailor.