Intelligent Video Surveillance

People Detection (1 paper)

S. Molina-Giraldo, H. Insuasti-Ceballos, C. Arroyave, J. Montoya, J. Lopez-Villa, A. Alvarez-Meza, G. Castellanos-Dominguez, “People detection in video streams using background subtraction and spatial-based scene modeling”, STSIVA 2015, Bogota, Colombia, September 2015.

Fall Detection (1 paper)

M. Alonso, A. Brunete,  M. Hernando, E. Gambao  "Background-Subtraction Algorithm Optimization for Home Camera-Based Night-Vision Fall Detectors", IEEE Access, 2019.

Traffic Surveillance (27 papers)

J. Zheng, Y. Wang, N. Nihan, E. Hallenbeck, “Extracting Roadway Background Image: A mode based approach”, Journal of Transportation Research Report, pages 82-88, 2006.

A. Doulamis, “Dynamic background modeling for a safe road design”, ACM International Workshop on Workflow and Event Analysis for Assistive Environments, PETRA 2010, Samos, Greece, June 2010.

A. Doulamis, “Innovative background subtraction in highly dynamic visual conditions for designing safe roads”, ACM International Workshop on Workflow and Event Analysis for Assistive Environments, PETRA 2010, Samos, Greece, June 2010.

L. Unzueta, M. Nieto, A. Cortes, J. Barandiaran, O. Otaegui, P. Sanchez, “Adaptive Multi-Cue Background Subtraction for Robust Vehicle Counting and Classification”, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 13, Issue 2, pages 527-540, June 2012.

Q. Ling, J. Yan, F. Li, Y. Zhang, “A background modeling and foreground segmentation approach based on the feedback of moving objects in traffic surveillance systems”, Neurocomputing, 2014.

M. Teutsch, W. Krueger, J. Beyerer, “Evaluation of Object Segmentation to Improve Moving Vehicle Detection in Aerial Videos”, AVSS 2014, Seoul, Korea, August 2014.

Y. Zhang, C. Zhao,  J.  He, A. Chen, “Vehicles detection in complex urban traffic scenes using Gaussian mixture model with confidence measurement”, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2016.

B. Alpatov, P. Babayan, M. Ershov,  "Vehicle detection and counting system for real-time traffic surveillance", Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018, pages 1-4, 2018.

J. Wei, J. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Z. Zha", Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Traffic Surveillance based on Background Modeling, IEEE CVPR 2018, 2018.

K. Goya, J. Singha, "Review of background subtraction methods using Gaussian mixture model for video surveillance systems",  Artificial Intelligence Review, Volume 50, No. 2, pages 241-259, 2018.

A. Hanif, A. Mansoor, A. Imran,  "Performance Analysis of Vehicle Detection Techniques: A Concise Survey", World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2018, Volume 50, No. 2, 2018.

L. Marcomini, A. Cunha, "A Comparison between Background Modelling Methods for Vehicle Segmentation in Highway Traffic Videos", Preprint, 2018.

B. Nikolov, N. Kostov, S. Yordanova, "Investigation of mixture of Gaussians method for background subtraction in traffic surveillance", International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Volume 5, No. 3, 2013.

N. Jain, R. Saini, P. Mittal,  "A Review on Traffic Monitoring System Techniques", Soft Computing: Theories and Applications, pages 569-577, 2018.

I. Vujovic, M. Jurcevic, I. Kuzmanic, "Traffic Video Surveillance in Different Weather Conditions", Transactions on Maritime Science, Volume 3, No. 3, 2014.

N. Ershadi, J. Menendez, D. Jimenez, "Robust vehicle detection in different weather conditions using MIPM", PLOS 2018, 2018.

I. Lipovac, T. Hrkac, K. Brkic, Z. Kalafatic, S. Segv, "Experimental evaluation of vehicle detection based on background modelling in daytime and night-time video", Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, CCVW 2014, 2014.

D. Tran, T. Nguyen, T. Do,  S. Ha, "Subsequent Processing of Background Modeling for Traffic Surveillance System", International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2016.

Q. Tian, L. Zhang, Y. Wei, W. Zhao, W. Fei, "Vehicle Detection and Tracking at Night in Video Surveillance", International Journal on Online Engineering, Volume 9, pages 60-64, 2013.

K. Garg, N. Ramakrishnan, A. Prakash, T. Srikanthan, "Rapid and Robust Background Modeling Technique for Low-Cost Road Traffic Surveillance Systems", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019.

M. Chowdhury, M. Biplob, J. Uddin, "Real Time Traffic Density Measurement using Computer Vision and Dynamic Traffic Control", International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, ICIEV 2018, pages 353-356, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2018.

Y. Wang, X. Ban, H. Wang, D. Wu, H. Wang, S. Yan, S. Liu, J. Lai, "Detection and Classification of Moving Vehicle From Video Using Multiple, Spatio-Temporal Features", IEEE Access, 2019.

