Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Note: This list of publications comes from my research. Please cite my following paper:

T. Bouwmans, F. El Baf, B. Vachon, “Statistical Background Modeling for Foreground Detection: A Survey”, Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, World Scientific Publishing, Volume 4, Part 2, Chapter 3, pages 181-199, January 2010.

List of Publications on Background Modeling using SVM for Foreground Detection

H. Lin, T. Liu, J. Chuang, “A probabilistic SVM approach for background scene initialization”, ICIP 2002, Rochester, New York, September 2002.

H. Lin, T. Liu, J. Chuang, “Learning a Scene Background Model via Classification”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 57, Issue 5, pages 1641-1654, May 2009.

S. Liu, J. Dong, S. Wang, G. Chen, “Road Junction Background Reconstruction Based On Median Estimation and Support Vector Machines”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pages 4200-4204, August 2006.

L. Cheng, S. Wang, D. Schuurmans, T. Caelli, S. Vishwanathan, “An online discriminative approach to background subtraction”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, AVSS 2006, Sydney, Australia, November 2006.

M. Gong, L. Cheng, “Real Time foreground segmentation on GPUs using local online learning and global graph cut optimization”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2008, Tampa, USA, December 2008.

L. Cheng, M. Gong, “Real Time Background Subtraction from Dynamics Scenes”, International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2009, Kyoto, Japan, September 2009.

L. Cheng, M. Gong, D. Schuurmans, T. Caelli, “Real-time Discriminative Background Subtraction”, IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, 2011.

M. Gong, L. Cheng, “Foreground Segmentation of Live Videos using Locally Competing 1SVMs”, International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2011, Colorado Springs, USA, June 2011.

I. Junejo, A. Bhutta, H. Foroosh, “Dynamic Scene Modeling for Object Detection using Single-Class SVM”, International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2010, pages 1541-1544, Hong King, China, September 2010.

I. Junejo, A. Bhutta, H Foroosh, “Single Class Support Vector Machine (SVM) for Scene Modeling”, Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer-Verlag, May 2011.

A. Glazer, M. Lindenbaum, S. Markovitch, “One-Class Background Model”, International Workshop on Background Models Challenge, ACCV 2012, Daejeon, Korea, November 2012.

X. Zhang, C. Blanco, C. Cuevas, F. Jaureguizar, N. Garcia, "High-quality region-based foreground segmentation using a spatial grid of SVM classifiers", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2014, pages 488-499, January 2014.

A. Bhutta, "Selective Subtraction: An Extension Of Background Subtraction", PhD Thesis, University of Central Florida, USA, 2020.