

Team 1

    • Clemens Hage (TUM, Munchen, Germany) (* by email for the handbook)
    • Martin Kleinsteuber (TUM, Munchen, Munchen, Germany) (* by email for the handbook)
    • Florian Seidel (TUM, Munchen, Munchen, Germany) (* by email for the handbook)

Team 2

    • Philipp Tiefenbacher (TUM, Munchen, Germany) (* by email for the handbook)
    • Martin Hofmann (TUM, Munchen, Germany)
    • Gerhard Rigoll (TUM, Munchen, Germany)


    • Benjamin Höferlin (Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme, VIS, Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany) (* by email for the handbook)