G. Suseendran, D. Akila, D. Balaganesh, V. Elangovan, V. Vijayalakshmi, "Incremental Multi-Feature Tensor Subspace Learning Based Smart Traffic Control System and Traffic Density Calculation Using Image Processing", IEEE International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2021, pages 87-91, 2021.

H. Wibowo, E. Wibowo, R. Harahap, "Implementation of Background Subtraction for Counting Vehicle Using Mixture of Gaussians with ROI Optimization", IEEE International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2021, pages 1-6, 2021.

J. Cao, Z. Zhao, G. Wu, M. Barth, Y. Liu, E. Sisbot, K. Oguchi, "Real-time Adaptive Background Subtraction for Traffic Scenarios at Signalized Intersections based on Roadside Fish-eye Cameras", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2022, pages 4189-4195, 2022.

H. Shi, H. Ghahremannezhad, C. Liu, "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Surveillance based on Global Foreground Modeling", IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, IST 2022, pages 1-6, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2022.

J. Zhang, X. Jia, J. Hu, K. Tan, "Moving Vehicle Detection for Remote Sensing Video Surveillance with Nonstationary Satellite Platform",  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 44, No. 9, pages 5185-5198, 2022. 

C. Xu, H. Qi, Y. Zheng, S. Peng, "Real-time Moving Vehicle Detection in Satellite Video based on Historical Differential Information and Grouping Features", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024.

Airport Surveillance (5 papers)

P. Blauensteiner, M. Kampel, "Visual Surveillance of an Airport's Apron - An Overview of the AVITRACK Project", Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition, AAPR 2004, pages 213-220, 2004.

X. Zhang, H. Wu, M. Wu, C. Wu, ”Extended motion diffusion-based change detection for airport ground surveillance", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 29, No. 4, pages 5677-5686, April  2020.

X. Zhang, Y. Qiao, “A Video Surveillance Network for Airport Ground Moving Targets”, Mobile Networks and Management, MONAMI 2020, pages 229-237, December 2020.

X. Zhang, C. Shu, S. Li, C. Wu, Z. Liu, "AGVS: A New Change Detection Dataset for Airport Ground Video Surveillance", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 23, No. 11, pages 588-600, 2022.

X. Zhang, Y. Tang, M. Zhou, C. Wu, Z. Liu, "MBSNet: To Distinguish Motion From Stillness for Airport Traffic Safety," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.

Maritime Surveillance (32 papers)

S. Ju, X. Chen, G. Xu, "An Improved Mixture Gaussian Models to Detect Moving Object under Real-time Complex Background", International Conference on Cyberworlds, ICC 2008, pages 730-734, 2008.

D. Bloisi, A. Pennisi, L. Iocchi, "Background Modeling in the Maritime Domain", Machine Vision and Applications, 2014.

Z. Liu, F. Zhou, X. Chen, X. Bai, C. Sun, “Iterative infrared ship target segmentation based on multiple features”, Pattern Recognition, PR 2014, 2014.

P. Lu, Q. Liu, F. Teng, L. Me, J. Li, “Inland Moving Ships Detection via Compressive Sensing and Saliency Detection”, CSIC 2016, 2016.

L. Mei, J. Guo, P. Lu,  Q. Liu, F. Teng, "Inland ship detection based on dynamic group sparsity", International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2017, pages 1-6, 2017.

A. Kushwaha, R. Srivastava, "A Framework of Moving Object Segmentation in Maritime Surveillance Inside a Dynamic Backgrounds",  Transactions on Computational Science, pages 35-54, April 2015.

M. Razif, M. Mokji, M. Zabidi, "Low complexity maritime surveillance video using background subtraction on H.26", International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies, ISTMET 2015, pages 364-368, 2015.

J. Zhao, S. Pang, B. Hartill, A. Sarrafzadeh, "Adaptive Background Modeling for Land and Water Composition Scenes", International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2015, 2015.

V. Fernandez-Arguedas, G. Pallotta, M. Vespe, "Maritime Traffic Networks: From Historical Positioning Data to Unsupervised Maritime Traffic Monitoring", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 19, No. 3, pages 722-732, March 2018. 

S. Pang, J. Zhao, B. Hartill,  A. Sarrafzadeh, "Modelling land water composition scene for maritime traffic surveillance", Inderscience, 2016.

S. Zhang, Z. Qi, D. Zhang, "Ship Tracking using Background Subtraction and Inter-Frame Correlation", International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2009, pages 1-4, 2009.

T. Tran, T. Le,  "Vision based boat detection for maritime surveillance", International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communications, ICEIC 2016, pages 1-4, 2016.

D. Cullen, J. Konrad, T. Little, "Detection and summarization of salient events in coastal environments", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, AVSS 2012, 2012.

