Background Initialization

Background initialization presents solved and unsolved challenges. Please see Challenges in Background Initialization Website.

Background initialization (generation or extraction) regards the initialization of the model.

Note:  This list of publications comes from the following publications:

T. Bouwmans, L. Maddalena, A. Petrosino, "Scene Background Initialization: a Taxonomy", Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 96, pages 3-11, September 2017.

L. Maddalena, A. Petrosino, “Extracting a Background Image by a Multi-modal Scene Background Model”, SMBC 2016 Workshop in conjunction with ICPR 2016, Cancun, Mexico, December 2016.

L. Maddalena, A. Petrosino, "Towards Benchmarking Scene Background Initialization", Workshop on Scene Background Modeling and Initialization in conjunction with ICIAP 2015, pages 469-476, September 2015.

L. Maddalena, A. Petrosino"Background Model Initialization for Static Cameras", Chapter 3, Handbook on "Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance: Traditional and Recent Approaches, Implementations, Benchmarking and Evaluation", CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, July 2014.