The Myth of US Democracy

Published in The Express Tribune, November 9th, 2015

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The vision of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is enchanting, and powerfully attractive to the masses yearning to be free. However, the title of Nobel Laureate Stiglitz’s book “Of the 1%, by the 1%, and for the 1%” is a far more accurate description of the reality of US democracy. Prophetically, Eisenhower had warned against the threat to democracy posed by the powerful military-industrial complex. Today the power of a tiny minority to control the US, and thence the world, exceeds his worst nightmares.

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Who Rules the World - Article shows how unlimited corporate funding for political campaigns allows them to buy politicians and set agenda.

The Myth of US Democracy - Express Tribune 02 November, 2015 -- Tauzin & Pharma scam, NRA, trillion dollar bailout to rich -- no mention of knife.

Letter to Sherry Rehman - Explains difference between Political Party Versus Army divide in Pakistan, and a genuine democracy which empowers the people

Deception & Democracy: Convincing the masses to help the rich - How trillions was given in bailouts to the rich, instead of bailing out the distressed mortgagors.