D. Cullen, "Detecting and summarizing salient events in coastal videos", TR 2012-06, Boston University, May 2012.

D. Socek, D. Culibrk, O. Marques, H. Kalva,  B. Furht, "A Hybrid Color-Based Foreground Object Detection Method for Automated Marine Surveillance",  Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems Conference, ACVIS 2005, 2005.

D. Prasad, C. Prasath, D. Rajan, L. Rachmawati, E. Rajabally, C. Quek, "Challenges in Video based Object Detection in Maritime Scenario using Computer Vision", WASET International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, Volume 11, No. 1, January 2017.

D. Prasad, D. Rajan, L. Rachmawati, E. Rajabally, C. Quek, "Video Processing from Electro-optical Sensors for Object Detection and Tracking in Maritime Environment: A Survey", Preprint, 2016.

D. Prasad., D. Rajan, C. Quek, "Are object detection assessment criteria ready for maritime computer vision?", Preprint, September 2018.

Z. Szpak, J. Tapamo, "Maritime Surveillance: Tracking Ships inside a Dynamic Background Using a Fast Level-Set", Expert Systems with Applications", Volume 38, No. 6, pages 6669-6680, 2011.

W. Hu, C. Yang, D. Huang, "Robust real-time ship detection and tracking for visual surveillance of cage aquaculture",  Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 22, No. 6, pages 543-556, August 2011.

N. Arshad, K. Moon, J. Kim, "Multiple Ship Detection and Tracking using Background Registration and Morphological Operations",  International conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Communication,  Volume 123, pages 121-126, 2010.

N. Arshad, K. Moon, J. Kim, "An Adaptive Moving Ship Detection and Tracking Based on Edge Information and Morphological Operations",  SPIE International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, ICGIP 2011, 2011.

N. Arshad, K. Moon, J. Kim, "Adaptive Real-Time Ship Detection and Tracking using Morphological Operations", Journal of Information Communication Convergence Engineering, Volume 3, No. 12, September 2014.

M. Saghafi, S. Javadein, S. Noorhossein, H. Khalili,  "Robust Ship Detection and Tracking using Modified ViBe and Backwash Cancellation Algorithm", International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology, CIIT 2012, 2012.

L. Xie, B. Li, Z. Wang, Z. Yan, "Overloaded Ship Identification based on Image Processing and Kalman Filtering", Journal of Convergence Information Technology", Volume 7, No. 22, pages  425-433, December 2012.

D. Zhang, E. O’Connor,  K. McGuinness, N. O’Connor,  F. Regan, A. Smeaton, "A Visual Sensing Platform for Creating A Smarter Multi-Modal Marine Monitoring Network,  MAED 2012, pages 53-56, 2012.,

Y. Zheng, W. Wu, H. Xu, L. Gan, J. Yu,"A Novel Ship-Bridge Collision Avoidance System Based on Monocular Computer Vision",  Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, No. 6, pages 647-653, 2013.

Z. Chen, J. Yang, Z. Kang, "Moving Ship Detection Algorithm based on Gaussian Mixture Model", International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics, pages 197-201, 2018.

A. Zhou, W. Xie, J. Pei, "Background Modeling in the Fourier Domain for Maritime Infrared Target Detection", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2019.

Y. Chan, "Comprehensive comparative evaluation of background subtraction algorithms in open sea environments",  Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2020.

Y. Chan, “Ensemble learning-based method for maritime background subtraction in open sea environments”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 238, January 2024.

H. Huang, Q. Jia, X. Tao, "Sea Ship Target Detection based on Improved ViBe Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, ICIBA 2023, Chongqing, China, 2023.

Retail Store Surveillance (6 papers)

A. Leykin, M. Tuceryan, “Detecting Shopper Groups in Video Sequences”, Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, 2007.

A. Leykin, M. Tuceryan, “A Vision System for Automated Customer Tracking for Marketing Analysis: Low Level Feature Extraction”, HAREM 2005, 2005.

A. Leykin, M. Tuceryan, “Tracking and Activity Analysis in Retail Environments”, TR 620 Computer Science Department, Indiana University, 2005.

N. Avinash, M. Shashi Kumar, S. Sagar, “Automated Video Surveillance for Retail Store Statistics Generation”, International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, ICSIP 2012, pages 585-596, 2012.

K. Higa, K. Iwamoto,"Robust Estimation of Product Amount on Store Shelves from a Surveillance Camera for Improving On-Shelf Availability",  IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, October 2018.

K. Higa, K. Iwamoto, "Estimation of Product Amount on Store Shelves Using Image Change Classification Based on Background Subtraction and CNN",  Forum on Information Technology, FIT 2017, September 2017.

Parcel Surveillance (1 paper)

N. Noceti, L. Zini, F. Odone, “A multi-camera system for damage and tampering detection in a postal security framework”, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2018.