Note: This list of publications comes from my research. Please cite my following paper:

T. Bouwmans, “Subspace Learning for Background Modeling: A Survey”, Recent Patents on Computer Science, Volume 2, No 3, pages 223-234, November 2009.

List of Publications on Background Modeling using SL-IRT for Foreground Detection

X. Li, W. Hu, Z. Zhang, X. Zhang, “Robust Foreground Segmentation Based on Two Effective Background Models”, MIR 2008, pages 223-228, Vancouver, Canada, October 2008.

W. Hu, X. Li, X. Zhang, X. Shi, S. Maybank, Z. Zhang, “Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning and Its Applications to Foreground Segmentation and Tracking”, International Journal of Computer Vision, October 2010.

Y. Li, J. Yan, Y. Zhou, J. Yang, "Optimum subspace learning and error correction for tensors", European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2010, 2010.