
Background Initialization (2 papers)

B. Laugraud, S. Pierard, M. Van Droogenbroeck,"LaBGen-P-Semantic: A First Step for Leveraging Semantic Segmentation in Background Generation", MDPI Journal of Imaging Volume 4, No. 7, Art. 86, 2018.

A. Savakis, A. Shringarpure, “Semantic Background Estimation in Video Sequences”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN 2018, pages 597-601, 2018.

Background Subtraction (4 papers)

M. Braham, S. Pierard, M. Van Droogenbroeck. “Semantic Background Subtraction”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2017, 2017.

A. Cioppa, M. Van Droogenbroeck, M. Braham, “Real-Time Semantic Background Subtraction”, Preprint, February 2020.

C. Lin, B. Yan, W. Tan, "Foreground Detection in Surveillance Video with Fully Convolutional Semantic Network", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2018, pages 4118-4122, Athens, Greece, October 2018.

D. Zeng, X. Chen, M. Zhu, M. Goesele,A. Kuijper, "Background Subtraction with Real-time Semantic Segmentation", IEEE Access, 2019.

E. Simcek, F. Negin, G. Ozyer, B. Ozyer “Leveraging foreground–background cues for semantically-driven, training-free moving object detection”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 136, October 2024.