Architecture Implementations

Methods                                                                                                                       Authors - Dates

Digital Signal Processor (DSP) (7)                                                                             Boragno et al. (2007)

Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) (3)                                                                     Peng et al. (2009)

Field-Programmabale Gate Array (FPGA) (44)                                                        Hirawai et al. (2010)


S. Boragno, B. Boghossian, J. Black, D. Makris, S. Velastin, “A DSP-based system for the detection of vehicles parked in prohibited areas”, AVSS 2007, pages 1-6, 2007.

D. Peng, C. Lin, W. Sheu, T. Tsai, “Architecture Design for a Low-Cost and Low-Complexity Foreground Object Segmentation with Multi-Model Background Maintenance Algorithm”, ICIP 2009, pages 3241-3244, Cairo, Egypt, 2009.

J. Hiraiwa, E. Vargas, S. Toral, “An FPGA based Embedded Vision System for Real-Time Motion Segmentation”, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2010, pages 360-363, 2010.

D. Garcia-Lesta, P. Lopez, V. Manuel, B. Cabello, "In-pixel analog memories for a pixel-based background subtraction algorithm on CMOS vision sensors",  WILEY International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, pages 1-17, 2018.